When we measured the speed of light we measured it in Earths frame of reference I think? and the speed of the Earth already contains an altered path for the light duration to travel. To get the true duration of speed of light we'd need to be stationary relative to space so there is no longer path for the light to travel.
No, the Earth could travel at every speed whatsoever, when we mesure on Earth the duration of the travel of light for some distance, this duration is always the same.
Earth could travel at almost the speed of light, this duration would be the same too.
Speed of light do not add to the speed of what emmit the light.
Other experiment :
You are in a spaceship traveling at 0.8C.
You position yourself in the middle of the spaceship with two other scientists, everyone has a clock (so 3 clocks, 3 people).
The two other scientists position theirselfs, one in the front of the ship, one in the back of the ship.
At 8 and 1 minute o'clock precisely, you shoot a beam of light toward the front.
At 8 and 2 minute o'clock precisley, you shoot a beam of light toward the back.
The two other scientits note the time of arrival of the beam.
You can deduce the duration of travel for the light for the two beams.
What do you think ?
1 : The 2 durations are equal.
2 : The 2 durations are not equal.
2.a : Duration toward the front is longuer.
2.b : Duration toward the back is longuer.