Does reincarnation exist?

Anyway does reincarnation exist ?
Life is an Energy form . Slowly Humans are Evolving . The Paranormal is being investigated .

You're recognizing that energy cannot be created or destroyed, which is true. That's the Second Law of Thermodynamics, but there is also a Law of Entropy and I believe that law applies to your paranormal energy world, i.e. the soul, ghosts, etc.

The difference .

The paranormal is based on the existence of Life .

The second law of thermodynamics is based on the periodic table .
In the long run it is. That's why they are an endangered species. Of the interaction between relational values inherent in the component parts, such as the atomic values of interacting elements which produce molecules with the own compound relational values.

Human maths are only the symbolic translation of these mathematical processes, but regardless of the human symbols used, the mathematics exist in their own abstract form.
IMO, the effectiveness of mathematics is proof of the inherent mathematical essence of physics and physical objects.

So the relations are first Because of the Physical Existence of Something , which gives mathematics a basis on which to exist .

Without the Physical , there is No mathematics .
The paranormal is based on the existence of Life .
The paranormal is an unscientific myth, and more a result of people's gullibility, imagination and baseless fear.
The second law of thermodynamics is based on the periodic table .
So the relations are first Because of the Physical Existence of Something , which gives mathematics a basis on which to exist .
Without the Physical , there is No mathematics .
Mathematics is the language of physics...or if you like......
"the study of numbers, shapes, and space using reason and usually a special system of symbols and rules for organizing them"
"Mathematics, the science of structure, order, and relation that has evolved from elemental practices of counting, measuring, and describing the shapes of objects. It deals with logical reasoning and quantitative calculation, and its development has involved an increasing degree of idealization and abstraction of its subject matter. Since the 17th century, mathematics has been an indispensable adjunct to the physical sciences and technology, and in more recent times it has assumed a similar role in the quantitative aspects of the life sciences".

So the relations are first Because of the Physical Existence of Something , which gives mathematics a basis on which to exist .


No , True .

Reason and the Following Logic , by me , that , Something , Physical , Must Exist for any mathematics to even exist is true .

Mathematics can't measure Empty Space .

Without the Physical , there is No mathematics .

Mathematics is the language of physics...or if you like......
"the study of numbers, shapes, and space using reason and usually a special system of symbols and rules for organizing them"
"Mathematics, the science of structure, order, and relation that has evolved from elemental practices of counting, measuring, and describing the shapes of objects. It deals with logical reasoning and quantitative calculation, and its development has involved an increasing degree of idealization and abstraction of its subject matter. Since the 17th century, mathematics has been an indispensable adjunct to the physical sciences and technology, and in more recent times it has assumed a similar role in the quantitative aspects of the life sciences".



But not on Life . Mathematics does not create life in of its self . Because it has no Knowledge of Life Sciences , chemistry , physics etc.

Nor can Mathematics Create any Physical Object in and of its self . Galaxies , Stars , Planets etc.
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No , True .

Reason and the Following Logic , by me , that , Something , Physical , Must Exist for any mathematics to even exist is true .

Mathematics can't measure Empty Space .
And there is no empty space.....and yes it can be measured, as can spacetime.
But not on Life . Mathematics does not create life in of its self . Because it has no Knowledge of Life Sciences , chemistry , physics etc.

Nor can Mathematics Create any Physical Object in and of its self . Galaxies , Stars , Planets etc.
Why do you quote the simplisticly obvious all the time? And of course no one said it does.

Mathematics is the language of physics, and while you are ignorant of that fact, and also the science of mathematics as a whole, you will remain ignorant.
Is this why you dismiss science river? Because it is mainly validated by mathematics? That of which you are ignorant of?
And there is no empty space.....and yes it can be measured, as can spacetime.
Using a metric derived from matter... vacant space it self has no metric to measure it with..
And of course no one said it does.
perhaps you are unaware of write4u's fascination with the Fibonacci sequence...? LOL
Mathematics is more than a mere human abstraction according to write4u.
Which is what River was responding to.

Science it too limited currently, to adequately explore the nature of self animation (life) and thus reincarnation. perhaps one day it will have the tools to do so but until then....expect the unexpected...
"It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is."- R Feynman.
"There is enough energy in a single cubic meter of space to boil all the oceans in the world." - R Feynman
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Using a metric derived from matter... vacant space it self has no metric to measure it with..
Space, or more correctly spacetime can be measured.
perhaps you are unaware of write4u's fascination with the Fibonacci sequence...? LOL
I'm not interested in the fibonacci sequence and have never commentd on it.
Mathematics is more than a mere human abstraction according to write4u.
And he possibly maybe correct.....
Which is what River was responding to.
River rarely understands what he does read and respond to, and when he does respond, it is mostly gibberish.
Science it too limited currently, to adequately explore the nature of self animation (life) and thus reincarnation. perhaps one day it will have the tools to do so but until then....expect the unexpected...
Wrong...Expect a scientific answer based on the knowledge we have gained. And where science is limited, is still no reason to answer and/or claim, "drag em out of your arse " nonsense as river always does.

"It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is."- R Feynman.
"There is enough energy in a single cubic meter of space to boil all the oceans in the world." - R Feynman
Not sure how that excellent quote has anything to do with the discussion.
Not sure how that excellent quote has anything to do with the discussion.
R Feynman was well aware of the limitations of science. Which is one of the reasons he was such a great scientist.
We do not even know what energy is nor can we, for example, determine the dimensions of our most treasured virtual particle the photon. Often science gets hung up on what it believes it knows rather than keep in mind what it doesn't actually know. Forgetting that an abstraction (re: photon example) is an abstraction and starts claiming it to be a reality then shuts people down when they dare to mention that it is all an abstraction to begin with... when science becomes a religion you know you are in trouble..
Falling for the Dunning Kruger effect is easy...
Expect a scientific answer based on the knowledge we have gained. And where science is limited, is still no reason to answer and/or claim, "drag em out of your arse " nonsense as river always does.
Knowledge gained or belief gained? Apart from some axiom laws etc we really know very little but believe in so much.
...and true dragging em out your arse is not going to solve anything...
Not sure how that excellent quote has anything to do with the discussion.
So I get on science forum years ago and claim that there is the energy of the entire universe in a single zero point and get slammed for being unscientific...
"There is enough energy in a single cubic meter of space to boil all the oceans in the world." - R Feynman
If someone mentioned zero point energy 200 years ago they would have been burned at the stake...for scientific heracy...

The point being is that if I offered a scientific explanation for reincarnation that made sense I would probably get banned for life. So I don't and wont.
Knowledge gained or belief gained? Apart from some axiom laws etc we really know very little but believe in so much.
Science models on what we observe, and gains in certainty the more predictions it aligns know, like GR, or the BB?
...and true dragging em out your arse is not going to solve anything...
You need to convey that to river. Most answers I give, or claims I make, are well tested and validated current scientific theories, based on observational and experimental evidence.
So I get on science forum years ago and claim that there is the energy of the entire universe in a single zero point and get slammed for being unscientific...
"There is enough energy in a single cubic meter of space to boil all the oceans in the world." - R Feynman
If someone mentioned zero point energy 200 years ago they would have been burned at the stake...for scientific heracy...
Science is a discipline in eternal progress and changes all the time. That's science, that's the scientific method. Stop fantasising.
The point being is that if I offered a scientific explanation for reincarnation that made sense I would probably get banned for life. So I don't and wont.
There is no scientific explanation for unscientific concepts such as reincarnation.
And no you would not get banned if you wanted to discuss it, but if you dishonestly trolled like river, then probably yes.
As to reincarnation... The Buddhist refer to the Atman or true self.
It is worth noting that this is often egocentrically and incorrectly interpreted to mean that everyone has a unique Atman.
But alas, some will state quite simply that there is only one Atman (true self) and we all share the same one.

So the term reincarnation is unnecessarily confusing the issue when perceived from an egocentric perspective.
There is no scientific explanation for unscientific concepts such as reincarnation.
well of course it is deemed unscientific when there is no scientific explanation... that is the problem we are discussing...
the same could have been said for zero point energy 200 years ago...
or being able to land on the moon... etc...
well of course it is deemed unscientific when there is no scientific explanation... that is the problem we are discussing...
the same could have been said for zero point energy 200 years ago...
No! We also have no scientific explanation for the BB and BH singularity as defined where current laws break down. But they are still scientific concepts that may one day be explained, with the advent of an observable QGT.
The supernatural, the paranormal, are 'unexplainable' and generally unfalsifiable...They are unscientific as a result.
No! We also have no scientific explanation for the BB and BH singularity as defined where current laws break down. But they are still scientific concepts that may one day be explained, with the advent of an observable QGT.
true but we are basing our science on observation and our science to date has significant utility whether correct or not.
The supernatural, the paranormal, are 'unexplainable' and generally unfalsifiable...They are unscientific as a result.

but they can be explained, most of which is fantasy true but some of which is not, but to explain the observable psychic phenomena using science is just as difficult as explaining quantum entanglement and proving it probably even harder. Most of the problem is that predictability is anathema to psychic phenomena. The mere desire to predict it leads to it's failure. As with quantum entanglement any attempt to manipulate the quantum connection ( send info deliberately) will most often force a failure.
This is because psychic phenomena ( empathy etc) under pins our natural existence and any attempt to manipulate it deliberately tends to fail and in many cases send people to the looney bin.