Does god exist?


Creative interpretation coz it's written in the form of poetry and in arabic i guarantee that u would enjoy reading
So why not saying that the stars are bulbs for example after all even tho they are reactors they simply light the skies imagine this worded in Quran god says the stars are reactors do u expect ppl back then to ask what is reactors?
I would rather read poetry back then to prove that no one could write like god.
Also I remember that god said in Quran that its(Quran) made for the believers to read and be Merced by it either by physical healing or to remove stress while reading which Is what happens to me at least I find serenity in it when I read it even tho I don't run to it when having problems also quran is not a book of science that is why god picked poetry instead of straight forward science I do know a verse where he said why do u both (humans and genies) deny god? And gives a naked scientific fact all u like in the end I want to tell u that reading in the original language would give u better understanding of Quran after all I believe that arabic is the language that can merge poetry with plane narration of something said elouquescence is arabic language it self
I read science fiction, and it does the same thing. The beauty of the verses is unconvincing. Perhaps you have been conditioned by your culture to think that such things are beautiful.
Ppl are afraid not to go to jail infact even tho I want to be one of the three unknown ppl that went to heaven which seemingly didn't do what they were supposed to do I would still follow island guidance since they are pretty useful
I read science fiction, and it does the same thing. The beauty of the verses is unconvincing. Perhaps you have been conditioned by your culture to think that such things are beautiful.
Such things are facts coz no one tried to write like Quran and succeded
Yes all in the book of qadar or destiny
Did u know that whatever status u was or will be was writen since u were hiding behind ur mothers belly button?
Notice that ur worth is nothing to god he writen where u would go to heaven or hell right before u were born nothing too early ur not a king nothing to late ur not that unworthy
Since there is no heaven or hell, I'm not impressed. Can you tell me something I don't know? Your Islamic science won't change the minds of anyone with a basic scientific education.
In fact I want u to read Quran try to write like it go on I have tried it it was friendly tho nothing aggressive
Such things are facts coz no one tried to write like Quran and succeded
I've read plenty of books better than the Quran. In fact I'm usually too disgusted to read much of it. It's like a guide book on how to be stupid.
Are you saying I should believe in God because the Quran is like, really well written? Should I believe in Hobbits because Tolkien was a good writer?
I live in Egypt not Saudi Arabia I can say whatever I like in fact I can curse my own religion or another Muslims in public and nothing would happen
I've read plenty of books better than the Quran. In fact I'm usually too disgusted to read much of it. It's like a guide book on how to be stupid.
Yes I get that feeling too but not stupid in its guidance stupid in the stories coz god is almost begging u coz u really need to be a Muslim he tells u about the prophets to mercy already believers what do u expect from god to preach u?which again makes u feel disgusted
Ok here is a test and no I do not tell u to believe in it coz it's well written the test is to look at each verse as u read and think if this is what would god write not if u could disprove it it's kinda a load on Mohammed's brain to think is this is what god would say and then perfectly writes what a god would say note that to write something well and make ur opponents look weak u would edit which is what I would do
Yes I get that feeling too but not stupid in its guidance stupid in the stories coz god is almost begging u coz u really need to be a Muslim he tells u about the prophets to mercy already believers what do u expect from god to preach u?which again makes u feel disgusted
The mistreatment of women, non-believers, and Jews is disgusting. It is not an ideology of the 21st century. It might be fine for some rural warlords who want to marry young girls against their will. If someone wanted me to be a Muslim, they would have to give me a good reason.
Ok here is a test and no I do not tell u to believe in it coz it's well written the test is to look at each verse as u read and think if this is what would god write not if u could disprove it it's kinda a load on Mohammed's brain to think is this is what god would say and then perfectly writes what a god would say
It sounds exactly what a insane person would say, not a God. A God would tell me about where we are in the universe, how to get clean energy, how to treat people kindly, how to think for yourself rather than follow blindly. It sounds like the words of a small minded bigot who wants to rule people.
Kiddo we don't need more pluralism in religion infact we have Ekwani & salafeyen & osoleyen & mahdeyen & ......and god knows what and they are all ready to go killing ppl that is why we don't need other ppl that say god doesn't exist or simply ppl would go crazy then Muslims go killing atheists and Christians going with them after a word from here to there we got the Christians and Muslims fighting already
It sounds exactly what a insane person would say, not a God. A God would tell me about where we are in the universe, how to get clean energy, how to treat people kindly, how to think for yourself rather than follow blindly. It sounds like the words of a small minded bigot who wants to rule people.
Where is that from the verse saying that god didn't created ppl but to worship him? A god would create u to tell u the rules of the universe does he really like physics like me? We could be friends if he did so he would appear like he is playing with dollies
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It sounds exactly what a insane person would say, not a God. A God would tell me about where we are in the universe, how to get clean energy, how to treat people kindly, how to think for yourself rather than follow blindly. It sounds like the words of a small minded bigot who wants to rule people.
It's Adams fault he carried the amana till his got and said he can do more carried it to his crotch or whatever idk don't remember the body parts till he carried it to his neck and said I can do more the. God said its onto ur neck and ur descendent tell resurrection or something since u = Adam
It sounds exactly what a insane person would say, not a God. A God would tell me about where we are in the universe, how to get clean energy, how to treat people kindly, how to think for yourself rather than follow blindly. It sounds like the words of a small minded bigot who wants to rule people.
God has a name which is called almotakaber which means the proud one see how god carved himself for a human being to say that's a god not anything else and someone proud wouldbe very threatening and very promising with heaven and then tells u nothing else to save water of face
Kiddo we don't need more pluralism in religion infact we have Ekwani & salafeyen & osoleyen & mahdeyen & ......and god knows what and they are all ready to go killing ppl that is why we don't need other ppl that say god doesn't exist or simply ppl would go crazy then Muslims go killing atheists and Christians going with them after a word from here to there we got the Christians and Muslims fighting already
Yes, that's exactly what people need, to end religion and stop having reasons to kill people. What's so great about Islam if it makes people kill people who don't think like them?
Yes, that's exactly what people need, to end religion and stop having reasons to kill people. What's so great about Islam if it makes people kill people who don't think like them?
Will that's why they removed the atheist coz he could be dangerous also know that in Egypt they take anyone no matter what he says if he looks dangerous then To the eyes of the police he is dangerous coz ppl here are crazy and they can do infamous sht