Do you talk to GOD?

Faith in life makes trees glow, but no one can possibly see it unless they practice inner peace and calmness.
If you're seeing glowing trees, you probably ought to get yourself checked out by a doctor. You don't want to have a stroke or something.
James why should a telepath have to prove to you that they are a telepath?
They shouldn't, unless they want to convince me that they are a telepath.

I have no issues at all with all the telepaths in the world keeping their telepathy private, assuming they actually have any and that's what they want to do.

If you followed the context of the discussion above, it was kx000 who brought up the topic of his supposed telepathy, not me. He seemed to think it was important to tell me that he thinks he is telepathic. But then, for some reason, he wanted me to prove to him that he's telepathic. Or, rather, he challenged me to prove that he isn't telepathic.

I have no interest at all in trying to prove that he's not telepathic. If he thinks it is important that I believe that he's telepathic, then it's up to him to convince me. That's all I said.

Do you have a problem with that?
It is enough that they know what they are capable of doing. They have no obligation to enlighten you.
I completely agree. But kx000 chose to "enlighten me", rather than keeping his telepathy private. Understand?
There could be a lot of telepathic conversations occurring that you have no knowledge of.
In principle, yes. In practice, I know of no evidence that would point to any such thing even being possible, let alone actually happening.

How about you? Do you have any evidence for telepathy?

Are you telepathic? Do you want to keep your telepathy private, perhaps? (No need to tell me if you're embarrassed by your telepathy, or lack of telepathy.)
If you want to hear them learn to be a telepath.
How would I do that, if no telepath is willing to demonstrate to me how his or her telepathy works?
Talking to God tends to be a one-way conversation, unless one is hallucinating, schizophrenic or similar.
I don't talk to God, because I think it's either arrogant or silly to ask for favors, make demands, etc., when I can just take the initiative myself and God's will will be done regardless of my desires.
God does speak to me though, through my conscience (what some may call the Holy Spirit), other people, and circumstances that have lessons to teach me.

So yes, one-way conversation. Now, you may deny that any of that is God talking, but since I presume you experience all of them yourself, I doubt you'd claim they were a sign of perceptual or mental disturbance.


They shouldn't, unless they want to convince me that they are a telepath.

I have no issues at all with all the telepaths in the world keeping their telepathy private, assuming they actually have any and that's what they want to do.

If you followed the context of the discussion above, it was kx000 who brought up the topic of his supposed telepathy, not me. He seemed to think it was important to tell me that he thinks he is telepathic. But then, for some reason, he wanted me to prove to him that he's telepathic. Or, rather, he challenged me to prove that he isn't telepathic.

I have no interest at all in trying to prove that he's not telepathic. If he thinks it is important that I believe that he's telepathic, then it's up to him to convince me. That's all I said.

Do you have a problem with that?

I completely agree. But kx000 chose to "enlighten me", rather than keeping his telepathy private. Understand?

In principle, yes. In practice, I know of no evidence that would point to any such thing even being possible, let alone actually happening.

How about you? Do you have any evidence for telepathy?

Are you telepathic? Do you want to keep your telepathy private, perhaps? (No need to tell me if you're embarrassed by your telepathy, or lack of telepathy.)

How would I do that, if no telepath is willing to demonstrate to me how his or her telepathy works?
I read that whole post as sarcasm.
God does speak to me though, through my conscience (what some may call the Holy Spirit), other people, and circumstances that have lessons to teach me.
Is everything in your conscience due to God? If not, how do you distinguish between God's contributions and contributions from other sources? Or doesn't the distinction matter to you?

Same goes for other people. How do you distinguish when they are passing on messages from your God from when they are speaking on their own behalf? Or doesn't the distinction matter to you?

Same for circumstances. How do you distinguish the circumstances that constitute God's special lessons for you from the circumstances in which God plays no part (or chooses to take a back seat)? Or doesn't the distinction matter to you?

If you're tempted to reply that your God is in everything - conscience, people and circumstances - all the time, then I can see no rationale for treating the God as a separate being. Might as well just talk about life, the universe, etc.
I read that whole post as sarcasm.
It wasn't intended as such. Nor was it addressed to you. You're welcome to your errors, naturally.

Are you telepathic, Vociferous?
Write4U said:
Can empathy be considered a form of telepathy?
Let's see what it is then;

Telepathy is the purported vicarious transmission of information from one person to another without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction. The term was first coined in 1882 by the classical scholar Frederic W. H.

And here is claimed proof.


Scientists Prove That Telepathic Communication Is Within Reach
An international research team develops a way to say “hello” with your mind
Pascual-Leone’s experiment was successful—the correspondents neither spoke, nor typed, nor even looked at one another. But he freely concedes that the test was more a proof of concept than anything else, and the technique still has a long way to go.
“It’s still very, very early,” he says, “[but] we can show that this is even possible with technology that’s available. It’s the difference between talking on the phone and sending Morse code. To get where we’re going, you need certain steps to be taken first.”
Indeed, the process was drawn out, if not downright inelegant. First, the team had to establish binary-code equivalents of letters; for example “h” is “0-0-1-1-1.” Then, with EEG (electroencephalography) sensors attached to the scalp, the sender moved either his hands or feet to indicate a 1 or a 0. The code then passed to the recipient over email. On the other end, the receiver was blindfolded with a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) system on his head. (TMS is a non-invasive method of stimulating neurons in the brain; it’s most commonly used to treat depression.)
The TMS headset stimulated the recipient’s brain, causing him to see quick flashes of light. A flash was equivalent to a “1” and a blank was a “0.” From there, the code was translated back into text. It took about 70 minutes to relay the message.

So the first illustration above is false. If people have to use the internet and electrodes to transmit the message, where is the "purported vicarious transmission of information from one person to another without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction?"

Oh, we use wireless transmission, just like radio or tv. Ok then.
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Is everything in your conscience due to God? If not, how do you distinguish between God's contributions and contributions from other sources? Or doesn't the distinction matter to you?

Same goes for other people. How do you distinguish when they are passing on messages from your God from when they are speaking on their own behalf? Or doesn't the distinction matter to you?

Same for circumstances. How do you distinguish the circumstances that constitute God's special lessons for you from the circumstances in which God plays no part (or chooses to take a back seat)? Or doesn't the distinction matter to you?

If you're tempted to reply that your God is in everything - conscience, people and circumstances - all the time, then I can see no rationale for treating the God as a separate being. Might as well just talk about life, the universe, etc.
The short answer is that if God created everything, everything is ultimately from God. If you don't like that answer, feel free to skip the rest.
You do have to learn to differentiate internal thoughts, conscience from selfishness, impulse, the echos of other people, etc.. My analogy is that the angel and devil on your shoulders both speak with your own, or the same, voice. You distinguish them by their content. All other people are a potential message or lesson. Right now, you are one for me. If you were open to it, I'd be one for you. Lessons can be by positive example, cautionary tales, or something that may seem random but happens to be just what was needed at that moment. Same goes for circumstances. People and circumstances are often more a lesson in how we respond to them.

I read that whole post as sarcasm.
It wasn't intended as such. Nor was it addressed to you. You're welcome to your errors, naturally.
Candy's post that you were so earnestly responding to, not yours.
The short answer is that if God created everything
The short answer is that there is no evidence of a God. However, there is overwhelming evidence of Mathematics, that quasi-intelligent essence of spacetime geometry.
Thus, the short answer is that "dynamical triangulation" is the causal force for everything, including the unfolding of spacetime fabric itself.

Causal dynamical triangulation (abbreviated as CDT) theorized by Renate Loll, Jan Ambjørn and Jerzy Jurkiewicz, is an approach to quantum gravity that like loop quantum gravity is background independent.
This means that it does not assume any pre-existing arena (dimensional space), but rather attempts to show how the spacetime fabric itself evolves.

We can talk to a mathematical universe. We have a universal symbolized language that all scientists understand and use to talk with the Universe!
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Yep, both are products of your subjective imagination. Neither exists in objective reality.
You don't have any internal monologue?
Or do you just lack the theory of mind necessary to acknowledge such things in others?
The short answer is that there is no evidence of a God. However, there is overwhelming evidence of Mathematics, that quasi-intelligent essence of spacetime geometry.
Thus, the short answer is that "dynamical triangulation" is the causal force for everything, including the unfolding of spacetime fabric itself.
I don't mind you not believing in God, but your penchant for being an insufferable crackpot has long reached its expiration date. It's ripe, senor.
I don't mind you not believing in God, but your penchant for being an insufferable crackpot has long reached its expiration date. It's ripe, senor.
I don't mind you believing in God, but your penchant for being an insufferable crackpot has long reached its expiration date. It's ripe, senor.

That's the mirror neurons at work......o_O
The short answer is that if God created everything, everything is ultimately from God. If you don't like that answer, feel free to skip the rest.
It's not a matter of how I feel about your answer. The important point is that your "short answer" does nothing to address the specific questions I asked you. So let's move on.
You do have to learn to differentiate internal thoughts, conscience from selfishness, impulse, the echos of other people, etc..
Okay. We can get to how you do that later, perhaps. But what I asked you, specifically, was how you distinguish your God's messages to you from the other messages etc. that do not come directly from your God. It seems your answer boils down to: you don't. It's all the same, as far as you're concerned.

Is that a correct summary of your position?
My analogy is that the angel and devil on your shoulders both speak with your own, or the same, voice. You distinguish them by their content.
The stuff you want to hear you attribute to God and the angels, whereas the stuff you'd rather not hear you attribute to the devil and his minions?
All other people are a potential message or lesson. Right now, you are one for me. If you were open to it, I'd be one for you.
You're part of my experience, just as I'm part of yours. We each take away something from our interaction, of course. I don't see any obvious way that your God plays any part in this, other than perhaps as a false attribution you want to make.
I don't talk to God, because I think it's either arrogant or silly to ask for favors, make demands, etc., when I can just take the initiative myself and God's will will be done regardless of my desires.
God's will be done? And you claim that God's will is communicated to you, and by extension to everyone else, in the methods described below?
God does speak to me though, through my conscience (what some may call the Holy Spirit), other people, and circumstances that have lessons to teach me.
Replace you with any horrific tyrant that's ever existed, and the above statement brands their behavior as God's will as well. Sounds like your God is a bit of a trickster. Just think, you could offer your services as an expert witness in criminal cases by demonstrating your sacred knowledge that God's will is expressed through the criminal actions of the defendants. Onward Holy Soldiers.
Just think, you could offer your services as an expert witness in criminal cases by demonstrating your sacred knowledge that God's will is expressed through the criminal actions of the defendants. Onward Holy Soldiers.
More like a Monty Python skit that just writes itself.
Telepathy is the transmission of data (picto-grams).
Empathy is the reception of others emotions,
If I had a choice I would pick telepathy. Experiencing other people's feelings could become very uncomfortable.

For James,
If you want to learn about telepathy you will have to do more than pay your Illuminati dues. You need to show up at the meetings and go to the
quiet lounge reserved for the telepaths. Directions are available from any current dues paying telepath.

I suspect that with telepathy you either "hear" or you don't.
Let's see what it is then;


And here is claimed proof.


Scientists Prove That Telepathic Communication Is Within Reach
An international research team develops a way to say “hello” with your mind


So the first illustration above is false. If people have to use the internet and electrodes to transmit the message, where is the "purported vicarious transmission of information from one person to another without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction?"

Oh, we use wireless transmission, just like radio or tv. Ok then.
Empathy is still not telepathy.
Empathy is still not telepathy.
It is a lot closer to telepathy than the sort that requires electrodes and electronic data transmission and reception.

By that definition my computer is telepathic.

Empathy does not require any assistance from electronic amplification. It is a neural mirror function.