That was truthful.that was mean.
I like a companion, and don't need a sex object. And I like to fight, run, hike, live in the forest, etc.
I've found no-one to keep up with my rhytm, but that's more their problem, not mine.
That was truthful.that was mean.
redarmy11 said:Nah. I could batter him with both of my hands tied behind my back and one leg in a bucket.
Just believe in giving him a fair trial, that's all.
PS Is he to be drowned if he sinks or if he floats now? I keep forgetting.
Avatar said:That was truthful.
I like a companion, and don't need a sex object. And I like to fight, run, hike, live in the forest, etc.
I've found no-one to keep up with my rhytm, but that's more their problem, not mine.
ToR. If you aren't convinced that most people find her attractive, why not start a poll? That would be the most sensible way of settling the debate on that.(Q) said:What beautiful women do you refer?
It doesn't bother you that most of the members who are aware of your attitude towards certain other members see you as:(Q) said:Care about what? Perhaps you have me confused with someone from the group think?
Avatar said:In these times most libraries have internet in them and most settlements have libraries in them. I can't afford a laptop.
Here I was three days ago:
redarmy11 said:ToR. If you aren't convinced that most people find her attractive, why not start a poll? That would be the most sensible way of settling the debate on that.
It doesn't bother you that most of the members who are aware of your attitude towards certain other members see you as:
(a) A bit of a stalker.
(b) A bit inadeq...
No, I won't puncture your already-bruised ego any more.
Why not just be nice?
Sometimes I think you're just doing it for a laugh or because you don't really know how to relate to people. If I'm right, here's your chance to say so. No need to admit to... anything negative, just say you were joking and apologise.
That's all it takes.
I question the sanity of anyone who dosen't think that you're very attractive. :bugeye:Theoryofrelativity said:Here I was 5 days ago, note activity of riding motorcycle without leathers or 'lid' and youthfulness of the driver...dangerous enough eh?
redarmy11 said:ToR. If you aren't convinced that most people find her attractive, why not start a poll? That would be the most sensible way of settling the debate on that.
It doesn't bother you that most of the members who are aware of your attitude towards certain other members see you as:
(a) A bit of a stalker.
(b) A bit inadeq...
No, I won't puncture your already-bruised ego any more.
Why not just be nice?
Sometimes I think you're just doing it for a laugh or because you don't really know how to relate to people. If I'm right, here's your chance to say so. No need to admit to... anything negative, just say you were joking and apologise.
That's all it takes.
superluminal said:I question the sanity of anyone who dosen't think that you're very attractive. :bugeye:
Totally.(Q) said:I must be totally insane.
(Q) said:Perhaps someone who actually cared could start that poll? And as you well know, I'm not 'most people.' Whatever 'looks' you consider appealing of ToR should be crushed by the fact she is totally brainless.
I won't apologize for not following the group think, if that's what you're getting at. I merely flush out BS, whether it eminates from a male or female. The problem is that whenever it comes from a female, like ToR for example, you're automatically considered a stalker. More group think logic.
It's interesting you think I actually take any of this personally. Morons like ToR couldn't argue their way through a wet tissue - it's all I can do to hold back the coffee spewing through my nose whenever I read her nonsense.
I am being nice.
I do relate to people, I just don't relate to group think.
superluminal said:I question the sanity of anyone who dosen't think that you're very attractive. :bugeye:
Yes but it becomes something approaching a mental disorder when the beholder and beauty are one in the same person.q0101 said:Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
imaplanck. said:Are you schizophrenic?
Roman said:Q's really bad at these insults. He's going after all the wrong places. She has yet to break down and spaz out at any of his jabs. He tries too hard and none of it's witty, and no one's on his side.
Roman said:Q's really bad at these insults. He's going after all the wrong places. She has yet to break down and spaz out at any of his jabs. He tries too hard and none of it's witty, and no one's on his side.