Do homeopathic remedies contain measurable quantities of the "medicine"?


Valued Senior Member
It's because he's an antivaxxer and a dabbler in bogus medicine, including but possibly not restricted to homeopathy. Previous posts in other threads have shown this.

For example:
No you are absolutely wrong and odd. I and my whole family are fulky vaccinated and do also take modern medicinees. I somply want to understand better whatver is oersing since long back ipepple at mass in most part of world. May it be any system or any faith. I try it with positive note i.e. subject to possible since scientific understandings are not yet absoute and complete. Moreover through checking and understaning new introductions is one kind of need and duty of every oerson esp when too much commercialization and selfush interests exist at mass now. So I am quite justified in it. Tske a note as full and final. I do shown justification to molecular presence in homeooathic remedies which was doubted by whole scientific world.
Sorry, I missed this gem earlier (and not strictly about Covid):
I do shown justification to molecular presence in homeooathic remedies which was doubted by whole scientific world.
Can you provide a link to that justification, please? 'Cos the maths simply doesn't stack up - unless you're talking about rather low dilutions. Anything over a 40C remedy means you would likely need to consume the entire universe to get 1 active molecule. But, hey, if you can prove the maths wrong, that's great. Please just link to this "Justification", as I, for one, am rather curious.
Sorry, I missed this gem earlier (and not strictly about Covid):
Can you provide a link to that justification, please? 'Cos the maths simply doesn't stack up - unless you're talking about rather low dilutions. Anything over a 40C remedy means you would likely need to consume the entire universe to get 1 active molecule. But, hey, if you can prove the maths wrong, that's great. Please just link to this "Justification", as I, for one, am rather curious.
I remember I discussed it in one of my topic long back. Basically molecular presence in homeopathic higher dilutions is due to adsorbed molecules desorbed in higher dilutions beyond aub-avogadro. Some other possibilities for molecular presence of active and non active substances are there. Hence taking homeopathic remedies just plain water is absolutely wrong and odd.
Anyway it is beyond the scope of discussion in thhis topic. You can search that topic or any other may help.
Sorry, I missed this gem earlier (and not strictly about Covid):
Can you provide a link to that justification, please? 'Cos the maths simply doesn't stack up - unless you're talking about rather low dilutions. Anything over a 40C remedy means you would likely need to consume the entire universe to get 1 active molecule. But, hey, if you can prove the maths wrong, that's great. Please just link to this "Justification", as I, for one, am rather curious.
Quite. This poster goes in for homeopathy, while simultaneously denying that he does, even after it has been explained at length why it is nonsense.

This is why I am suspicious of his motives for asking all this stuff about vaccines. I would not be surprised if he is making some kind of bullshit business out of pseudoscientific claims he spins from what we are telling him. But I admit I have grown cynical over my years on these forums.
I remember I discussed it in one of my topic long back. Basically molecular presence in homeopathic higher dilutions is due to adsorbed molecules desorbed in higher dilutions beyond aub-avogadro. Some other possibilities for molecular presence of active and non active substances are there. Hence taking homeopathic remedies just plain water is absolutely wrong and odd.
Anyway it is beyond the scope of discussion in thhis topic. You can search that topic or any other may help.
This is total crap, as was pointed out to you at great length on the thread I linked.
Quite. This poster goes in for homeopathy, while simultaneously denying that he does, even after it has been explained at length why it is nonsense.

This is why I am suspicious of his motives for asking all this stuff about vaccines. I would not be surprised if he is making some kind of bullshit business out of pseudoscientific claims he spins from what we are telling him. But I admit I have grown cynical over my years on these forums.
No absolutely wrong. You on[y raised/back bited homeopathy point in your previous post. I simply clarified that. Moreover you should be having a quite intelligent mind so should understand that whatever I discuss here about homeopathy esp justification of it in science is not in interest of Homeopathic community due to fear of hijecking it it also or exposing their secret. They base on dynamic effect but when I show molecular presence, their whole picture become dim. Yes certainly, it is in much interest of science and pharma community that if science is proved all these can mint substancial money and serve the common people a lot. Hence pls take a note in your ming in full and final.
Then you are a moron.
That topic is beyond the scope of discussion in this topic. If you want, I should show justification again, you can post a new thread on it. I am fully clear on it that there can be atleat 4 justificationss which will show moleculer presence abd declaring higher dilutions just water is a big niss uf not scam.
That topic is beyond the scope of discussion in this topic.
I think it's relevant because you have presented yourself here as knowledgeable in biology. Your views on homeopathy are not relevant to the COVID discussion - but your understanding of basic biology is.

Imagine if someone came here and claimed they worked for NASA and purported to have extensive experience with manned spaceflight. Then in another thread said they thought the Earth was flat. That would tend to demonstrate that they in fact did not have any relevant experience with manned spaceflight. If that person said "I insist you ignore my comments on the facts about the flat earth" that wouldn't really change things.
I think it's relevant because you have presented yourself here as knowledgeable in biology. Your views on homeopathy are not relevant to the COVID discussion - but your understanding of basic biology is.

But I have not given my views on homeopathy but just justified that wild search can also bring fruits. That was just in this context.

Imagine if someone came here and claimed they worked for NASA and purported to have extensive experience with manned spaceflight. Then in another thread said they thought the Earth was flat. That would tend to demonstrate that they in fact did not have any relevant experience with manned spaceflight. If that person said "I insist you ignore my comments on the facts about the flat earth" that wouldn't really change things.

How this example is relevant to the subject of discussion?

Moreover multiplicity in POVs are always there. General relative theory hold some value. Why a person walking on plain land can not express it as flat earth but when in spaceflight express it as round or oval shaped. Moreover it is not necessary that it is to be expressed in its real shape to everyone because for all practical purposes it can be expressed as flat for not to make people to become so unstable like standing on a foot ball. Hence many POVs are there.
How this example is relevant to the subject of discussion?
It was an example. If you would like more clarity:

If you demonstrate yourself to be gullible on the topic of homeopathy, you are not going to be taken seriously on other topics concerning human health. Similar to the "space expert" who believes the Earth is flat.
It was an example. If you would like more clarity:

If you demonstrate yourself to be gullible on the topic of homeopathy, you are not going to be taken seriously on other topics concerning human health. Similar to the "space expert" who believes the Earth is flat.

Obiously people in science forum will have odd perception with alternative system whether that is right or wrong. This will just be translated into odd perception and opting one sided approach. One can not get anything dynamic by this approach inspite of fact their preference is also not absolute and complete based whereas want other system should be absolute and complete and if not it is taken as gullible. Just one sided or selfish approach.
Obiously people in science forum will have odd perception with alternative system whether that is right or wrong. This will just be translated into odd perception and opting one sided approach. One can not get anything dynamic by this approach inspite of fact their preference is also not absolute and complete based whereas want other system should be absolute and complete and if not it is taken as gullible. Just one sided or selfish approach.
So in your view, demonstrably false garbage should be given equal weight with real science? Is that what you think?
So in your view, demonstrably false garbage should be given equal weight with real science? Is that what you think?
No but but every understanding existing in people at mass well spread should hold some respect. Whether perfect or not because nother is yet perfecr, absolote and final. Unless anything is perfect, absolute and complete it can not be stampped as real science but will be a thing under process for moving toward it. Anyway we understand each other very well so avoid derailing the topic subject. My last post about homeopathy.
Well, science forums do take a one sided approach in that they prefer science to woo. But that's not selfish; that's just the nature of the board.
Right. It is the nature on the board so should be the nature of members posting on it. Same I tried on that toopic i.e try to clear science of any unclear aspect yet unclear in science neither advocatingt nor opposing that. Single advocating or opposing will be a selfich approach. Let us now come back to topic subject.
So that's from someone who understands very well what your kind of misinformation can do to people. Let's hope we don't lose anyone else to such misinformation.
Thanks. However does it suggest that we should not discuss any information on public site because every information, esp thise which can have oros and cons or effect with side effect attached to it, can be a positive information for few wheress negative for others? Therefore people remain in search for such information which have least negative side attached to that.
However didcussion forums are mesnt to just to discuss and check the creditability behind any information/logic but certainly not to give accurate advice or instruction. It is user's duty to check, accept or reject after taking exoert personal physical advice for that. Othereise all information sites will also be declared as odd.
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Thanks. However does it suggest that we should not discuss any information on public site because every information, esp thise which can have oros and cons or effect with side effect attached to it, can be a positive information for few wheress negative for others?
You should (voluntarily) not post intentional misinformation that could be expected to harm others. Same reason you shouldn't yell "fire!" in a crowded theater, or tell kids to stick a fork in the outlet. Even if you don't believe in electricity.
You should (voluntarily) not post intentional misinformation that could be expected to harm others. Same reason you shouldn't yell "fire!" in a crowded theater, or tell kids to stick a fork in the outlet. Even if you don't believe in electricity.
As such all medical information published on various sites can also be harmful or even life threatening. Say for example if at any med site under disbetics if anyone tell in treatment head, insulin or oral hypoglycemics even by nane. Any oerson thiñks since I ate lot of sweets took these without any competent consultation. It can be likely it can harm too much due to hettingb hypoglycemia or even more. What do you claim, that site or writer of that onformation is at fault? Moreover that was a oublished information just quoted with link. .Btw is it not correct information?