Do Aliens Exist?

Possibly dropping the emotional baggage of "human" and using "humanoid" instead would have been more successful.

Hehe, maybe. However, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I'm just answering questions. ;)

I could have used the word "humanoid" since there are many planets that also inhabit humanoid type beings, but since I was referring to beings that look exactly like us, I intentionally used the term "human". Whether anyone believes they exist on other planets or not is really up to that individual. There's no harm either way. Again, I'm just answering questions. For myself, it's not a theory, or a belief, or even a knowing. It's an awareness as much as I am aware that air exists.
Hehe, maybe. However, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I'm just answering questions. ;)

I could have used the word "humanoid" since there are many planets that also inhabit humanoid type beings, but since I was referring to beings that look exactly like us, I intentionally used the term "human". Whether anyone believes they exist on other planets or not is really up to that individual. There's no harm either way. Again, I'm just answering questions. For myself, it's not a theory, or a belief, or even a knowing. It's an awareness as much as I am aware that air exists.
Remind me please, what was the question again?
I could have used the word "humanoid" since there are many planets that also inhabit humanoid type beings,

you made contact ?

There's no harm either way. Again, I'm just answering questions. For myself, it's not a theory, or a belief, or even a knowing. It's an awareness as much as I am aware that air exists.

this is contradicting,


a·ware [ə wér]
1. knowing something: having knowledge of something from having observed it or been told about it
We are already aware of the problem, and we are dealing with it.

2. noticing or realizing something: knowing that something exists because you notice it or realize that it is happening
He became aware of a pain in his left side.

3. knowledgeable: well-informed about what is going on in the world or about the latest developments in a sphere of activity
More financially aware investors were starting to sell their stock.

[ Old English gewær "very watchful" < wær "watchful" < Indo-European, "perceive, watch out for"]

-a·ware·ness, , n
Word Key: Synonyms
aware, conscious, mindful, cognizant, sensible,
CORE MEANING: having knowledge of the existence of something
aware having knowledge of something from having observed it or been told about it;
I wasn't aware of any problem.
The leadership has been made well aware of the current position.conscious fully appreciating the importance of something;
conscious of the need to make progress
He was conscious that his predecessor had not lasted long in the job.mindful actively attentive, or deliberately keeping something in mind;
mindful of the need to proceed cautiously
mindful that the current license expires in early Maycognizant (formal) having knowledge about something;
making people cognizant of the fact that their decision will be finalsensible (formal) very aware of something;
We are sensible of the liberality of your offer.

and also, what are you aware of ?
Remind me please, what was were the question/s again?

I paraphrased the first question:

Is there living breathing intelligent sentient beings, and advanced civilizations, including human civilizations, on other planets throughout not only the universe but our galaxy as well?

Which was then followed by questions made by others:

Human civilizations on other planets. Is that what you are saying?

So the humans from another star may look like us but be a totally different species. Do you agree?

So why do you say they are "Humans" then?

do you call apes human?

It's not necessary.
umm actually, yes it is's very necessary for your comment to be true, like you are implying..
you have no clue like anyone else that exist. you are just spewing nonsense.

do you not realize this ?

yes what ? , i asked a question of what you are aware of, not a yes or no question,
do you lack the function of the brain or comprehension ?
umm actually, yes it is's very necessary for your comment to be true, like you are implying..
you have no clue like anyone else that exist. you are just spewing nonsense.


do you not realize this ?

I respect your perspectives. As long as you are happy with yours, that is all that matters.

yes what ? , i asked a question of what you are aware of, not a yes or no question,
do you lack the function of the brain or comprehension ?

LOL, I'm just messing with ya.

I could tell you what I'm aware of, but it would make no difference. Proof cannot be found outside of one's self. It may seem like it can, but it just seems that way - Another one of the many illusions of this reality. Again, I'm not going to try to convince anyone of anything. That is impossible.

Given that our global society is still yet extremely primitive and extraordinarily cut off from... well all things, when someone asks me if there is life or even humans on another planet, believe me when I say I answer that question with great compasion, and that answer is... Yes!

I understand that this may not be the most pleasant thing to read, but for the time being you will have to discover this truth on your own.
I respect your perspectives. As long as you are happy with yours, that is all that matters.
For myself, it's not a theory, or a belief, or even a knowing.It's an awareness much as I am aware that air exists.


a·ware [ə wér]
1. knowing something: having knowledge of something from having observed it or been told about it
We are already aware of the problem, and we are dealing with it.

2. noticing or realizing something: knowing that something exists because you notice it or realize that it is happening
He became aware of a pain in his left side.

3. knowledgeable: well-informed about what is going on in the world or about the latest developments in a sphere of activity
More financially aware investors were starting to sell their stock.

[ Old English gewær "very watchful" < wær "watchful" < Indo-European, "perceive, watch out for"]

-a·ware·ness, , n
Word Key: Synonyms
aware, conscious, mindful, cognizant, sensible,
CORE MEANING: having knowledge of the existence of something
aware having knowledge of something from having observed it or been told about it;
I wasn't aware of any problem.
The leadership has been made well aware of the current position.conscious fully appreciating the importance of something;
conscious of the need to make progress
He was conscious that his predecessor had not lasted long in the job.mindful actively attentive, or deliberately keeping something in mind;
mindful of the need to proceed cautiously
mindful that the current license expires in early Maycognizant (formal) having knowledge about something;
making people cognizant of the fact that their decision will be finalsensible (formal) very aware of something;
We are sensible of the liberality of your offer.


con·tra·dic·tion [kòntrə díksh'n]
(plural con·tra·dic·tions)
1. something illogical: something that has aspects that are illogical or inconsistent with each other
a contradiction in terms

2. opposing statement: a statement, or the making of a statement, that opposes or disagrees with somebody or something
I can say without fear of contradiction that she is our best worker.

either you lack the function of the brain or comprehension

when someone asks me if there is life or even humans on another planet, believe me when I say I answer that question with great compasion, and that answer is... Yes!

I understand that this may not be the most pleasant thing to read, but for the time being you will have to discover this truth on your own.

but the thing is you haven't discovered anything.
I'm not saying there's not other species out there,
I'm saying you have no clue but imply that you made contact with such,


I'm starting to get the impression you're just a contradicting hypocritical idiot.

but I'm not sure.
but the thing is you haven't discovered anything.
I'm not saying there's not other species out there,
I'm saying you have no clue but imply that you made contact with such,


I'm starting to get the impression you're just a contradicting hypocritical idiot.

but I'm not sure.

Hehe, that's okay.

I normally don't recognize labels or titles much unless they are needed for purposes of discussion, but I can understand your frustration.

When things get a bit confusing or frustrating, it's usually best to just let it go.
Hehe, that's okay.

I normally don't recognize labels or titles much unless they are needed for purposes of discussion, but I can understand your frustration.

When things get a bit confusing or frustrating, it's usually best to just let it go.

I'm not confused nor frustrated at all.

you just side step or spew some word salad to avoid anything.
then try to deceive a way out.


you have no clue at all.
you are just running your mouth with ignorance.


don't you have a junior high class to go to or something ?
Hehe, maybe. However, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I'm just answering questions. ;)

I could have used the word "humanoid" since there are many planets that also inhabit humanoid type beings, but since I was referring to beings that look exactly like us, I intentionally used the term "human". Whether anyone believes they exist on other planets or not is really up to that individual. There's no harm either way. Again, I'm just answering questions. For myself, it's not a theory, or a belief, or even a knowing. It's an awareness as much as I am aware that air exists.

I feel I understand your approach to this issue. Your need to tease the board with a claim that can not be supported to the boards satisfaction is not worth stating succinctly but only as a tease. Hell, I use this method nearly all the time. As it appears to be the only way to say what you feel the need to say to a board that you feel is closed and already pre- shut down [biased and prejudiced] before you even begin to explain YOUR truth.
Part of the reason for this, IMO, is based on the preconceived notions of the label, word, descriptor "Human". The word Human is loaded with "patriotisms, ego centricisms, self estemisms, heliocentricisms, and a whole plethora of other "isms" that to use it when referring to extra terrestrial [E.T.] life forms is like wise loaded with severe obstacles to fruitful discussion.

Member krash661 has asked me if I have made contact? My only and I might add "reactive" answer is that you would not believe me if I told you. Or "until you understand the reality of the method of knowing your natural need for proof and evidence would be frustrated". So it is best to say nothing and let it go...or simply pay the price for teasing your audience...

"To know of alien races requires the ability to remotely sense them either by way of remote viewing techniques, telepathic communications or other non-distance related methods. Currently sceince believes that information travels no faster than the speed of light** which rules out any extended evidential support of an acceptable kind.

** QED's quantum entanglement suggests other wise but as yet is still in it's infancy as an extendable methodology or mechanism for psychic/telepathic communications.

To say that there are humans elsewhere in this universe may actually be quite a natural conclusion of deductive logic and rational but as we know "logic", rational is merely stating a hypothesis and not quantifiable as evidence in itself.
So Hypothetically it could be concluded that humanoid entities similar to "humans" exist elsewhere simply by using the nature of probability and "qualified" speculation.

According to Probability [Rare Earth theory] the mere existence of this planet and it's dependent life is virtually impossible the odds being so poor, yet here we are.. Planet Earth with all it's Humans.
If we can exist in defiance of probability then so to can others... etc etc... [We as a race are now discovering (regarding climate change - arctic melt down etc), just how tenuous our existence is...]

Member krash661 has asked me if I have made contact? My only and I might add "reactive" answer is that you would not believe me if I told you..

well, this is where you would be wrong.

I'm open to anything that is not contradicting

i do believe there's other species of such(extraterrestrials)

IMO it is impossible for another species beyond humanity or earth life to not exist.
well, this is where you would be wrong.

I'm open to anything that is not contradicting

i do believe there's other species of such(extraterrestrials)

IMO it is impossible for another species beyond humanity or earth life to not exist.
That was funny Krash for your statement was contradictory. What does "IMO it is impossible for another species beyond humanity or earth life to not exist" mean?
That was funny Krash for your statement was contradictory. What does "IMO it is impossible for another species beyond humanity or earth life to not exist" mean?

what was contradicting ?

it means,
in my opinion,
we as humans, humanity ,life are not alone in the universe.
and it is impossible for humanity to be the only existence.

nature is self consistent, with balance or/and relative entities of such.
what was contradicting ?

it means,
in my opinion,
we as humans, humanity ,life are not alone in the universe.
and it is impossible for humanity to be the only existence.

nature is self consistent, with balance or/and relative entities of such.
Thanks for clearing that up. What do you really mean by "nature is self consistent, with balance or/and relative entities of such"?
Thanks for clearing that up. What do you really mean by "nature is self consistent, with balance or/and relative entities of such"?

I apologize,

I meant consistency
constancy: the ability to maintain a particular standard or repeat a particular task with minimal variation