Distressed style


Valued Senior Member


Would you rent an apartment that looked like this? Do you find this lived-in look charming which has a feel of history to it, possibly even cosy, kick-back and comfortable?
Would you rent an apartment that looked like this? Do you find this lived-in look charming which has a feel of history to it, possibly even cosy, kick-back and comfortable?

Id rent it if i coudnt do no beter... but nobody deserves to have to live in that crappy place.!!!
Do you find this lived-in look charming which has a feel of history to it, possibly even cosy, kick-back and comfortable?
Well, that's kind of the thing.

It's not up to anyone but the occupant to decide what they get out of it. Sure, most of us prefer a place that is "cozy, kick-back and comfortable", but we have no business imposing that criterion. It's a bias.

There are two separate questions here:
1] Do you find this cozy and comfortable?
2] Would you like to live here?
We should take care not to conflate the two questions into one.
Well....if I were a virtual being I guess I wouldn't mind 'living' there, beings how it is a digital painting.

The pixelation is a dead giveaway, as is the interestingly complex non-functional chain setup by the door. The chain and base placement is not in line with the wall studs so they were designed by someone unfamiliar with standard construction practices and building codes. Other than that, a bit of virtual elbow grease and some virtual soap and water should cheer that dump up quite a bit, as would a few more virtual lights. :) Toss in a virtual pet or 2 and a nekked virtual spouse and you have a real homey place for sure! :D
It doesn't look lived-in; it looks deserted. The police took the dessicated corpse down off those chains and carted it away, but the super hasn't yet screwed up his courage to show the place.
Pretty soon, a speculator will fix it up and flip in 6 weeks; new carpet, granite counter, brushed steel appliances...
When they're done, I can't afford it anyway.

(*I've got to paint my kitchen!)
I was just wondering if someone would pay for this look, the distressed look. Some people pay for blue jeans with holes in it.

Of course, i'm not talking about the usual run-down apartment because an apartment that looks like that is dirty and probably infested with roaches and mold too.

I mean it purposely made to look this way as in a style. It's that whole downtown urban, exposed brickwork and ducts, industrial non-fussy look appeals to some.

But this is the very worn look. Would you buy 'dingy' wallpaper?
No... not into "dingy look" house... i like white woodwork an doors an very litght colored painted walls.!!!
An mayb this is dew to memories from when i was 4 of our first house which was black to diferent shades of gray.!!!
The coal stove was black... the house an the outhouse was gray weathered wood... we had electric but didnt seem to use it much sinse my memories of inside the house are dark rooms... an even years later after we had moved out it was still known as the little gray house... lol.!!!

One time when i was about 12 an rabbit huntin wit my older kin... we went by a house an was welcomed in an offered a seat an a drink of water by the very nice man... an his wife smiled warmly but didnt speek... hard to tell how many little kids ther was cause they scurried around like mice an then peeked at ya from behind furniture an doors.!!!
Ther wall paper was cardbord nailed to the wall... an a couple of windows didnt have glass or screen an chickens woud come an go... peck at stuff on the floor an roost on the back of the couch which was covered in chicken sht.!!!

On our way back from huntin we gave 'em the 2 rabbits we killed.!!!