Discussion: That sex without consent is always rape

James R

Just this guy, you know?
Staff member
This thread is for discussion of the formal debate that can be found in the associated [thread=82799]Debate thread[/thread].

Anybody may post in this thread, but only agreed debaters may post in the Debate thread itself.

The format and participants in the debate were agreed in the [thread=82760]Proposal thread[/thread].
You were invited to join in, Kadark. You refused. You were too scared.
Eat a dick, James. I was ready to participate, but you refused to tell me what the topic was about (considering everybody you initially challenged rejected the original proposal). But hey, you have nothing to be scared of, right? A three on one "debate" ... how fun it must be for you.

Kadark the Gritty
You're irrelevant, Kadark. Please go away. You had 24 hours to agree to participate.
If I'm so irrelevant, why is my name being tossed around in the actual debate thread?

Kadark the Monstrous
a very good point.
james you are acting like a petulant child.

Your post has been deleted from the Debate thread. You are not an agreed debater.

In answer to your question, I brought up Kadark in my opening post so that there is a record of his unwillingness to stand by his opinions. I don't think it is likely that I will need to mention him again, unless my opponent brings him into the debate.

Please read the Proposal thread. Kadark was invited to participate in a debate. He was given a generous 24 hours to agree to participate. He decided not to. Draw your own conclusions.
and then you comment in here that he was "too scared" to debate?
its like being in a playground,with you putting your fingers in your ears and going "lalalalala not listening,we're playing my rules,if you dont wanna play you're just too scared"
and then you comment in here that he was "too scared" to debate?

That's the only conclusion I can come to.

Why do you think he refused to debate a topic that he has clearly expressed an opinion on?

its like being in a playground,with you putting your fingers in your ears and going "lalalalala not listening,we're playing my rules,if you dont wanna play you're just too scared"

I invited him to propose an alternative topic, if he thought the one I proposed was unsuitable. I gave him 24 hours.

Please read the entire Proposal thread, kenworth. You're talking about things you clearly have little knowledge about.
Then again he did nothing but attach a strawman to me and tell me that I was supposed to defend a position that I never had. I demanded to see where he got the idea that I supported the position that he declared that I supported, and he just started on and on about how I was too 'scared' to debate him.

I am willing to have a separate debate on a topic of your choosing, one-on-one if you wish.

It's not like this topic was your only chance.

If you wish to suggest a topic, and we actually have a disagreement and I think I can defend my point of view, I will happily argue a point against you.

There's no point crying over spilt milk.

Why don't you PM Kadark and sort out some kind of agreement to debate me, one against two? You choose the topic. See post #12.
and then you comment in here that he was "too scared" to debate?
its like being in a playground,with you putting your fingers in your ears and going "lalalalala not listening,we're playing my rules,if you dont wanna play you're just too scared"

Exactly. I didn't really expect him to say some of the things he did. I mean, you can expect that stuff from me ... I'm just a regular user who logs in to clown around and have some interesting conversations. He's supposed to be an administrator, yet claims I'm "too scared" to debate him (even though I said I'd debate an alternate issue with him). I wonder ... if I challenged him to a formal debate about "Who's the Best Player to Draft as the Centre of a Dynasty" concerning basketball, he probably wouldn't want to accept, because the topic doesn't really interest him. Sure, maybe he watches basketball casually when there's nothing else on television, but he doesn't want to type lengthy posts about the topic, does he? Do I have the right to say he's "too scared" to debate me? No! This is the same thing with me and this whole "what constitutes rape?" issue. I'll post here and there, but I'll never get too deeply involved, because the interest and intrigue isn't there for me. Try explaining that to James Retard, though.

Kadark the Glorious

James is only operates in the realm of dishonesty.

You really want to buddy up with Kadark, do you? Kadark, remember, is the guy who wrote this:

Kadark said:
Failing to stop having sex if a woman changes her mind is acceptable. Uh ... obviously. If she decides to go through with the whole ordeal, then there's no going back. Besides, unless the guy's a machine or something, he'll be done soon anyway. It's her fault for accepting and then promptly changing her mind; I don't treat indecisiveness as a legitimate excuse.

Rape of a prostitute is impossible. Of course not. If she's on her "work" hours, then obviously not. Prostitutes know that sex can and will be rough with unknown males, and prostitutes know full well that they're going to have to do things with men that they don't want to do. It comes with the territory.

Women somehow "owe" men sex. If they're married, absolutely. If not, the guy is free to divorce.

Tell me, ABS, do you agree with him? Of are you too scared to say what you think about these comments, too?


Exactly. I didn't really expect him to say some of the things he did.

What you mean is you really didn't expect anybody to take you to task about your archaic, misogynist views. You disrespect women. You don't understand what rape is. And when somebody calls you out on it you act as if it was all fun and games?

I mean, you can expect that stuff from me ... I'm just a regular user who logs in to clown around and have some interesting conversations.

If you're legit, then you might start by apologising to the women on the forum.

I wonder ... if I challenged him to a formal debate about "Who's the Best Player to Draft as the Centre of a Dynasty" concerning basketball, he probably wouldn't want to accept, because the topic doesn't really interest him.

It's a topic I know nothing about. Hell, I'm not even in the US.

Sure, maybe he watches basketball casually when there's nothing else on television, but he doesn't want to type lengthy posts about the topic, does he? Do I have the right to say he's "too scared" to debate me? No!

You can say what you like. The record of posts will speak for itself, as it does here.

I have quoted some of your comments about rape in this very post, again, for the record.
Surely sex without consent is just that, and the use of the word rape over emotionalizes and sensationalizes the issue, to the profit of militant feminists and their supporters.

It's just like when someone is killed and it is found to be race related. Suddenly, the whole crime takes on a far more ominous atmosphere, as though being killed because of your race is worse than being killed for any other reason.
Many words are defined so as to be shorthand for complex concepts - strings of other words. The word rape is just one of them.

Can you think of any examples of sex without consent where the word "rape" would not apply, DeepThought?
What you mean is you really didn't expect anybody to take you to task about your archaic, misogynist views. You disrespect women. You don't understand what rape is. And when somebody calls you out on it you act as if it was all fun and games?

No, that's not it at all, dick eater. Stop acting as if you know why I didn't agree to your bullshit proposal (like everybody else you challenged). I respect women enough to demand they fulfill their responsibilities, unlike such caring sweethearts like yourself. If you want to debate something else, I'm perfectly fine with that. However, you must get it through your thick skull that I only agree to debate topics I have an interest in. I also reserve the right to deny a debate proposal as I see fit, regardless of what the fuck you have to say. Got it?

If you're legit, then you might start by apologising to the women on the forum.

Fuuuuuuuuck no. You can start by apologizing to me for wasting so much of my time.

It's a topic I know nothing about. Hell, I'm not even in the US.

You don't have to live in the U.S. to know about the NBA and basketball in general. I'm Canadian, and I follow it without a problem; the games are aired in Australia, too. It was just an example illustrating how I felt about the debate topic - don't take it literally.

I have quoted some of your comments about rape in this very post, again, for the record.

So? I wouldn't have posted them if I was afraid of them being quoted.

Kadark the Bored
Again James Retard comes with dishonesty instead of any sort of rebuttal of anything that I've actually stated.