Discussion: How did the WTC buildings collapse?

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i used to love debating evolutionists who play scientist for that very reason. not because i care either way but once they start throwing terms around that they googled it become comical. i always leave the discussion thinking - dont you have to finish high school to be a scientist?

Were you asking me if I finished High school?

I caught Tony in some very basic errors and misspellings that led me to believe he cant have any practical experience in the things he is discussing. Take away google and you are left with an empty suit.
Most of these people yearn for fame and fortune so bad that they have to go on the fringe and be provocative otherwise no one would ever notice them.

I caught Tony in some very basic errors and misspellings that led me to believe he cant have any practical experience in the things he is discussing. Take away google and you are left with an empty suit.

Oh cool...(bumps chest twice with fist) I didn't think you were addressing me...just wasn't sure.
People are strange though. They have this need to belong to a group and once it has a title (in this case Toofer) then that is all it needs to get to the next level. And all the while trying to convice people of their positions while the real appeal is that they are different or know something that others dont and if that is the case what is the fascination with converting people?

Take some fringe religious movement. The appeal is that they are special\different so they preach and preach and meanwhile if the preaching is successful they are no longer special. So what happens is they need to find some other way to be cutting edge and special. It is a viscous cycle and a character flaw in humans. I attribute this to the base, the base is narcissism.
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Dang...you all cracked open a can of philosophy on us there John...nice work. :)

I caught Tony in some very basic errors and misspellings that led me to believe he cant have any practical experience in the things he is discussing. Take away google and you are left with an empty suit.

What errors besides the trivial missunderstanding that you meant liters and not pounds in reference to the amount of fuel on the aircraft, as you were using the little used abbreviation for liters and the fuel is most often referred to in pounds or gallons?

I happen to have a degree in mechanical engineering from Villanova University and have worked doing structural design, analysis, and test on antennas and equipment in the aeropace and communications industries since 1990. One of the jobs in my career was at the former RCA broadcast which designed and built the 353 ton and 360 foot tall antenna stack on the North Tower in the 1970's.

I don't appreciate being called an empty suit, or that I should finish high school first, by someone who has written nothing formal on the subject and who I see little substance coming out of on a forum on the subject.

I am waiting to see these errors and the (heaven forbid it occur on a forum) misspellings you say you caught me in John. You really need to start backing up these statements of yours. Otherwise it will be easy to understand if people develop the opinion that your comments are nothing but noise and hot air.
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I happen to have a degree in mechanical engineering from Villanova University and have worked doing structural and thermal design, analysis, and test on antennas and equipment in the aeropace and communications industries since 1990. One of the jobs in my career was at the former RCA broadcast which designed and built the 353 ton and 360 foot tall antenna stack on the North Tower in the 1970's.

Maybe you do...maybe you dont. could be internet persona but i am not asking you for your personal information, you are volunteering it.


you sure get around on this subject and not much else though. that is the extent of my interest.

What errors besides the trivial missunderstanding that you meant liters and not pounds

There was a few technical terms that were misspelled and i thought it was rather funny and l = liters whereas lb = pounds. i deduced that once off script you are lost.

and dont ask me to find the posts because i am not going to go through thousands of posts or rooting through page after page. suffice it to say i am not lying and these are my personal observations.
Maybe you do...maybe you dont. could be internet persona but i am not asking you for your personal information, you are volunteering it.


you sure get around on this subject and not much else though. that is the extent of my interest.

There was a few technical terms that were misspelled and i thought it was rather funny and l = liters whereas lb = pounds. i deduced that once off script you are lost.

and dont ask me to find the posts because i am not going to go through thousands of posts or rooting through page after page. suffice it to say i am not lying and these are my personal observations.

No, I am not going to suffice it to say you aren't lying because you are lying. If you want to accuse someone of something at the very least you should produce evidence for what you are saying.

What you are saying here is unsupported, as most of your comments seem to be.

Support what you are saying like a man or shut your big mouth.
It is funny because i have a degree in engineering as well. I worked on big projects and with steel and heavy machinery every day but only for three years and then i left that to do something entirely different. before that i was a crane operator and before that a welder. I worked with steel for years. And also been around iron workers my whole life.

The official story is certainly realistic and possible and i really have little interest once people start with lines like 'the jet at pentagon really flew over it' or 'explosives where planted in elevator shafts'
yeah, i have been around steel construction my whole life. most of my uncle (six of them) were crane operators on large building projects.
It is funny because i have a degree in engineering as well. I worked on big projects and with steel and heavy machinery every day but only for three years and then i left that to do something entirely different. before that i was a crane operator and before that a welder. I worked with steel for years. And also been around iron workers my whole life.

The official story is certainly realistic and possible and i really have little interest once people start with lines like 'the jet at pentagon really flew over it' or 'explosives where planted in elevator shafts'

I am 52 years old and got my degree when I was 33. Prior to that I was a toolmaker and an aircraft mechanic in the U.S. Navy. So I have worked with metals and mechanical things my entire working life.

However, what you are saying here doesn't answer my request that you produce evidence for the negative comments you made about me a few posts back in this thread, where you said things which evidence could easily be produced for if it were true. You seem to have shrunk from that task. Your earlier comments about me were unfounded and disgraceful, and while your tone seems to have changed, you really should apologize.

If you want to think the present official story is realistic and possible that is up to you. I don't believe it and my research into this catastrophy has shown me that it is not what really happened and that there is a cover-up going on. Since getting involved in this, out of a desire for truth and justice and the real American way (not some form of narcistic need), I have occassionally posted on forum's such as this and joined the debate about it. However, I have never attempted to falsely impugn someone's integrity and credibility or even given a baseless negative opinion about a person to try and discredit them. I try to discuss the issue itself and would only make a claim about a person if there were real substantiated evidence for it. From what I have seen of you on this forum you don't seem to make that attempt and on the contrary indulge yourself in making baseless claims. If you are going to continue in this debate I would think most here would appreciate your having a real basis for what you say.

Telling you to shut your mouth if you don't have a basis for what you are saying is not ad hominem and it wasn't undeserved. Your false claims deserved every bit of this.

If you don't have a basis for what you are saying publicly, especially about someone else's abilities, character, or honesty, then by all means you should shut your mouth in those cases.
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I am 52 years old and got my degree when I was 33. Prior to that I was a toolmaker and an aircraft mechanic in the U.S. Navy. So I have worked with metals and mechanical things my entire working life.

Tony, most people do have degrees and why you mention this in every thread is why i thought you may have been FOS about that. Surely you can understand this, but there is no reason to get all bent out of shape and excited about something said on the internet.

I still dont see how you rationalize being a mechanical engineer and a toolmaker makes you an expert on everything and calling all the EXPERTS who did the ACTUAL investigations liars. To be honest as far as i can tell our qualifications are very similar and i really believe i am more qualified than you are here. A toolmaker? what can that possible add to this? i worked with machinists for years while i was a crane operator as well and i certainly wouldnt take their word on this matter as the absolute truth.

But you seem to take this far too seriously so maybe it is best to cool things off and like i said i never asked you to volunteer information about yourself and frankly there is no reason to. You are entitled to your opinion but that is all it is and i cannot call it an expert one. You are just too sensitive and if conspiracies are your hobby then who cares? But the simple fact is that you are not an expert simply because you have a degree in mech. engineering. why is that so hard to understand? Same for that post you made about JFK, you are not a ballistics expert and have no more information than anyone can get off of the discovery channel. My father was a forensic scientist (for 30 years) and he said that JFK conspiracy is fantasy and makes a good movie but that is about it.

However, what you are saying here doesn't answer my request that you produce evidence for the negative comments you made about me a few posts back in this thread, where you said things which evidence could easily be produced for if it were true. You seem to have shrunk from that task. Your earlier comments about me were unfounded and disgraceful, and while your tone seems to have changed, you really should apologize.

If you want to think the present official story is realistic and possible that is up to you. I don't believe it and my research into this catastrophy has shown me that it is not what really happened and that there is a cover-up going on.

what negative comments are you even talking about? and you misspelled catastrophe. All the research you have done does not possibly supersede that of the hands on investigators who ALL happen to disagree with you. That is the truth.

To me i have no hard feelings towards you and i am sorry if you think that a little light hearted fooling around is to be taken seriously. From now on i wont joke around with you. So then i apologize.:cool:


That is a pretty good link on the facts of the qualified agencies who disagrees with you. if you disregard the remark from 'beige almighty goddess of nada'.:m:

and then there is this:

according to http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/infbrief/n... there are currently 1,370,300 engineering professionals in the workforce.

So, that means that approx. 0.019% of the engineers in the workforce are in agreement that 9/11 was an inside job.

Are you going to tell the other 99.81% that they are wrong, or should I?
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I don't know about you Tony...but I'm popping popcorn waiting on Q's response...I love me some good technical talk.

So do I, although I fully admit that levels can and have been reached where I know longer understand either side ;)

MacGyver said:
It's why I participate in these theads..to learn. I just had to google "lateral torsional buckling". :)

So did I; I also checked out wikipedia's entry on buckling, which Tony suggested I check out:

As I told him, I think it's a good demonstration of why one can't become a mechanical or structural engineer overnight ;-).
Tony, most people do have degrees and why you mention this in every thread is why i thought you may have been FOS about that. Surely you can understand this, but there is no reason to get all bent out of shape and excited about something said on the internet.

I still dont see how you rationalize being a mechanical engineer and a toolmaker makes you an expert on everything and calling all the EXPERTS who did the ACTUAL investigations liars. To be honest as far as i can tell our qualifications are very similar and i really believe i am more qualified than you are here. A toolmaker? what can that possible add to this? i worked with machinists for years while i was a crane operator as well and i certainly wouldnt take their word on this matter as the absolute truth.

But you seem to take this far too seriously so maybe it is best to cool things off and like i said i never asked you to volunteer information about yourself and frankly there is no reason to. You are entitled to your opinion but that is all it is and i cannot call it an expert one. You are just too sensitive and if conspiracies are your hobby then who cares? But the simple fact is that you are not an expert simply because you have a degree in mech. engineering. why is that so hard to understand? Same for that post you made about JFK, you are not a ballistics expert and have no more information than anyone can get off of the discovery channel. My father was a forensic scientist (for 30 years) and he said that JFK conspiracy is fantasy and makes a good movie but that is about it.

what negative comments are you even talking about? and you misspelled catastrophe. All the research you have done does not possibly supersede that of the hands on investigators who ALL happen to disagree with you. That is the truth.

To me i have no hard feelings towards you and i am sorry if you think that a little light hearted fooling around is to be taken seriously. From now on i wont joke around with you. So then i apologize.:cool:


That is a pretty good link on the facts of the qualified agencies who disagrees with you. if you disregard the remark from 'beige almighty goddess of nada'.:m:

and then there is this:

Again you just make claims without providing a basis. The investigation by NIST into what happened to the WTC buildings had how much of the actual evidence at their disposal? Answer: 236 pieces out of 50,000 from the towers and NONE from WTC 7. Even more interesting is the fact that the little steel they did get from the towers showed no evidence of having experienced high temperatures.

The reality is we haven't had any real investigations into these matters. Although there is enough evidence to warrant investigating the possibility of controlled demolition there were no tests done for residues on the steel, and no people who had access to those buildings were deposed. NFPA 921 requires testing for exotic accelerants in any fire investigation and this was not done. I have read the NIST reports on the towers and WTC 7. Have you?

You commit two logical fallacies in just the above post alone. First, ad hominem, which is when the person making the argument is attacked rather than the argument. Second is an appeal to authority. I don't see you comment on engineering issues very much at all other than your belief that the fuel and fires could have caused the buildings to come down and that the floor by floor collapses somehow prove demolition couldn't have been a cause.

I think you are either a person who shouldn't be debating this issue as it bothers you, or an indulgent person who feels they can just denigrate people at their whim, without much or any basis. What you said earlier was not lighthearted. However, I will accept your apology and we can leave it at that.
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