...DID we go to the moon?

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There is a dark side of the moon .
Nope. No more than there is a dark side of the Earth. (I mean, at any given time it's night on half the Earth, but then the Earth keeps turning and it becomes daytime - just like the Moon.)
We only see one side of the moon , that side of the moon which always faces us .
That's correct! And when the side facing us is dark (i.e. a new moon) what do you think it's like on the other side of the moon, the side facing away from us? Is it bright or dark?
That there was something on the dark side of the moon that should never be made public .
You mean the far side of the moon? Here are pictures from the recent lunar mission there:

The interview never continued
Yes, it did. You just turned off your TV.
Nope. No more than there is a dark side of the Earth. (I mean, at any given time it's night on half the Earth, but then the Earth keeps turning and it becomes daytime - just like the Moon.)

That's correct! And when the side facing us is dark (i.e. a new moon) what do you think it's like on the other side of the moon, the side facing away from us? Is it bright or dark?

You mean the far side of the moon? Here are pictures from the recent lunar mission there:


Yes, it did. You just turned off your TV.

No I didn't , turn off the TV .
Why would I make it up ?
Because you're sympathetic to the conspiracy theory idea that the moon landings involved a cover-up of one kind or another.

But your motives are irrelevant. The fact is that you've provided nothing to suggest that this broadcast you mention ever happened, or the "cut off", or anything that would allow us to check your story. There's nothing to discuss, because you haven't given anything that can be checked out.

By the way, I think I mis-wrote something above. When I wrote "As far as I'm aware, you're making it up", I really should have said "For all I know, you're making it up". I'm not saying you made it up. What I'm saying is that there's no way to investigate what actually happened because you've provided nothing that gives us access to the event you're talking about.
From Mars


and after some processing


Strange they have not been seen in same room together

I guess you didn't read any of the posts that addressed your many conspiracy theories and errors since you posted #256.

Here's a post where I talked about the flag anomaly* with Betamax.

Betamax destroyed his credibility (again) by saying that the movement of the Apollo flag cannot be duplicated on earth by trotting by it even though anyone who tries it can see it can be duplicated on earth.

Betamax also agrees with Jay Windley's analysis of the dust-free sand issue.

He aslo maintains that the Chinese spacewalk** was real.

You can pretend all you want. Your success rate at trying to make the viewers think the Apollo missions were real is probably close to zero.


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