Did Nothing Create Everything?

I went to public school. Comparative religion is studying the various religions and not implying that they are real. It's just a fact that there are various religions and they each have certain core beliefs.

You can study communism without espousing communism. It's called comparative politics.

Yes, I agree.
I believe our universe is a frog that is ready to leave the pond. Obviously not all universes survive as there are predators in the pond(fish). This world that the frog(our universe) is impossible to conceptualise.

So is your question.

My opinion? Nothing came from two separate entities to create something, our universe and life.

I will have to think about that one a bit?
It’s so Deep!

Just like a Pond! So it could be?
I agree, I can’t judge anyone!

So you’re telling me that the God hypothesis is fine in Science?
No. Nothing can be either fine or unfine with science, because science has no device for evaluating degrees of fineness. That is not the function of science. The function of science is to provide methods of investigating reality.
If the "God hypothesis" is based in some manifestation(s) of reality, then it can be investigated by scientific methods.
If not, not.
There are at least three different locations, I know of, where the presence of God may have directly altered the physical surface of the Earth in the vicinity of the mountain.
May have?
May have is not going to get you anywhere.
And even finding say the specific mountain in the bible does not get you anywhere.
You can assert Mosses took notes from God, Mosses can assert he took notes from God on a specific mountain, heck Mosses could even have carved his name into the rock he sat on while taking aledged notes.. but you must recognise when it all boils down any of this does not prove anything as alledges happened...Consider what I would consider perhaps the reality, unprovable but my take would seem reasonable, and for this I won't question if Mosses did or did not exist ( The life of Mosses also parallels others prior to but I won't go into that)...so my take...you (Mosses) finds himself in charge of a group and you realise without your leadership and experience folk are bound to screw up...If you are any sort of leader you will realise even if elected to the role there will be those folk who just want to do their thing and because it's their thing will always think they are right..kids..always ready to question the parents and can form an opinion that they know everything, I know sounds unlikely but assume this is the problem...first you say..well George in the tribe next door is clever and I am only saying what he says...you find still some will say...screw George because he is an idiot...you realise these kids just do not respect authority...but you notice they are superstitious and also scarred of the dark...mmm...you could invent an invisible "George" who not only knows best but will beat you up if you ignore his rules...ok you go bush and write down some rules..rule one listen to George, rule two obey these rules, rule three..if any problems refer to rule one...and then you think of all the rules needed to keep the group together, follow a good diet, follow good hygiene etc...
Come back to camp and say you met with big George and he gave me these rules, not my rules but big George s rules...you had better follow them as unlike me he won't put up with your bad behaviour.

Now if Big George came back to camp and said to everyone..I have given out some rules you can get copies at the door but trust me you better follow them or I will do this...and sets a few folk on fire with his flame thrower...guess what you would at least have some eye witnesses ... But no eye witnesses you must wonder..did this guy really meet Big George.

And if Big George appeared at camp every now and then to fry those who had not followed his rules it would be believable.

But pointing to a mountain and saying this is where Big George handed out his rules will never cut it.

And think of the Copper giving you a ticket..you plead with him for a warning...sorry mate it's the law..a higher authority..you say what law..he can quote the section and prove the higher authority.

Consider..the villages are cutting trees on the mountain behind the village which the old guys know will cause land slides..they tell the villagers..bugger off you old fart what would you know..reason gets nowhere..but..tell them..if you go on the mountain Big George, the god of the mountain, will turn you into a frog...now guess what no trees are cut cause no one will ever go on the mountain...go to the pond and look at all the trespassers that have been turned into frogs...
Follow the rules or go to hell..what's hell like no one knows but won't risk going there.
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From Ancient History Encyclopaedia...and for whatever reason I can't copy the link but I will keep trying...from there...." The story of the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt is only found in the Penteteuch, the first five books of the Bible, and in the Quran which was written later. No other ancient sources corroborate the story and no archaeological evidence supports it. This has led many scholars to conclude that Moses was a legendary figure and the Exodus story a cultural myth."

I will have to think about that one a bit?
May have?
May have is not going to get you anywhere.
And even finding say the specific mountain in the bible does not get you anywhere.
You can assert Mosses took notes from God, Mosses can assert he took notes from God on a specific mountain, heck Mosses could even have carved his name into the rock he sat on while taking aledged notes.. but you must recognise when it all boils down any of this does not prove anything as alledges happened...Consider what I would consider perhaps the reality, unprovable but my take would seem reasonable, and for this I won't question if Mosses did or did not exist ( The life of Mosses also parallels others prior to but I won't go into that)...so my take...you (Mosses) finds himself in charge of a group and you realise without your leadership and experience folk are bound to screw up...If you are any sort of leader you will realise even if elected to the role there will be those folk who just want to do their thing and because it's their thing will always think they are right..kids..always ready to question the parents and can form an opinion that they know everything, I know sounds unlikely but assume this is the problem...first you say..well George in the tribe next door is clever and I am only saying what he says...you find still some will say...screw George because he is an idiot...you realise these kids just do not respect authority...but you notice they are superstitious and also scarred of the dark...mmm...you could invent an invisible "George" who not only knows best but will beat you up if you ignore his rules...ok you go bush and write down some rules..rule one listen to George, rule two obey these rules, rule three..if any problems refer to rule one...and then you think of all the rules needed to keep the group together, follow a good diet, follow good hygiene etc...
Come back to camp and say you met with big George and he gave me these rules, not my rules but big George s rules...you had better follow them as unlike me he won't put up with your bad behaviour.

Now if Big George came back to camp and said to everyone..I have given out some rules you can get copies at the door but trust me you better follow them or I will do this...and sets a few folk on fire with his flame thrower...guess what you would at least have some eye witnesses ... But no eye witnesses you must wonder..did this guy really meet Big George.

And if Big George appeared at camp every now and then to fry those who had not followed his rules it would be believable.

But pointing to a mountain and saying this is where Big George handed out his rules will never cut it.

And think of the Copper giving you a ticket..you plead with him for a warning...sorry mate it's the law..a higher authority..you say what law..he can quote the section and prove the higher authority.

Consider..the villages are cutting trees on the mountain behind the village which the old guys know will cause land slides..they tell the villagers..bugger off you old fart what would you know..reason gets nowhere..but..tell them..if you go on the mountain Big George, the god of the mountain, will turn you into a frog...now guess what no trees are cut cause no one will ever go on the mountain...go to the pond and look at all the trespassers that have been turned into frogs...
Follow the rules or go to hell..what's hell like no one knows but won't risk going there.

As you wish!
From Ancient History Encyclopaedia...and for whatever reason I can't copy the link but I will keep trying...from there...." The story of the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt is only found in the Penteteuch, the first five books of the Bible, and in the Quran which was written later. No other ancient sources corroborate the story and no archaeological evidence supports it. This has led many scholars to conclude that Moses was a legendary figure and the Exodus story a cultural myth."


Right, Wikipedia also says that their is no evidence.
So obviously this Mountain does not exist.
We need to tell the satellite imaging guys and Google Earth to erase it, or would that be the suppression of evidence, perhaps? And Saudi Arabia historically for the first time ever, opening up their country for tourism because this Mountain is not real? Are you really sure, I am just going to pretend it doesn’t exist myself?
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I'm 100% convinced. It gets deeper. Universe hopping etc.

When I get some good shit, I'll try to remember this thread and throw a few more seeds out in the hope they might stick.

I look forward to your next installment with great anticipation!!!
So far, I know of over 20 direct points of precise correlation, between the multiple accounts in the Bible and the evidence at multiple sites, in Saudi Arabia.

No reason to take my word for anything, I am not the source of the information. Anyone can figure it out for themselves.
So far, I know of over 20 direct points of precise correlation, between the multiple accounts in the Bible and the evidence at multiple sites, in Saudi Arabia.
There are mountains in the Sinai Peninsula. The mountains have been there for over 20,000,000 years. The same mountains were noticed by the people who lived in the region 3000 years ago as are noticed by people now.
Therefore: God created all life.
You can't do that with science!
There are mountains in the Sinai Peninsula. The mountains have been there for over 20,000,000 years. The same mountains were noticed by the people who lived in the region 3000 years ago as are noticed by people now.
Therefore: God created all life.
You can't do that with science!

I agree! You need real corroborating evidence between a historical account and a particular Mountain to have a chance of pulling off the validation of both.

Someone brought up Mt. Olympus to me once before. You could always use that to throw out the God hypothesis without investing anything, so go for that one!

But would the scientific method allow that?

Oh rats, I forgot, the scientific method throws out God because, there is no evidence for God, because there can’t be any evidence for God. Very logical, that!

Aren’t you excited, don’t you want to investigate it, even to disprove it?

Go forth and disprove!

Here is the next wave, that is coming, and now is already moving about on the board.

The Demons, oops I let that slip, I mean the Aliens, did it all!

Go ahead and use that one, if you wish.
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You have heard of the concept of probability ... What probability would you assign to my idea, and what probability would you assign to you notion?

Yes, or we could just go with “if the shoe fits?”

Regarding probabilities, what is the probability that life arose by chance and natural processes. And why do people still believe in that anyway?
George Washington did exist. Silver dollars & the Potomac River did (and still do) exist... Therefore George must have thrown a silver dollar across the river.
So obviously this Mountain does not exist.
I don't think that is what is in question really.
The mountain may exist, we may find the rock that Moses sat on etc but that does not establish god spoke to Moses. Just because New York exists that does not make Spiderman more than a myth.
The North Pole exists that does not mean that Santa Clause is real.
I think you miss the point.
May I ask you would you conceed that my Moses explanation could be the reality or must you reject such a possibility as impossible and entirely unlikely.
We need to tell the satellite imaging guys and Google Earth to erase it, or would that be the suppression of evidence
The existence of the mountain is not evidence. And why would anyone want to suppress evidence that could establish god exists..from my position I certainly would welcome evidence given almost since day one at this site I have been asking various folk for evidence.
I think you want it to be true, which I entirely understand, and that desire causes you to not even consider any other possibility.
The fact that you can't or won't if only for a moment must tell you something.
In a law trial would you only listen to the prosecution and without hearing any defence simply proclaim that the defendant is guilty.
I sense I have angered you could that be so? And if so why? Are we not on the same side..that of seeking the truth.