Did Nothing Create Everything?

That is a good example of how change in species over time dilutes and corrupts the original genetic code, making it weaker and less able to survive over time.

Evolution over time destroys, since harmful genetic mutations are much more common by far, than beneficial mutations.

The human genetic code is also failing and becoming more corrupted the more time goes by.

Evolution appears to actually work in reverse, until species can no longer function in their environments and eventually go extinct, just as the human race will if given enough time.

Shouldn't you be blaming God for that? I mean, these are your words, right?

"Yes, species change over time. God created this ability to enable the survival of species over great spans of time."
They are not genetically inferior. For the environment dogs live in, they are much better adapted than wolves.

Dogs are surviving quite well thankyetverymuch. By some estimates there are about a billion of them.

Compare to wolves, of which there are about 200,000.

The flaw in your premise is that you assume there is a such thing as an "ideal form". In fact, the only ideal animal is one that thrives in the environment it inhabits.

And dogs inhabit the human world, where they thrive.

Dogs are weaker genetically than they were as wolves, they are less genetically adaptable, less able to adapt and survive. Their original genetic code has been diluted and weakened over time. That is how evolution works.

If 95% of all species have gone extinct that only leaves 5% remaining to go extinct.

The overwhelming trend toward extinction is plain and simple, even obvious. There is no other reasonable conclusion. It is only a matter of time before all life genetically fails and all life goes extinct.

How many Species have even gone extinct in your own lifetime? This trend is undeniable.

Evolution results in extinction.

This is the most simple and best conclusion possible, from the evidence.
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If 95% of all species have gone extinct that only leaves 5% remaining to go extinct.
The overwhelming trend toward extinction is plain and simple, even obvious. There is no other reasonable conclusion. It is only a matter of time before all life genetically fails and all life goes extinct.
Species have even gone extinct in your own lifetime, the trend is undeniable.
This is the most simple and best conclusion possible, from the evidence.
You speak of things you do not understand.

95% of all car models produced since the invention of the automobile are no longer in production - they are extinct.
Does that mean cars are about to go extinct?
If 95% of all species have gone extinct that only leaves 5% remaining to go extinct.

The overwhelming trend toward extinction is plain and simple, even obvious. There is no other reasonable conclusion. It is only a matter of time before all life genetically fails and all life goes extinct.

Species have even gone extinct in your own lifetime, the trend is undeniable.

Evolution results in extinction.

This is the most simple and best conclusion possible, from the evidence.
How silly. It does not remotely follow, of course. There is no "trend towards extinction". These 95% were never all present together. What there has been is a constant process of new species arising and existing species disappearing.

The notion that life just "genetically fails" has no basis in biology. Some species have been around, essentially unchanged, for over 200 million years. Others have disappeared when the environment they were adapted to changed, or when some new predator, or disease, appeared.
Dogs are weaker genetically than they were as wolves, they are less genetically adaptable, less able to adapt and survive.
On the contrary, they have adapted into a symbiotic relationship with humans which enhances their chance of survival.
Dogs are weaker genetically than they were as wolves, they are less genetically adaptable, less able to adapt and survive. Their original genetic code has been diluted and weakened over time. That is how evolution works.

No, that's not even remotely how evolution works.

If 95% of all species have gone extinct that only leaves 5% remaining to go extinct.

The overwhelming trend toward extinction is plain and simple, even obvious. There is no other reasonable conclusion. It is only a matter of time before all life genetically fails and all life goes extinct.

How many Species have even gone extinct in your own lifetime? This trend is undeniable.

Evolution results in extinction.

This is the most simple and best conclusion possible, from the evidence.

Now, I understand much better why you believe what you believe regarding the Exodus nonsense. You simply have no idea what you're talking about.
Shouldn't you be blaming God for that? I mean, these are your words, right?

"Yes, species change over time. God created this ability to enable the survival of species over great spans of time."

Both are happening at the same time.

As species adapt to survive they become less able to adapt in the future. They become genetically weaker over time. More of the original Genetic Code is lost. The dog is an excellent example of this.

Species were created with selectable options within their original genetic code to enable survival of the species over time. They survive much longer than they would without it.

This works well but eventually leads to extinction, once the original genetic code becomes too diluted and corrupted.

Genetic Stasis is also completely allowed and predicted in this model, in cases where adaptation is not needed. In that case no Genetic Code would be diluted or lost over a long period of time.

Additional causes of extinction are completely expected as well.

95% and counting...
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No, that's not even remotely how evolution works.

Now, I understand much better why you believe what you believe regarding the Exodus nonsense. You simply have no idea what you're talking about.

In my opinion the Mountain of God speaks for itself.
Both are happening at the same time.

Then, what went wrong with Gods work? Did God make a mistake? Did God create species to go extinct by corrupting their genetics? Why would God create something that ultimately failed?

As species adapt to survive they become less able to adapt in the future. They become genetically weaker over time. Genetic Code is lost. The dog is an excellent example of this.

Species were created with selectable options within their original genetic code to enable survival of the species over time.

This works well but eventually leads to extinction, once the original genetic code becomes too diluted and corrupted.

Harmful Mutations are the norm.

Why would God create harmful mutations as the norm?

95% and counting...

Genetic Stasis is also completely allowed and predicted, in cases where adaptation is not needed, in this model.

Those 95% of species that went extinct are largely our ancestors. We evolved from them over time. They didn't just disappear due to being wiped out, we have simply taken their place.
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Then, what went wrong with Gods work? Did God make a mistake? Did God create species to go extinct by corrupting their genetics? Why would God create something that ultimately failed?

You may already know the answer...

Creation fell from it’s original good state into a state of corruption when mankind rejected the protection and provision of God. The corruption was our choice, not the original design and intent of God.

Why would God create harmful mutations as the norm?

Harmful mutations did not come about by the original intent of God.

They exist because of our rejection of God’s love, protection, and provision. He has partially backed off from sustaining His creation to allow us to experience life without Him.

So our current state of corrupted existence might motivate us to reach out to Him again, to return to Him.

It is our choice.
You may already know the answer...
Creation fell from it’s original good state into a state of corruption when mankind rejected the protection and provision of God. The corruption was our choice, not the original design and intent of God.
Harmful mutations did not come about by the original intent of God.
They exist because of our rejection of God’s love, protection, and provision. He has partially backed off from sustaining His creation to allow us to experience life without Him.
So our current state of corrupted existence might motivate us to reach out to Him again, to return to Him.
It is our choice.

This is a science forum. Got any evidence of any of this? Or is this all just preaching?
This is a science forum. Got any evidence of any of this? Or is this all just preaching?

Yes, and I thought this was a also a Religion sub-forum within Sciforums.

I am responding to questions and only presenting my opinion. You are free to disagree.
I am responding to questions and only presenting my opinion.
If you simply want to voice your opinion, a blog is more appropriate.
If you want to make assertions, as you are doing here, then you have to be prepared to defend them.

Site rules:

"... we retain in all areas of debate an ethos of respect for the scientific method, which demands critical analysis, clear thinking and evidence-based argument.""
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Yes, and I thought this was a also a Religion sub-forum within Sciforums.

I am responding to questions and only presenting my opinion. You are free to disagree.
From my perspective the only major bone of contention is that your version ascribes deliberateness, volition, sentience and free will to an entity that science does not.

The universe is seen by science to be devoid of freewill and although as a whole it may be self determining it lacks volition and the capacity to make decisions.
It certainly appears to be intelligent in construction but the question of whether this is by design or by natural evolution has yet to be addressed adequately by either side of the discussion and probably cannot be determined in the foreseeable future.

The challenge for you is to demonstrate using sound reasoning that this God of yours is capable of making a decision beyond reliance on faith ( belief )
Of course you will not be able to satisfy this challenge adequately and this is understandable and just because you can not does not in any way minimize the potential that at some time in the future science may indeed discover a new way of looking at volition and holistic universal decision making. After all to be a scientist is to accept that there is much that is not known at this time.

How ever to claim by way of faith only, and attempt to evangelize that faith may not be appropriate on a science forum.

The "God Hypothesis" as I call it, has been utilized throughout human history as a way of explaining the unknown. Where the imagination is used to generate a construct to aid in the explaining of unknown phenomena. This of course is very normal human behavior and scientists use similar all the time by way of hypothesis, leading to theory etc..
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Yes, and I thought this was a also a Religion sub-forum within Sciforums.

I am responding to questions and only presenting my opinion. You are free to disagree.

Oh oh, looks like you're in big trouble with the self-appointed forum security guard. Careful, he might try to pat you down and his hands tend to wander.
You may already know the answer...

Creation fell from it’s original good state into a state of corruption when mankind rejected the protection and provision of God. The corruption was our choice, not the original design and intent of God.
Harmful mutations did not come about by the original intent of God.

They exist because of our rejection of God’s love, protection, and provision. He has partially backed off from sustaining His creation to allow us to experience life without Him.

So our current state of corrupted existence might motivate us to reach out to Him again, to return to Him.

It is our choice.

What you're referring to is Adam and Eve, right? Are you saying that not only humans but every single living thing on the planet is now corrupted? Does that include every life form in the universe, too? Assuming there are other life forms, of course.
One of the things I could never understand and one that drove me away from any form of religious dogma is the question:
How can any one claim that a new born child is sinful?
That the child is an abomination to God?
Galaxy Child c/o ZPT
The only answer I can come up with is because it is human desire to control others via religious dogma that is in fact the sin.
It is the will to power over others that is the abomination or the sin.
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