Did Nothing Create Everything?

Aren’t you excited, don’t you want to investigate it, even to disprove it?
Excited about what? They're insignificant little barren mountains, compared to the Himalayas or the Andes.
Investigate what? The region's been mapped to death already.
Disprove what? No plausible hypothesis has been put forth.
Yes, or we could just go with “if the shoe fits?”
I have to reply to other stuff but seeing you are here ...er there..I don't understand what you mean...what fits?
Regarding probabilities, what is the probability that life arose by chance and natural processes.
Probably pretty high and the idea of chance is perhaps not the concept to sure upon ...if we have say half a billion years of stuff bubbling all over one could expect chemical combinations may produce simple life..but the theist alternative offers the notion that this creator god popped out of eternity ( how long before he popped out and has he popped out many times before) to create a universe we know to be 90 billion light years diameter but I heard today most likely to be 250 times larger on the "smallest" approach and possibly infinite...created this universe so he could make some pet humans out of mud, give them a run then kill them all off but 8?
I know what sound the least likely.
However I would rather day I don't know because in the end that is the truth and when theists say they know they in fact lie because they have no idea...the Bible was written by men and given its problems and multiple errors suggest it is most unlikely to be a book inspired by a god..a god would do a better job you could think.
And why do people still believe in that anyway
Believe in what exactly? God or life from random chemical interaction?
Look the fact is we don't know but that does not mean it's ok to make life up or wildly assert "but there must be a god" ..why..a god is not the only possibility in fact it is the least likely given the stories all all very dubious and if told by someone today, say the idea that God gave them a list, ... Today you would reject it as made up crap..what else could you say.

We tell which one is accurate by which description matches the evidence at the Actual Mountain of God the best, right? So far, the multiple Bible accounts fit the Site perfectly, or I would not be here, Alex.
But none of it proves God, none of it establishes that Moses was even real...all you have is a cultural book written in times where folk did not know where the Sun went at night, they could not explain the world around them so they made stuff up...
So far, I know of over 20 direct points of precise correlation, between the multiple accounts in the Bible and the evidence at multiple sites, in Saudi Arabia.

No reason to take my word for anything, I am not the source of the information. Anyone can figure it out for themselves.
Well let me assert Spiderman is real because I have photos of New York and the building he crawled over...it is one thing proving New York but proving it does not prove Spiderman.
We know Santa lives at the North Pole and as there is a North Pole that proves Santa...show me please the difference in god being real and Santa or Spiderman being real using as proof the existence of the places where their stories unfold.
You seem incapable of seeing the point here..it's like theists will try and prove evolution wrong as to do so proves God exists...well no..prove evolution wrong all day long you still have not established god.
It will become a World Heritage Site soon.
Er that does not prove god either.
I don't think that is what is in question really.
The mountain may exist, we may find the rock that Moses sat on etc but that does not establish god spoke to Moses. Just because New York exists that does not make Spiderman more than a myth.
The North Pole exists that does not mean that Santa Clause is real.
I think you miss the point.
May I ask you would you conceed that my Moses explanation could be the reality or must you reject such a possibility as impossible and entirely unlikely.

The existence of the mountain is not evidence. And why would anyone want to suppress evidence that could establish god exists..from my position I certainly would welcome evidence given almost since day one at this site I have been asking various folk for evidence.
I think you want it to be true, which I entirely understand, and that desire causes you to not even consider any other possibility.
The fact that you can't or won't if only for a moment must tell you something.
In a law trial would you only listen to the prosecution and without hearing any defence simply proclaim that the defendant is guilty.
I sense I have angered you could that be so? And if so why? Are we not on the same side..that of seeking the truth.

Alex, I have been studying this topic for about 5 years-ish.

And I approached it as a skeptic until I became convinced, and it changed me forever.

Please continue to question it yourself, you have to!
It is the wise way to go, and I know you are a very beautiful and wise person.

Everyone has to approach it from that perspective.

You will either be convinced it is evidence for God or you won’t be convinced.

Completely your choice.

Decide for yourself!
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George Washington did exist. Silver dollars & the Potomac River did (and still do) exist... Therefore George must have thrown a silver dollar across the river.

Are you sure! Now you’re just toying with me!
I know you are a very beautiful and wise person
How can you be some right about something's like this and yet be so wrong on others.
You will either be convinced it is evidence for God or you won’t be convinced.
But it is not evidence my friend.
It is simply is not.

Consider this... There are many scientists out there many of whom would like to be famous and would like to make a buck.
Now consider how famous you would be, how wealthy, how popular how attractive to the opposite sex if you could prove god..yet not one scientist has done so..why could that be. Perhaps no one takes it on simply because they realise there is no way to do so.
Please do this for me..select your most compelling item and present it..just one.. or if you like five...but one..no three...
If you had anything you would have answered most of if not all my questions.

I have pointed out proof in law and in science ... And as I said take the easiest..proof that a reasonable man could accept...if you can't establish a case that would get up in a civil matter I am afraid your case must be dismissed and your claim that you have proof is hollow.
I started a thread claiming I could prove god does not exist which if in a law court I would have victory because I could present a case that a reasonable man would accept.
There are a lot of balls in your court simply because you are unable to play one single one..
Anyways follow the Bible and never beat your wife with a stick larger than your finger ...well that's what god says...you could think god would call for no wife beating at all.
Excited about what? They're insignificant little barren mountains, compared to the Himalayas or the Andes.
Investigate what? The region's been mapped to death already.
Disprove what? No plausible hypothesis has been put forth.

As you wish.
How can you be some right about something's like this and yet be so wrong on others.

But it is not evidence my friend.
It is simply is not.

Consider this... There are many scientists out there many of whom would like to be famous and would like to make a buck.
Now consider how famous you would be, how wealthy, how popular how attractive to the opposite sex if you could prove god..yet not one scientist has done so..why could that be. Perhaps no one takes it on simply because they realise there is no way to do so.
Please do this for me..select your most compelling item and present it..just one.. or if you like five...but one..no three...
If you had anything you would have answered most of if not all my questions.

I have pointed out proof in law and in science ... And as I said take the easiest..proof that a reasonable man could accept...if you can't establish a case that would get up in a civil matter I am afraid your case must be dismissed and your claim that you have proof is hollow.
I started a thread claiming I could prove god does not exist which if in a law court I would have victory because I could present a case that a reasonable man would accept.
There are a lot of balls in your court simply because you are unable to play one single one..
Anyways follow the Bible and never beat your wife with a stick larger than your finger ...well that's what god says...you could think god would call for no wife beating at all.

As you wish, Alex.

At your request, I will post one item for your review, hopefully tonight. You will have to decide for yourself, of course.

This could make a fun Doctor Who Episode! Where is a Tardis when you need one? We could just jump in and see what really happened!

How is the research on that thar Time Travel going.
Certainly with the Alien Tech, somebody has pulled it off already, in a deep black project on an island in a glade somewhere?

Clearly, you have been asking for evidence of God for years now on this Site because you think it is possible!
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Until I can post more information later, if you want to, just for fun, launch Google Earth, and paste in the coordinates provided below and just take a look around. Turn on the “3D buildings” and “Terrain” Layers in the left side menu of Google Earth, almost forgot!

This is Rephidim as described in the Bible, there is a shadow of a great monolithic stone, called the Split Rock here.

It is on a hill, is about 60’ high, about 40’ wide, and about 20’ thick, and is cracked or split right down the middle. The shadow and Split Rock can be seen slightly better or worse because of differences in lighting as the satellites were going over at any particular time. So it is fun to step through the historical satellite images which can sometimes show different aspects of the area better. There is a button to access the history bar in the menu. I work in Civil Engineering and I use it fairly often for my project work.

Just copy and paste the coordinates, not including the description text, into the search box in Google Earth and hit enter. Hopefully that will work well for you.

28°43'36.92"N 35°14'10.07"E

28°43'32.63"N 35°14'8.28"E

28°43'41.95"N 35°14'4.92"E

So take a look around if you wish, or don’t if you wish.

The Split Rock Site is located at Horeb, the Mountain of God.

Go ahead and laugh, and enjoy and look around if you want to. The Red Sea Crossing Site is approximately 30 miles to the West.

I will try and post some on the ground photos and other info later when I can.

You may want to try and debunk each piece of the puzzle individually, so you never have to look at or really consider the entire enchilada all at once.

And you are, of course, welcome to do that.

Back with more later, take care for now!
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Um... Google Earth proves the existence of God or something and you're the only one to notice?
London exists. Therefore, Lord Peter Wimsey and my hero, Bunter, are real.
Well, now I'm excited.
Um... Google Earth proves the existence of God or something and you're the only one to notice?
Heavens, no! He is legion! They're swarming all over the countryside, stiffing the native guides and bearers, who are descended from the wrong side of Abraham's blanket and expected to work for shekels.
You guys are being too hard on him. Obviously God is real. The Bible talks about Noah's Arc. An arc is a boat. I've seen boats before. I can send you pictures later.

I've seen animals before just as the Bible described them. The Bible mentions Rome. Look on the map, there is Rome. It's even a popular tourist destination. Why do you think all those tourists are going to Rome if there is no God?

Jesus had a mother, I have one too. Really folks, the proof is all around you if you chose to see it.
Where is Bells? Bells should be dive bombing in here any minute! Kind of a Shock and Awe approach!
You guys are being too hard on him. Obviously God is real. The Bible talks about Noah's Arc. An arc is a boat. I've seen boats before. I can send you pictures later.

I've seen animals before just as the Bible described them. The Bible mentions Rome. Look on the map, there is Rome.

Jesus had a mother, I have one too. Really folks, the proof is all around you if you chose to see it.

Ha Ha!!! That is so great! Making me laugh!!!