Deterioration of the religion subforum

People, this is the goddam faceless internet! I can't believe people take what's said in the religion forum seriously unless I'm the only one that does and you're all fine actors.:D Who do you complain to when you don't know shit about anybody? For all I know everyone of you is holed up in a federal prison with access to a computer. Anyone of you, with the stroke of a key, can be a Rhodes scholar graduate from Harvard. To those who Google I say thanks for doing so because I couldn't be bothered. Oh, I won't lose any sleep if it dies.
People, this is the goddam faceless internet! I can't believe people take what's said in the religion forum seriously unless I'm the only one that does and you're all fine actors.

The discussions at the religion forum are about more than just interpersonal quibbles.
There is a lot more at stake there than just the subjective.

Which is what science ideally is like anyway.

Many people who consider themselves scientists lose thier science-mindedness when they enter discussions about religion.
i've repeatedly been called a liar, delusional, schizophrenic, and mentally or physically ill, because i believe in god, and i've described certain spiritual experiences i've had in the religion forum, and 99.9% of that came from atheists. and i find it ironic at best for the people who call me these things because i have what they consider an unfounded belief to be hurling unfounded beliefs at me. it's abusive, and i don't resort to such abuse just because atheists don't believe as i do or because they haven't experienced what i have.
Lori has it occurred to you that they would probably call you these things in any other forum? I mean check it out, we call each other names all the time. Stop behaving as if there is some bloody pogrom against you guys.
Lori has it occurred to you that they would probably call you these things in any other forum? I mean check it out, we call each other names all the time. Stop behaving as if there is some bloody pogrom against you guys.

claiming someone is seriously sick or mentally ill is more than just calling someone a name. and if you can't talk about god and spirituality in a religion forum, then what's the point? i guess that is the point. religious and athiest alike really don't give a shit about god, they just want to be right. but with that said, i should be able to post in any forum without being misdiagnosed.
claiming someone is seriously sick or mentally ill is more than just calling someone a name. and if you can't talk about god and spirituality in a religion forum, then what's the point? i guess that is the point. religious and athiest alike really don't give a shit about god, they just want to be right. but with that said, i should be able to post in any forum without being misdiagnosed.

Why should an atheist 'give a shit' about god ?
Lori members have referred to other members as sick, mentally retarded and a whole host of other things expletives included. Buck up for christ's sake!

Post without being misdiagnosed? You mean you're manic-depressive and not schizo? :D

Well post your ailments and then we can be sure to badger you with the right diagnoses:rolleyes:

Whether people believe in god or not is not my concern, I couldn't care less. The content in the religion forum is indicative of the members who post there end of story.
i have no ailments and have never been diagnosed with a mental illness or any type of physical irregularity that might cause hallucenations or delusions or whatever the fuck they want to blame spiritual experiences on. i'm just saying that it's not a respectible or a very fair way to libel. i mean doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of a discussion forum when people just make some shit up?
i have no ailments and have never been diagnosed with a mental illness or any type of physical irregularity that might cause hallucenations or delusions or whatever the fuck they want to blame spiritual experiences on. i'm just saying that it's not a respectible or a very fair way to libel. i mean doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of a discussion forum when people just make some shit up?

Well then you are taking what others say here too personally. It doesn't matter whether you have hallucinations or not others have every right to think of it whatever way deem fit, you are free to think this unfair and disrespectful but others will obviously disagree. Truth of the matter is that you choose this community in which to discuss these experiences and not another so you must find some value in the religion forum or you would go to a different site.
Well then you are taking what others say here too personally. It doesn't matter whether you have hallucinations or not others have every right to think of it whatever way deem fit, you are free to think this unfair and disrespectful but others will obviously disagree. Truth of the matter is that you choose this community in which to discuss these experiences and not another so you must find some value in the religion forum or you would go to a different site.

"too personally"? who the fuck do you think they're talking to when they address me responding with quotes of mine, and say, "hey lori..."?

and just so you know, most sane people in this world do not treat others like what you're suggesting should be the norm or acceptable here at sciforums.
They are relating to your text, to your posts, who you may or may not be in life is unrelated. A post shouldn't be taken personally by those you don't know personally.

This is a forum Lori, a discussion board not your local community town hall meeting. What you say is not normal has indeed been normal here since I first joined in 2003. You best get used to it because I have a feeling they are not going to stop 'assessing' you anytime soon. Get some backbone woman and stop complaining like some kindergarden child.
I put myself forward as one such example.
I would class myself as being an atheist.
I do not think that yourself or Sam are any less intelligent for holding to a religous code.
Equally to the point, I have a number of close friends who are also devoutly religous (including a couple of church elders) whom I have no less respect for, and do not view as being unintelligent inspite of their beliefs.

Having said that, I have also met unintelligent theists that I would personally class as being raving gibbering loonies, equally, I have met atheists I would class as being little better.

I second this.
i've repeatedly been called a liar, delusional, schizophrenic, and mentally or physically ill, because i believe in god, and i've described certain spiritual experiences i've had in the religion forum, and 99.9% of that came from atheists. and i find it ironic at best for the people who call me these things because i have what they consider an unfounded belief to be hurling unfounded beliefs at me. it's abusive, and i don't resort to such abuse just because atheists don't believe as i do or because they haven't experienced what i have.

It's not just theists that encounter that here.

I have had long conversations with theists here including you, good ones as long as both sides work to be considerate to what the other believes. You should be able to discuss and present your position without a snide reaction from the other side. The way I look at it, if they are going to do that I am not going to continue because as Lucy said this is an internet forum not your personal friends. It's not worth the effort.

This is a place to possibly get a wider range of opinions that you may not get from those in your personal life but they are not your friends anymore than your co-workers are.

Too many adults acting like children or maybe children in the first place.
They are relating to your text, to your posts, who you may or may not be in life is unrelated. A post shouldn't be taken personally by those you don't know personally.

This is a forum Lori, a discussion board not your local community town hall meeting. What you say is not normal has indeed been normal here since I first joined in 2003. You best get used to it because I have a feeling they are not going to stop 'assessing' you anytime soon. Get some backbone woman and stop complaining like some kindergarden child.

What the hell is the difference between communicating here and in person? I think its pretty safe to say that the members of this forum are human just like the people you meet on the street every day. Honesty is honesty, and if you think that just because you're not staring at someone's face when you're communicating with them gives you the right to libel, or in certain cases, be an insensitive cunt, you're wrong.
Maybe that's why you treat people differently face to face, because you know some bitch like me would kick your ass.
In most of the world including the USA it is the theists who outnumber the atheists and try to intimidate and harass the atheist until like scared homosexuals they retreat into their closets.

At Sciforums the situation is reversed and it is the theists who are outnumbered and are sort of harassed. I guess you can't blame atheists who have been facing aggressive theism all their lives for becoming aggressive atheists when they are finally the majority somewhere.

Theists have created a lot of suffering in the world while ramming their religions down people's throats but communist atheists created a lot of suffering while ramming their "religion" down peoples throats. There is no guarantee that geekism if rammed down people's throats (if the meek geeks shall inherit the earth) would be any more gentle than what the religious wackos and communists did.

What sort of ticks me off is the Proselytizing irrational religion of pseudo-scientificism. I hold real scientific thinking in high esteem so when I see people making a religion out of the the style of science rather than the substance of science I feel that a heresy is taking place and somebody should burn alive at the stake these 2nd rate imitators of the look and feel of real scientists. Somebody needs to tell these people that putting on a white lab coat and acting contemptuous towards emotions does not make you scientific. Somebody needs to tell these people that dismissing as unreal anything that can not be measured is not an attitude of real science. And somebody needs to tell these people that wearing a pocket protector or adopting other physical or cultural trappings irrationally associated with science will not make you more scientific. Also somebody might want to inform the people trying to work the look of science that an irrational antagonism towards theism does not make you more scientific or smarter.

Maybe that's why you treat people differently face to face, because you know some bitch like me would kick your ass.

This coming from the proponent of 'turn the other cheek' and 'love thy neighbor'.

holier than thou anyone??