Deterioration of the religion subforum

i looked
first page
most are asinine attacks on the devout..
fuck off

Really.. ?
I see two threads ridiculing atheists and NONE ridiculing theists, on the first page.
There are some ridiculing religion though, but we were talking about atheists and theists.
what question do you pose again?


That hijacking science to promote atheism is not favourable to science. For atheists to use sciforums to evangelise atheism is immoral and unethical. This is what Skinwalker is doing, using the religion forum as his personal platform, aided and abetted by the other atheists who administer the forums. What is worse is they are using science to promote anti-theism and bigotry while pretending to promote scientific thinking and reason.
I'm kind of offended..

Don't worry, I have never had any problems with you. I am referring to those Atheists who I debate in the religion forum.

Some of them are intolerable. Since when does posting pictures of naked women classify as debate. Obviously the purpose for much of the debate is to offend Muslims.

Besides, most threads that are started with the intention of bashing are on atheists.

I disagree, most threads which are created in the religion subforum are centered around bashing Muslims. The sheer quantity is sometimes difficult to follow. The bias is inherent in Skinwalker's moderation and in his statements.

I'll give you an example. Some Christians created a thread asking about the Muslim view of Jesus. We had a discussion, and during the discussion I posted some verses from the Quran. Even though the verses I posted were on topic, I got both a warning and my post was deleted for trolling. I then re-posted a much smaller version of the post, inter-spliced with the Islamic arguments relating to Jesus. This post was deleted also. What right do Atheists have to interfere in a theological debate between Christians and Muslims? To delete posts and curtail debate in this case?
Don't worry, I have never had any problems with you. I am referring to those Atheists who I debate in the religion forum.
Thanks Diamond.

I disagree, most threads which are created in the religion subforum are centered around bashing Muslims. The sheer quantity is sometimes difficult to follow. The bias is inherent in Skinwalker's moderation and in his statements.
I agree that there is a lot of religion bashing, but you have to make the distinction between religion and theists.

I'll give you an example. Some Christians created a thread asking about the Muslim view of Jesus. We had a discussion, and during the discussion I posted some verses from the Quran. Even though the verses I posted were on topic, I got both a warning and my post was deleted for trolling. I then re-posted a much smaller version of the post, inter-spliced with the Islamic arguments relating to Jesus. This post was deleted also. What right do Atheists have to interfere in a theological debate between Christians and Muslims? To delete posts and curtail debate in this case?
Hmm well, you may have a point in the case you mention. But then, I don't know the context.
But Diamond, however unfair a moderator might be as long as they are moderating according to the rules they are always right. This forum is not a democracy.
If you feel that you have been done an injustice, according to the forum rules, you should file a complaint with the admin.
This is a science forum. Go somewhere else if you want a damn religion forum. Hell, I bet if you make all the forums here that people don't really consider "science", just like physicsforums took all the science sections, you'd have a really popular site. :\
Been there, done that. I have been criticized by moderators for doing this, so I don't do this anymore.

But what was the outcome ?
And filing an complaint with the admin is a last resort measure, if that doesn't work nothing will.
Some of them are intolerable. Since when does posting pictures of naked women classify as debate. Obviously the purpose for much of the debate is to offend Muslims.

As the posting of images of naked women is not allowed on this forum, this is a lie.
Tread: God= Allah is the one and only God. Filled to the brink with racism and hatred, dozens of pages, feel free to look.
This is a science forum. Go somewhere else if you want a damn religion forum. Hell, I bet if you make all the forums here that people don't really consider "science", just like physicsforums took all the science sections, you'd have a really popular site. :\

This is a science forum that also has a forum on religion, if you think people should go elsewhere if they want to discuss religion then remove the bloody forum and be done with it. Its unfair to say 'go elsewhere' when this forum in fact exists here on Sciforums.
This is a science forum that also has a forum on religion, if you think people should go elsewhere if they want to discuss religion then remove the bloody forum and be done with it. Its unfair to say 'go elsewhere' when this forum in fact exists here on Sciforums.

I agree. The forum should be removed. Its sole purpose seems to have become misrepresenting theists and thus creating an antipathy to athiests by people who would otherwise have no reason to despise one another.
I agree. The forum should be removed. Its sole purpose seems to have become misrepresenting theists and thus creating an antipathy to athiests by people who would otherwise have no reason to despise one another.

I seem to remember someone proposing to remove it. That was quite a while ago..

To quote one of the replies: "Don't read the forum."
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You larn sumthink everyday. Today I larned that posting that I have reported a post in the thread is off topic. Hence forth I shall open a thread in About the members to keep a tally of my reported posts.
I have to say Sam that mentioning that a post has been reported is strictly speaking off-topic. I can think of several reasons why it might be done:
1) As a gentle warning to the reported poster that you genuinely found their post unacceptable.
2) As confirmation of a warning issued earlier that if certain behaviour continued you would report the poster.
3) As a form of attack on the poster.
4) As a form of trolling intended to elicit a reaction.

Now all four are off-topic to some degree and 3) and 4) are unacceptable.

You do rather seem to be taking the tack that Spurious Monkey adopted of inviting censure and condemnation.

I am no friend of organised religion, nor am I its enemy, yet I tend to agree with you that there is an imbalance in the way theists and atheists are treated on this forum.

May I suggest that in order to make your point, and perhaps even win your battle, that you have to be scrupulously 'clean' in every regard. It will come aas no surprise to you to learn that presently you are not. So, do you just want to stir up shit, or do actually want to change things? The choice is down to you.
Show me the post then. You are capable of providing a link to prove your assertion?
I am fairly certain that I formed the opinion some time ago that DiamondHearts is a dickhead. However, I am much more certain that I have seen posted pictures in this forum of nude women, so I would have to support him on this one. If you choose not to accept this objective input, fine, just don't ask me to waste even more time looking for the subject links.
I am fairly certain that I formed the opinion some time ago that DiamondHearts is a dickhead. However, I am much more certain that I have seen posted pictures in this forum of nude women, so I would have to support him on this one. If you choose not to accept this objective input, fine, just don't ask me to waste even more time looking for the subject links.

In all of the years I've been here, I honestly do not recall ever seeing a nude woman posted. Many scantily clad, yes, especially in the Most Beautiful Woman in the World thread. But that thread was closely monitored, and probations were issued for going over the line (too little clothing), until it was finally closed by Plazma. It could be that it happened, and I missed it.

I do remember one member having a bare boob as an avatar (Buffys I think). As the rules have gradually changed, I have my doubts as to whether this would now be allowed.

Could a member have posted a nude woman, and had it removed by a moderator? Very possible. Could it have stayed up for a very long time? If it wasn't reported, certainly. I don't think it could be done without consequence now.
I'm speaking from my experience with Atheists on the religion forum. If you don't support his moderation, why do you let him get away with his one-sided moderation on this forum?

As a rule, I do not second-guess decisions of other moderators. If I was to review every decision made by every moderator then there would be no need for any other moderators - I could just do everything myself. I have looked into complaints about SkinWalker, and I can't recall any of them ever requiring action.

Furthermore, bring me an example of an Atheist who views Religious people as just as intelligent as he. No such example exists, hence I stand by my point.

If you go through life assuming that all atheists are arrogant pricks (another false generalisation), then your chances of having a polite conversation with one will be considerably reduced, I'd say.

I've read the works of many extremely intelligent religious people. However, my observation is that such people are few and far between on internet forums. The most stridently religious people I encounter online also tend to be the least knowledgable and the least able to critically examine arguments.

As a generalisation, this doesn't just apply to religion, of course. For example, the nutters who cry the loudest that Einstein was wrong most often turn out to be incapable of understanding Einstein's theories.

The claim by Skinwalker that only Atheists can be rationalists and scientists further supports my claim.

Please link me to that claim. I'm interested to see if he ever made such a claim.

This is a science forum. Go somewhere else if you want a damn religion forum. Hell, I bet if you make all the forums here that people don't really consider "science", just like physicsforums took all the science sections, you'd have a really popular site. :\

Actually, the Religion forum is quite popular. Look at the thread and post counts on the front page and compare to other subforums. Religion is up there. There's obviously an interest in it.

I agree. The forum should be removed. Its sole purpose seems to have become misrepresenting theists and thus creating an antipathy to athiests by people who would otherwise have no reason to despise one another.

Who's the number 1 person trying to create antipathy towards atheists on the Religion forum, SAM?
As a rule, I do not second-guess decisions of other moderators. If I was to review every decision made by every moderator then there would be no need for any other moderators - I could just do everything myself. I have looked into complaints about SkinWalker, and I can't recall any of them ever requiring action.

Then you're part of the problem.

If you were to log into a forum where the thread titles were

Is Judaism a major cause of mental disease?

Are black people less intelligent than other races?

Should aboriginal children be taken away to prevent child abuse?

What would be your take on such a forum?

Yet, threads like this on theists are so commonplace that you could substitute theists for any one of the above groups and no one would think it unusual. And yet, you do not see it as a problem in the religion forum.
Who's the number 1 person trying to create antipathy towards atheists on the Religion forum, SAM?

The one holding up a mirror to their anti-theism?