Denial of evolution

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No, you don't understand it therefore reject it. I've seen you spew the same bile time and time again all over the internet Carico. In every instance you are given mounds and mounds of empirical evidence from the science community yet no matter how incorrect you are shown to be you ignore it, dismiss it or call it lies.

The only thing I've been given are mounds and mounds of contradictory and false statements all over the internet. I just saw a documentary in which scientists said they couldn't find one ounce of neanderthal DNA in human DNA. I wonder why. ;) Anyone who understands the birds and the bees knows that the DNA of humans can't get into animals any more than animal DNA can get into human DNA especially the DNA of FICTITIOUS animals. So the only ones who are surprised by that are scientists. ;) And that's of course why evolutionists never stick to the topic but start personally attacking; because evolution is indefensible and they know it.
1) No one knows who the common ancestor is or how many there were because they're made up in the minds of men

There are gaps, certainly - but we're getting there. Apologies if that isn't good enough.

2) No one know who the first speaking man was

His name was huggawugga. Sorry, that was sarcasm. You were expecting someone to tell you who the first speaking man was? Religion will provide you that fiction.

3) No one knows how long it took for an ape to turn into a human

Apologies but it has been a while.. An ape turned into a human?

4) No one can explain how an ape can turn into a human except to say that...well...the genes of apes just changed into the genes of humans.

Who says an ape turned into a human?

5) No evolutionist knows if humans are apes or not. Some say yes, others say no.

Sorry, quotes would help me respond to this.
The only thing I've been given are mounds and mounds of contradictory and false statements all over the internet. I just saw a documentary in which scientists said they couldn't find one ounce of neanderthal DNA in human DNA. I wonder why. ;) Anyone who understands the birds and the bees knows that the DNA of humans can't get into animals any more than animal DNA can get into human DNA especially the DNA of FICTITIOUS animals. So the only ones who are surprised by that are scientists. ;) And that's of course why evolutionists never stick to the topic but start personally attacking; because evolution is indefensible and they know it.

You have just proven my point Carico. You have to understand what's involved first - do you even have an inkling of knowledge of genetics? By this simple paragraph, I'd say and emphatic "no". The divergence between Neanderthal and Humans in very small because our two species were extremely close - stop watching half-assed documentaries and read some real scientific literature. Were you even aware of the Neanderthal genome project carried out by researchers from the Max Planck Institute? Probably not. Were you aware that our DNA similarity was calculated at 99.5% (Noonan et al., 2006; Green et al., 2008) by the genome sequencing researchers when compared to the human genome? Closer to Homo sapiens sapiens DNA but not similar enough but more similar that ours and chimpanzee DNA which would be expected and predicted by evolutionary theory. The DNA similarity is due to common descent and extremely strong evidence for such.

You don't understand that elementary aspect yet you claim all you've been given are contradictory statements? Everywhere and all the time?

I also don't wanna hear "blah blah, contradictory evidence" because these articles support previous work which made the conclusions which predicted the very findings of these latest articles. Verification of prediction through empirical findings - now, where is this contradictory "evidence" in the scientific literature?


Green, R., Malaspinas, A., Krause, J., Briggs, A., Johnson, P., Uhler, C. et al. (2008). A complete Neanderthal mitochondrial genome sequence determined by high-throughput sequencing. Cell, 134, 416-426.

Noonan, J., Coop, G., Kudaravalli, S., Smith, D., Krause, J., Alessi, J. et al. (2006). Sequencing and analysis of Neanderthal DNA. Science, 314, 1113-1118.
and Carico will reply with something like "timecube is real and you inability to understand is because your are educated stupid! ;)" or some from of circular logic ad hominem combination. There is no arguing with a troll, arguing with them means they won.
and Carico will reply with something like "timecube is real and you inability to understand is because your are educated stupid! ;)" or some from of circular logic ad hominem combination. There is no arguing with a troll, arguing with them means they won.

No, actually I reply with logic and science by explaining how descendants are produced. But since evolutionists live in a fantasy world where one animal turns into another, then of course, they don't know how descendants are produced.

So let's see if for once, evolutionists can get real...although I doubt it. So I will once again reply with logic and science:

Descendants are produced by the mating between the female and male of each species. Are you with with me so far? If so, then I can continue. If not, then of course you'll continue to live in your fantasy world and not understand why evolution is impossible. Nevertheless, what happens next is that the egg of the female is fertilized by the sperm of the male, then the genes of both male and female are combined to produce an offspring.

What that means is that a cow does not turn into a pig, a horse doesn't turn into an elephant and an ape doesn't turn into a human because over millions of years, their DNA just turned into the DNA of those animals. :D That can only happen in the imaginations of men. It does not happen in reality as I believe even evolutionists know. So evolutionists are either unbearably ignorant about biology or they're just plain lying about how descendants are produced. I suspect it's a little of both. ;)
The irony is staggering.

So if you say I'm ignorant then you deny that descendants are produced by the mating between the male and female of each species. You have thus proven that you have zero understanding of basic biology. So thanks for proving me right about you. ;)
So if you say I'm ignorant then you deny that descendants are produced by the mating between the male and female of each species. You have thus proven that you have zero understanding of basic biology. So thanks for proving me right about you. ;)

That's not what I said. You however, cannot understand the difference between development and descent with modification over time. You also do not understand what mechanisms contribute to this change and don't understand that massive evolutionary phenotypic changes do not happen within one generation. I won't even get into models of speciation, particular mutation types or anything of the like.

Your understanding of biology is equivalent to a three year old knowing that male and females make babies which you so frequently refer to as the "birds and the bees". Have you read those articles I cited yet?
Don't you see solidsquid, it makes total sense!

1. Egg and sperm makes offspring (Evidence)
2. ???? (Premise)
3. Thus no speciation (Conclusion)

Who needs a fucking Premise
1. I like oranges.
3. Thus oranges cause earthquakes in japan.

WOW, this is great all of logic has been set free for me!
Apes cannot breed descendants who are goats, turkeys, chicken, humnas, lions, tigers, bears, or anything but apes whether in 9 months or a million years.

That is probably correct. However, in 100 million years, say...

That should be obvious to all who understand basic biology. The reason is that apes carry APE DNA, not the DNA of any other animal. So evolution is and always has been a myth. ;)

How do you explain the large amount of shared DNA between human beings and chimpanzees? Coincidence?

The "great homo-sapiens" is a made up creature from the skulls and bones of many different animals, my friend. There' NO WAY to prove that the skulls and bones that archeologists found to construct their fictitious creatures all came from the same body. Absolutely none. So their methods are in NO WAY scientific. They simply count on using the letters after their names to dupe the public.

Thanks for the information. I'll be very careful to distrust all those idiots with PhDs from now on, and just listen to you instead.

Er... what are your qualifications? Do you have any?

So which is it? Are humans apes or not? Or are those who espouse evolution so confused that they have no clue what the difference is between humans and animals and why and how each animal reproduces itself? :eek:

Humans are animals. For example, we are mammals. Do you agree? And mammals are animals, correct? Now, a dog is another mammal, correct? And does that make a dog an animal?

Now, explain to be again why humans are not animals, if you can.

And by the way, the term "re-production" means to breed descendants who are the same species as oneself, not other animals.

But nobody is identical to their offspring. Do you have children? Are they identical to you? Are you identical to your mother and to your father? (That would be a neat trick).

So, given that you are different from your mother, and that your children are different from you, doesn't this mean that people change over the generations?

Oh, but new generations will always be human beings, I'm sure you'll claim.

My question is: how do you know?

That's because NOBODY understands evolution since it's as subjective as it is imaginary. ;)

So, you admit you don't understand evolution. Hmm....

I just saw a documentary in which scientists said they couldn't find one ounce of neanderthal DNA in human DNA.

Must have been a crappy documentary if it said that. You should try to find some real science. There are lots of good documentaries you could start with.

Anyone who understands the birds and the bees knows that the DNA of humans can't get into animals any more than animal DNA can get into human DNA especially the DNA of FICTITIOUS animals.

But human DNA is found in chimpanzees. For that matter, some of the same DNA is found in mice and humans.

Did you not know this?

Descendants are produced by the mating between the female and male of each species.

Only for species that use sexual reproduction.

Nevertheless, what happens next is that the egg of the female is fertilized by the sperm of the male, then the genes of both male and female are combined to produce an offspring.

Do th genes combine to produce an exact copy of the male? Or an exact copy of the female? Or a half-half mix of both, perhaps (which would mean when a man and woman breed, their offspring is half male, half female)? Or what?

Please explain the genetic process to me, as you understand it.

What that means is that a cow does not turn into a pig, a horse doesn't turn into an elephant and an ape doesn't turn into a human because over millions of years, their DNA just turned into the DNA of those animals.

Did it? So, the DNA never changed at all? Is that right? What happened? Did it all just get mixed around in different combinations?

Tell me: is it possible for DNA to be copied incorrectly when cells divide? If so, how do the errors that result get fixed?

Please explain. I wish to learn from you great store of non-PhD knowledge.
So, you admit you don't understand evolution. Hmm....

Considering that you didn't address how much evolutionists themselves don't even know about evolution, then I can only understand what they understand about the fictitious process which isn't much as I demonstrated. ;)

How do you explain the large amount of shared DNA between human beings and chimpanzees? Coincidence?

We don't share chimp DNA, we have similar traits as they do! The reason is so obvious that scientists completely miss it since they're so intent on trying to prove that man came from apes. In order to live in the environment that God created animals and humans both have to have:

1) A heart
2) A brain
3) A circulatory system
4) A digestive system
5) eyes, ears, a nose and a mouth
6) limbs
7) Lungs
8) skin
9) A nervous system
10) A stomach
11) A digestive system
12) A nervous system
13) A reproductive system

And on and on and on. So of course our traits will be similar to animals which is precisely why the DNA of mice & and humans will have similar traits as well. In fact our traits will be MORE similar than different because we have to have similar organs in order to eat, breathe, drink, reproduce and protect ourselves. So our similar traits does not mean that one can breed the other as reality demonstrates. :rolleyes: That's a perfect example of scientists reaching the WRONG conclusion based on an observation which they do ALL the time.

And that's where people who can't think for themselves or oberseve realty put their blind faith in scientists. They don't know the difference between speculation and evidence. ;)
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I note that you dodged most of the questions I put to you.

We don't share chimp DNA, we have similar traits as they do!

But we do! Set out certain sequences of DNA from chimps and humans side by side and the base pairs will match pair-for-pair, exactly.

So of course our traits will be similar to animals which is precisely why the DNA of mice & and humans will have similar traits as well. In fact our traits will be MORE similar than different because we have to have similar organs in order to eat, breathe, drink, reproduce and protect ourselves.

Take one example: vertebrates. All vertebrates have a single backbone, to which other parts of their skeleton attach. But why do they all have just one? And why not some other arrangement?

Your argument that our organs are similar because they need to be similar is just plain wrong. It would be very easy for a God to design a perfectly workable mouse that did not have a liver, or had a different type of heart, or which had 6 limbs and 2 backbones, or 7 eyes, or three ears. But instead, we see that mice share an incredible number of traits with human beings, in terms of biochemical processes within their bodies, how their heart works, how they see, how many joints their legs have, and so on.

So, why did your God make all mammals share so many traits? Did he just have a particular fondness for two eyes rather than three, perhaps? Or did he decide that all mammals needed to produce live young rather than lay eggs? And why those decisions?

Please explain your God's choices from your Creationist perspective - if you have an explanation, that is.
I would very much like to stop dignifying this woo-woo by giving it a name with a cachet of authenticity: Creationism. Please call it what it is: evolution denialism. This is a science website; we are under no obligation to use the apologist terminology that has been adopted by the popular press in order to placate the religious fundamentalists among their readers. We're not attempting to attract religious fundamentalists to SciForums.

No one has dignified Holocaust denialism, they just call it what it is.

Wait a second.

Thas not entirely fair or just, if you do not believe in the theory of evolution it does not mean you are a religious creationist or whatever the hell they call themselves.

I am niether an evolutionist or creationist, It is wrong to assume that you have to be one or the other, viewpoints are not as black and white as that.

If I believe in some parts of the evolution theory and not other parts there is nothing wrong with that, It is very difficult to persuade my mind of anything when it comes to solid hard facts about reality. I believe in evolution to a certain extent fraggle but I am not a firm believer of every part of the theory, some of it seems to be true and some still remains a theory and model. I am not the type of person to be force fed facts about life, it takes me years and years to come to conclusions that other people come to after reading a single book, my mind is not swayed like a willow in the wind, more like a mountain after years of erosion.

I take everything into consideration before standing firm on a set of beliefs, I have seen too many mistakes in history with science and religion, later down the line early facts are almost always dissproven y later facts. I m not effected by fads and trends of popular social beliefs. I have been learning about the big bang since I was about 7 years old in school. I m 23 now and I have still not made up my mind if I think it's true or not.

I think evolution theory makes very good arguments, but I am not going to say "yes this is true the entire theory is 100% fact". I do not care who calls me a woo-woo or any other name that suggests I am off my "rocker" (wink wink) for not bowing down to the latest scientific theory. I actualy use my own mind to carefully examine and ponder over the reality of the theory. I might die an old man and still not have made up my mind if evolution is a full fact as presented within the whole theory.

Yes, animals appear to evolve and change due to mutations, they also adapt to survive. but did we all originate from single celled organisms?. I dont know maybe maybe not, but im not going to just believe because I am told I should. It is an impossible task to indoctrinate Chi, I still m unsure If this whole reality is as real as I think it might be, I still think this might be a type of simulated comp[uter prog, or a product of somethings imagination.


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Yes, animals appear to evolve and change due to mutations, they also adapt to survive. but did we all originate from single celled organisms?. I dont know maybe maybe not, but im not going to just believe because I am told I should. It is an impossible task to indoctrinate Chi, I still m unsure If this whole reality is as real as I think it might be, I still think this might be a type of simulated comp[uter prog, or a product of somethings imagination.

Oh really? So how does an elephant change into a tiger? :D Do you know what mating and breeding results in? Re-production? do you know why it's called re-production? Because each species breeds its own species. That's what a reproductive system is. No animal contains a system where it produces another animal. :rolleyes: Unbelievable. So you absolutely ARE believing in evolution because you're told to since animals do not produce other animals as descendants in reality. :rolleyes:
Mod Note:

Posts on religion deleted or moved. Please do not discuss religion in Biology.

Caricos ramblings and responses to ramblings moved here

That's false. My posts are on biology which are plain for all to see. You simply don't want to hear the truth about basic biology. :mad: But look at James's post; his mentions religion. So you are making a blatantly false statement which can't be ignored even by moving my posts.
OK, what is a mutation?

Mutation means "change." It's that simple. Mutations can only act on what's present in a cell. They cannot act on what is not present in the cell. And that's why bacterial cells don't "mutate" into healthy cells any more than ape DNA "mutates" into human DNA. That's all in the imaginations of men. ;)
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