Proposal: Democracy is Counter-Progressive

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Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
I, Norsefire, challenge James R to this debate, using standard rules. The debate will focus on democracy and democratic ideas, and I will argue the notion that "rule by the people" is counter-productive. This is an argument against democracy and also republicanism, as it follows democratic principles.

This debate will be about principle and ideal, and not about historical examples. It is rather about the philosophy of democracy itself.

I will argue against democracy from the perspective that freedom is desirable, and also from the perspective that order and stability are desirable.

Further negotiations as to terms can now take place.
I, Norsefire, challenge James R to this debate, using standard rules. The debate will focus on democracy and democratic ideas, and I will argue the notion that "rule by the people" is counter-productive. This is an argument against democracy and also republicanism, as it follows democratic principles.

This debate will be about principle and ideal, and not about historical examples. It is rather about the philosophy of democracy itself.

I will argue against democracy from the perspective that freedom is desirable, and also from the perspective that order and stability are desirable.

Further negotiations as to terms can now take place.

Since I wasn't invited to participate, I obviously won't and expect this post to be deleted soon. :)

But I just want to point out what I consider to be a SERIOUS error in this proposal. If I understand it correctly, it's essentially prohibiting historical examples - and that would be completely unreasonable when debating any topic! Because it eliminates the possibility of showing the actual reality and PROOF of concept and will result in nothing more than arguing semantics which is totally unproductive and worthless in establishing the usefulness/value of something.
The main problem is that first you have to agree on a definition of counter-productive. Without that the debate is meaningless...
I'm not interested in this one. Besides, if I'm going to have yet another Formal Debate, the next one I'll be getting to is the one on Global Warming. I just don't have the time, let alone the inclination for a silly debate on Democracy.
Yeah, whatever happened to that GW debate? I am still waiting for that one...
I'm not interested in this one. Besides, if I'm going to have yet another Formal Debate, the next one I'll be getting to is the one on Global Warming. I just don't have the time, let alone the inclination for a silly debate on Democracy.

So you find democracy silly?

Very well. James, at my request, please delete this thread.
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