Delusions of Grandeur and Conspiracy theorists: Connection?


Valued Senior Member
Sometimes on this forum we seem to be plagued with conspiracy theorists pushers and those with delusions of Grandeur.
I see a connection between both maladies.
In general conspiracy theories arise out through a proven sense of powerlessness and fearful outlook on life in general. The 9/11 terrorist plot revealed to the world how dangerous Islamic terrorism could be, and all Americans [and the western world] were dismayed and terrified.
Yet the conspiracy theorist instead of facing the terrible reality behind these attacks, chose instead to deny the obvious and fabricate within his befuddled brain an inside job.

If one studies the methodology of these independent theorists, one quickly realizes that the conspiracies are designed to support these individuals’ pre-established fears, prejudices, personal hatreds, and/or delusions of grandeur.

Why the connection with the "delusions of Grandeur" malady?
Because obviously they consider themselves the only ones that are "willing to think" in a country that has been fooled by the government, the establishment, the media, and popular culture.
They believe and imagine that because they are so intelligent and so incredibly capable of "independent thought" that everyone else must be just plain too stupid or brainwashed to see the bigger truth.
They take immense pride in the fact that they are able to think for themselves and that the apparent reality of the conspiracy in their minds, are not realised by the blind and brainwashed majority.
They believe that people are lead by the nose to believe whatever "mainstream science"tells them, despite the obvious fact that mainstream beliefs are mainstream simply because they are the most likely and sensible outcome.

They will search endlessly for deeper meaning to any situation, rather then accept what mainstream tells them despite the more apparent logical picture painted by mainstream.
Again this imagined quality of thinking for themselves, over rides any logical common sense feature of what the majority are telling them.
They disregard or deride that the mainstream opinions are opinions, theories and models that stem from expert professional people with access to many state of the art equipment.
While they themselves are totally inexperienced and unqualified.
Yep, I'm sure there is a definite connection.
I think mathman was implying that paddoboy could have made the same sentiment with fewer words.
"Brevity is the soul of wit."
My liege, and madam, to expostulate
What majesty should be, what duty is,
What day is day, night night, and time is time,
Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time;
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief. Your noble son is mad. . . .
Hamlet Act 2, scene 2, 86–92
Conspiracy nutjobs think they're oh-so-smart because they've figured out and uncovered the "secret conspiracies" that others are fooled by.

Naturally, that means they're better than the brainwashed masses and the sheeple.
Conspiracy nutjobs think they're oh-so-smart because they've figured out and uncovered the "secret conspiracies" that others are fooled by.

Naturally, that means they're better than the brainwashed masses and the sheeple.

And some are just plain weird to boot!
And some are just plain weird to boot!
Except for a single foray, I have strictly avoided participation in these kind of non-physics 'sociological' topics which absorb so much of some members time and energies.
But tell me paddoboy - and talking of weirdness - WTF possessed you to post this in General Science & Technology?!:? I will time this to see how long in takes Admin/mods to boot it down to some more appropriate sub-forum.
Except for a single foray, I have strictly avoided participation in these kind of non-physics 'sociological' topics which absorb so much of some members time and energies.
But tell me paddoboy - and talking of weirdness - WTF possessed you to post this in General Science & Technology?!:? I will time this to see how long in takes Admin/mods to boot it down to some more appropriate sub-forum.

Perhaps it's you that needs to be booted down into the fringe sections.
You're another that questions GR from memory.
Your bleeding heart for all our alternative nuts has me really in stitches :D
Next time I won't be so hard on you even with your nutty GR views.
Now calm down, take a pill or two and chill out before you have a coronary.
Wow! talk about an angry little boy!
Perhaps it's you that needs to be booted down into the fringe sections.
You're another that questions GR from memory.
Your bleeding heart for all our alternative nuts has me really in stitches :D
Next time I won't be so hard on you even with your nutty GR views.
NO! The Lion must remain firm and resolved! No mercy to those even slightly off-center of dead-center mainstream! And if that ironically means the Lion must at times be hard on himself - so be it!
Now calm down, take a pill or two and chill out before you have a coronary.
Wow! talk about an angry little boy!
Come now paddoboy - you actually read a trace of anger in #9, rather than simple bewilderment, at your strangely out of place rant thread? Combo rallying cry to the faithful and handy diversionary tactic perhaps? He he he. Methinks you have been stung and stung hard.
Now, how about answering my question in #9. I mean, you are fully aware of e.g. Conspiracies sub-forum. Where exactly do you see any useful Science and/or Technology in your rant OP?
But tell me paddoboy - and talking of weirdness - WTF possessed you to post this in General Science & Technology?!:? I will time this to see how long in takes Admin/mods to boot it down to some more appropriate sub-forum.

Well that's easy to answer....all our alternative hypothesis pushers here suffer with the inflated ego and delusions of grandeur problem....and with no evidence to support any of their anti GR claims, or TOES, or any rewriting of 20th/21st century cosmology, they are all literally pissing into the wind.
Couple those Idiots with the religious agenda cranks we have like Rajesh, taht see modern cosmology as pushing their magical deity into oblivion, and I see it has everything to do with science.
That is WTF possessed me to post here.
You are entitled to disagree of course, and if the mods see the need to shift it, I'll go along with that also. :) No skin off my nose. How's yours?

Werid??? Many definitions, one being weirdos that ask other members not to quote their posts, ;) That's a real ripper that one!
Or those with a bleeding heart approach to our cranks and alternative GR nuts and carry on like a girl with no pants when the blow torch is brought to bare.
Sort of brings me to tears. ;)
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Well that's easy to answer....all our alternative hypothesis pushers here suffer with the inflated ego and delusions of grandeur problem....and with no evidence to support any of their anti GR claims, or TOES, or any rewriting of 20th/21st century cosmology, they are all literally pissing into the wind.
Couple those Idiots with the religious agenda cranks we have like Rajesh, taht see modern cosmology as pushing their magical deity into oblivion, and I see it has everything to do with science.
That is WTF possessed me to post here.
You are entitled to disagree of course, and if the mods see the need to shift it, I'll go along with that also. :) No skin off my nose. How's yours?

Werid??? Many definitions, one being weirdos that ask other members not to quote their posts, ;) That's a real ripper that one!
Or those with a bleeding heart approach to our cranks and alternative GR nuts and carry on like a girl with no pants when the blow torch is brought to bare.
Sort of brings me to tears. ;)
Well if I could electronically mail you a tissue for those tears - damn it I would! And far be it for me to suggest you have drawn a very long bow with that 'answer' and 'pertinent comments and asides'. No sir - let the lion roar unchallenged I say!:D
NO! The Lion must remain firm and resolved! No mercy to those even slightly off-center of dead-center mainstream! And if that ironically means the Lion must at times be hard on himself - so be it!

I'm very merciful and a big softy at heart, and perhaps if you calm down for a while, check out any alternative hypothesis threads where I am involved, and show me where I have gone in with the blow torch one up, first go. Because that has never happened. Along with the other mainstream supporterd here, all have been given a go, all have been informed of their errors and mistakes, most more than once, and in near all cases, all totally ignore those answers and advice and start getting a bit chirpy.
Now that is easy for you to show I'm wrong...a bit of searching if you are up to it.
As an example of what I say, check out all Rajesh's threads...all of them and note how he was treated with kid gloves in the beginning.
Whether you take up that challenge is neither here nor there and wont change things from my end.
All the best on your mission anyway, have fun!
I'm very merciful and a big softy at heart, and perhaps if you calm down for a while, check out any alternative hypothesis threads where I am involved, and show me where I have gone in with the blow torch one up, first go. Because that has never happened...
I'm so tempted....but life's too short for the meaningless tiff session that would follow. Have fun.
I'm so tempted....but life's too short for the meaningless tiff session that would follow. Have fun.

Like I said, I don't really give a flying fuck whether you do or you don't.
But I've told you how in most cases it progresses.
I'll continue as I always have.
Watching the footy now so I'll let you play with yourself.
Conspiracy theorists appear to be spawned by liberal education. Liberalism constantly creates conspiracy theory to create political division. The evil whites have a plan against the blacks, the evil religious right are trying to take over the government, the evil males are after the females and use ceilings of glass, the evil straights are after the gays, the evil rich are after the poor, etc., etc.

All these conspiracy theories are based on stereotypes, where limited data can be presented that fit the curve. But does not look at the bigger data field, to see all the bad data points. The quota system, is like a legal conspiracy theory in that it assumes all of one side is always the victim, and all the other side is always the criminal. This is not what the data says. This shows this gimmick can work if you persist, emotionally.

The underlying motivation for conspiracy theory is fear. All the above try to politically induce fear for fight/flight, with some of the fearful wanting to fight. Since all conspiracy theories are out of touch with reality, what occurs is unconscious overcompensation; exaggerated attempts to justify even to the point of injustice with dual standards.

If you look at the riots in Baltimore, a conspiracy theory is being offered, based on the evil white republicans withholding resources from the inner cities. The other facts of the matter are, Baltimore has been a Democratic party stronghold for decades, with them controlling the money. Baltimore is fourth in per capita funding for education, yet the democrats, in charge, are not sharing that money equally with all the schools. Most of power structure in that city is run by the blacks. They also have one of the most integrated police forces in the country. The democratic leadership is the main source of the conspiracy theories, using this as a smoke screen to disguise their corruption and incompetence.

Since the democratic party and the media are in bed together, the apple does not fall far from these trees, until the less educated or repressed, mimic the schema. The more intelligent mimic with their own unique spin.

Delusions of grandeur were expressed when the democrats were running then Senator Obama; Lord Obama, with him able to solve all the problems the democrats created with their conspiracy theories. Theoretically, all you need to do is add all the data and the theory could be rendered neutral, releasing tension. But its impact was already too deep.
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Except many of those examples are true.

Which part of your comment was the point?