Defining trolling

So are you admitting to having had a paranormal experience? That's more incredible than I've ever had.

Trying to falsify my statements now hm? I said quite plainly that it was something I could not explain adequately - I did not say it was paranormal. Again, easy enough to see how one such as yourself would make that mistake in comprehension.
Trying to falsify my statements now hm? I said quite plainly that it was something I could not explain adequately - I did not say it was paranormal. Again, easy enough to see how one such as yourself would make that mistake in comprehension.

What else would old ladies who died year ago and who make no noise as they walk up to you in the woods at night BE? I think you should just face the fact that you had a paranormal experience. These are not given lightly to just anyone. It's almost like you were chosen to see something others will never see. Don't waste that gift by denying what it was.
What else would old ladies who died year ago and who make no noise as they walk up to you in the woods at night BE? I think you should just face the fact that you had a paranormal experience. These are not given lightly to just anyone. It's almost like you were chosen to see something others will never see. Don't waste that gift by denying what it was.

Or perhaps I was more concerned with the fact that I was a young child lost in a relatively unknown woods at night, afraid both for his safety and the repercussions that would surely follow, and I merely didn't notice, nor remember, the noises we made walking.

I would be more likely to believe it to be a waking dream, produced by a terrified mind, than a spirit,especially without some serious evidence
any reason to keep this train wreck of a thread alive any longer?
Or perhaps I was more concerned with the fact that I was a young child lost in a relatively unknown woods at night, afraid both for his safety and the repercussions that would surely follow, and I merely didn't notice, nor remember, the noises we made walking.

I would be more likely to believe it to be a waking dream, produced by a terrified mind, than a spirit,especially without some serious evidence

Good pont... do you still thank God kept the 357 from workin when you pulled the trigger 6 times... or do you now reject that belief as sillyness.???
I would be more likely to believe it to be a waking dream, produced by a terrified mind, than a spirit,especially without some serious evidence

The first time you told the story... the little lost boy didnt seem terrified at all... you just thanked her... went back to bed... an that was that... an you also gave some serous evidence why it was implausible that it was just a vivid dream.!!!

Much to my surprise, a middle aged lady placed her hand on my shoulder and asked me if I was alright. I didn't think much of it at the time, but her outfit was a bit old-fashioned, especially for her apparent youth, and her eyes had a glinting sparkle to them that shined when she smiled, despite having only the waxing moon and the stars to illuminate her face. I told her I had gotten lost and couldn't find my way back to the pioneer camp, and she told me it would be alright, to follow her- that she would lead me back to the camp and that this wasn't the first time she'd "found a youngin got turned 'round in woods at night".

Sure enough, she lead me right back to the cabin. I thanked her and climbed up and in and went back to bed, and that was that.

As for it being a vivid dream... I am doubtful about that for two reasons:

1) I had not been to the lake before that incident; while not impossible to dream (accurately) of a place I had never been too, I find it implausible that I would know nuances like where the path leading to/from the lake was, and the bridge across the narrowing of the lake that allows access to the other side without walking around the entire thing.

2) I never re-buttoned the flap of the a-frame "door" (heavy tarp-like material that covers the entrance - is buttoned closed at night to help keep the chill out) and as such, it was rather chilly in the morning - nobody else said they had used the restroom over the night from our a-frame, so it stands to reason I was the one who unbuttoned it when I left.

So what caused you to change you'r mind about the ghost lady.???
Given that, how would you classify someone like Theorist-Constant, who seemed to actually believe the material he was posting? I.e. someone who is not out to annoy people - but who repetitively posts blatantly inaccurate material, and continues to do so even when he is shown to be wrong?

An idiot.

We have a few of those; people who are well intentioned but lack the intellect to engage in a sensible conversation. They are not trolls, it seems to me. However in my opinion people who suffer from obsessions and repetitively post about them over and over again, ignoring the arguments made in response, deserve to get banned, as in the end it becomes a kind of tedious and unproductive spamming. (Remind you of anyone? Given the present context of this thread, I mean.………:biggrin:)
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Your definition of trolling as posting and defending unscientific ideas doesn't even match the definition I quoted. Why is that?

Because you somehow have failed to read what I wrote, which was " So it seems to me that simply posting unscientific ideas, or even nonsense, is not trolling unless that [to annoy, provoke or disrupt] is the intent."

You are starting to give me the impression of a victimhood mindset, that imagines things instead of perceiving what is actually there.
Good pont... do you still thank God kept the 357 from workin when you pulled the trigger 6 times... or do you now reject that belief as sillyness.???
I like to believe it was divine intervention, but I have no proof of that - just a belief.

The first time you told the story... the little lost boy didnt seem terrified at all... you just thanked her... went back to bed... an that was that... an you also gave some serous evidence why it was implausible that it was just a vivid dream.!!!

So what caused you to change you'r mind about the ghost lady.???

Nothing has "changed my mind" so much as I've accepted the fact that I have no real evidence either way.
Here's a more thorough definition:

"In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."==="

Has anyone else noticed how expensive fish is these days?
At my local supermarket, two tiny mackerel were over £2.
Nothing has "changed my mind" so much as I've accepted the fact that I have no real evidence either way.

Was this the spirit of Rachel Hartman, leading me back to my camp...? I can't say for certain...

You are full of shit.

Spidergoat - I'm only going to say this once - do not presume to lecture me on what did or did not happen in my life.
"one of the quickest ways to take me past angry and fly right on by pissed off is to try and act like you "know me" better than I know myself."


When Spidergoat expressed that you was fulla-sht wit you'r beliefs in Gosts you got a bit pizzy... an especialy wit some of the advice that you now give to Magical Realist... it just seems kinda strange that you havent changed you'r mind an still believe in Gosts.!!!
When Spidergoat expressed that you was fulla-sht wit you'r beliefs in Gosts you got a bit pizzy... an especialy wit some of the advice that you now give to Magical Realist... it just seems kinda strange that you havent changed you'r mind an still believe in Gosts.!!!

I believe it's quite plain where I said:

Was this the spirit of Rachel Hartman, leading me back to my camp...? I can't say for certain... but the one thing that confuses me more than anything about this encounter?

Her footsteps made absolutely no sound as she walked, despite the fallen leaves and twigs and pinecones strewn about the path... I don't mean she walked quietly... she was absolutely silent.

*shrugs* It isn't the only unexplained phenomenon I've encountered... but it's certainly the one that sticks in my memory the most. Unlike most ghost stories though, there was no "chill" about her... I can't say that her hand was warm, but it wasn't cold either... and it was most certainly tangible, though I will say it didn't quite seem normal either...

*shrugs again

That this was, to me, something I am simply unable to explain. I have no evidence of anything beyond my own recollection, which is fuzzy and inaccurate due to being years old.
That this was, to me, something I am simply unable to explain. I have no evidence of anything beyond my own recollection, which is fuzzy and inaccurate due to being years old.

Ok... so you wasnt Trollin... you was just expressin what you believed to be true even tho you had no evidence that science minded people woud consider credible.!!!

Fair enuff... but ther sure dont seem to be anythang "fuzzy" about you'r recollection of it.???

Kittamaru said:
Much to my surprise, a middle aged lady placed her hand on my shoulder and asked me if I was alright. I didn't think much of it at the time, but her outfit was a bit old-fashioned, especially for her apparent youth, and her eyes had a glinting sparkle to them that shined when she smiled, despite having only the waxing moon and the stars to illuminate her face. I told her I had gotten lost and couldn't find my way back to the pioneer camp, and she told me it would be alright, to follow her- that she would lead me back to the camp and that this wasn't the first time she'd "found a youngin got turned 'round in woods at night".

Sure enough, she lead me right back to the cabin. I thanked her and climbed up and in and went back to bed, and that was that.
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So how many people died in that "deadly measles outbreak"? Which btw ended last month with everyone all well now and now immune to measles as well. Funny how that all worked out. So whose life did I endanger? And as for your false claims, the studies speak for themselves, all 70 of them.
Nearly 150,000 people die from measles every year around the world.

Your advocating against vaccinating children against this dangerous disease was irresponsible and yes, you were arguing from the position that endangers people's lives. Worse yet, you posted your thread in the Health and Fitness subforum, before it was moved to the Fringe sub-section.

Whose life did you endanger?

Anyone who has the potential to read this site.

Oh yeah, the measles outbreak in the US did not end last month. It continues to rage on. The number is now up to 176 in 2015 alone and rising. And no, lying and claiming that everyone is all well now and immune to measles is also wrong. They now have a 6 to 15 year wait to see if they develop Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Which is fatal and only occurs in people who have had the measles.

Look dude, I don't give a crap that you believe in gnomes, fairies and ghosts. You whine about people not taking you seriously and responding to you as you respond to them.. I really don't care about that either. What I do give a crap about is that you are using this site as your personal soap box to peddle your conspiracy theories, one of which thus far, has been dangerous and exceptionally irresponsible.