David the warrior king?


many leagues under the sea.
Valued Senior Member
Chronicles 28:3 God said to David, you must not build a temple to honor my name. For you are a worrior and have shed much blood...... so are we viewed differently in gods eyes? I don't understand. Is david not forgiven of his sins?
Chronicles 28:3 God said to David, you must not build a temple to honor my name. For you are a worrior and have shed much blood...... so are we viewed differently in gods eyes? I don't understand. Is david not forgiven of his sins?

My understanding of that passage R1D2, is that God did forgive David...however, this is to illustrate how one should be humble before God. God's preventing David from building the temple shows correction of David (he was a warrior), David learns from the correction...in turn...he sees how God loves him, even through correction. This 'lesson' teaches David how to be humble (and steadfast in his faith), and shows him God's great love. And remember...there is a happy ending to this story...God allows Solomon to build the temple...honoring David. :eek:

As an aside...when I practiced Christianity, I believed that God would forgive us if we are repentant of our ''sins''...but, that wouldn't mean there would be no 'earthly' consequences for our misdeeds.

Another way to view it too...is that God wanted his temple to be built...during a time of peace. Not during war time, or during a time of ''blood shed''. So, there could be a few ways to view it. From the perspective of David needing to increase in holiness, and humility...and from ''God's perpsective'' of wanting to choose a time that 'he' felt was best.

That's my understanding of it--hope that helps. :)

I found this for you, from a Christian website that also might be helpful...I thought it was interesting, anyway:

Religion or piety has two distinct parts. The first is knowledge of God, the second is worship of God. David says, Know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and a willing mind. God is made known by his works and word. Revelation alone shows the whole character of God, in his providence, his holy law, his condemnation of sinners, his blessed gospel, and the ministration of the Spirit to all true believers.
Chronicles 28:3 God said to David, you must not build a temple to honor my name. For you are a worrior and have shed much blood...... so are we viewed differently in gods eyes? I don't understand. Is david not forgiven of his sins?

If God will not forgive David for sheading blood then he cannot forgive himself either and bot are bound for hell.

God goes deeper into hell because he torture David's baby for six days before finally killing it. All because he was angry with King David.

Now that is good justice.

Go deserves to go to hell for that and more.
