Darwin Was Wrong About Sexuality
There are enough evidences now to prove that Darwin's theory around animal sexuality was completely wrong. Particularly, the following claims of Darwin can be proved wrong and biased:
What Darwin has contended:
- The basic purpose of sex: According to Darwin Sex happens amongst animals only so they can reproduce. It has no other purpose. If there is pleasure in sex its only so that animals are driven to the opposite sex in order to procreate. If sexual desire leads to bonding it's only so that the male and female can rear their children.
This line of thinking was completley in tandem with the classical Christian stand of sex and its purpose. I'm going to show how Darwin was biased in its favour --- so much so that he chose to ignore the facts and mislead humankind.
This stand has been vehememntly and forcibly pursued by the scientific community till today.
- The theory of sexual selection: As per this theory, every conscious or unconscious action of the male is geared towards making him more competitive to be able to mate with the female, with the ultimate aim of procreation. The entire biological make-up, each and every cell of the male is designed to help in this mating process with the female (and vice versa). Even his social activities are designed to help him mate with the female. In short, if a male breathes it is in order to be able to mate with the female.
In the light of the above, male-female sex and sexual desires assumes enormous (even exclusive) and all encompassing biolgical importance and heterosexuality gets scientific validity.
When Darwin encountered any animal trait that led away from this male-female mating, he quickly sidelined this as an 'anomaly' or 'abnormality' that should not have been there. Therefore, the only logical conclusion for this was that such deviation must have an abnormal cause --- as in something going wrong. The scientific community has blindly followed this heterosexual agenda till date.
This is the same Christian bias of Darwin (though he may have opposed christianity he was heavily affected by its sexual mores!) mentioned earlier.
- The basic purpose of life: According to Darwin, the basic purpose of life is survival and the continuance of the species. Living beings just live so that they can live on, and when they die to be able to pass on their genes. That is all there is to it.
I'm going to prove how the heterosexual society, has cunningly glorified Darwin because he suits its agenda. This society is dangerously obsessed with 'quantity' of life, and has completeley discarded its 'quality'.
My contention is
- Purpose of sex: The basic purpose of sex is not procreation. The basic purpose is bonding --- that too particularly between the same sex. Reproduction is the secondary purpose of sex -- in that it just used sex to procreate because sex was the most effective avialable method.
- The sexual selection theory: It is absolutely crap, and the importance given to male-female sex or sexual desire is extremely out of context, and to prove that I have to prove the statement below:
- The purpose of life: What I'm going to prove is that the basic purpose of life is not survival but "meaningful survival". This means that the quality of life is just as important (or perhaps more important than) the quantity of life.
In this respect, while sex between male-female represents 'quantity' (which the heterosexual society and its science is obsessed with); sexual bonds between male and male (or female and female) and the mother-child bond represents 'quality' (The heterosexual society has completely destroyed the quality of life --- and that is the biggest problem with it).
There are enough evidences now to prove that Darwin's theory around animal sexuality was completely wrong. Particularly, the following claims of Darwin can be proved wrong and biased:
What Darwin has contended:
- The basic purpose of sex: According to Darwin Sex happens amongst animals only so they can reproduce. It has no other purpose. If there is pleasure in sex its only so that animals are driven to the opposite sex in order to procreate. If sexual desire leads to bonding it's only so that the male and female can rear their children.
This line of thinking was completley in tandem with the classical Christian stand of sex and its purpose. I'm going to show how Darwin was biased in its favour --- so much so that he chose to ignore the facts and mislead humankind.
This stand has been vehememntly and forcibly pursued by the scientific community till today.
- The theory of sexual selection: As per this theory, every conscious or unconscious action of the male is geared towards making him more competitive to be able to mate with the female, with the ultimate aim of procreation. The entire biological make-up, each and every cell of the male is designed to help in this mating process with the female (and vice versa). Even his social activities are designed to help him mate with the female. In short, if a male breathes it is in order to be able to mate with the female.
In the light of the above, male-female sex and sexual desires assumes enormous (even exclusive) and all encompassing biolgical importance and heterosexuality gets scientific validity.
When Darwin encountered any animal trait that led away from this male-female mating, he quickly sidelined this as an 'anomaly' or 'abnormality' that should not have been there. Therefore, the only logical conclusion for this was that such deviation must have an abnormal cause --- as in something going wrong. The scientific community has blindly followed this heterosexual agenda till date.
This is the same Christian bias of Darwin (though he may have opposed christianity he was heavily affected by its sexual mores!) mentioned earlier.
- The basic purpose of life: According to Darwin, the basic purpose of life is survival and the continuance of the species. Living beings just live so that they can live on, and when they die to be able to pass on their genes. That is all there is to it.
I'm going to prove how the heterosexual society, has cunningly glorified Darwin because he suits its agenda. This society is dangerously obsessed with 'quantity' of life, and has completeley discarded its 'quality'.
My contention is
- Purpose of sex: The basic purpose of sex is not procreation. The basic purpose is bonding --- that too particularly between the same sex. Reproduction is the secondary purpose of sex -- in that it just used sex to procreate because sex was the most effective avialable method.
- The sexual selection theory: It is absolutely crap, and the importance given to male-female sex or sexual desire is extremely out of context, and to prove that I have to prove the statement below:
- The purpose of life: What I'm going to prove is that the basic purpose of life is not survival but "meaningful survival". This means that the quality of life is just as important (or perhaps more important than) the quantity of life.
In this respect, while sex between male-female represents 'quantity' (which the heterosexual society and its science is obsessed with); sexual bonds between male and male (or female and female) and the mother-child bond represents 'quality' (The heterosexual society has completely destroyed the quality of life --- and that is the biggest problem with it).
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