

Registered Senior Member
Does anyone study another culture other from there own, or are you locked in just one culture,if you do which one is it, i myself study the oriential culture.
I also enjoy learning about asian cultures as well as some middle eastern cultures. After I graduate from culinary school I hope to do some traveling and learn hands on. Imo what better way to learn and experience a culture and its people then to observe and try the food they eat.
Welcome to sciforums, Azrael.

Remember the old saying, "There is no place like home". It is nice to experience foreign cultures and some of the foods are really outstanding. Sooner or later it comes down to where home is though and home is where the heart is....
Thank you Wet1, the saying is very true. A couple of years ago I spent some time in Texas with my uncle who lives there, after a few weeks even though I loved everything I saw, I began to miss home and all it associated connections.
"Home Sweet Home"

In mid eighties, a bunch of us Americans spent a lot of time in China going back and forth. We could handle a maximum stay of 3 weeks before getting home sick. The first two trips were really great. After that it became just work.
Home sickness, bah.

After Europe I can barely enjoy Canada. And I despise American culture. People are so much different in Europe. In certain parts, life is so much more real. And hte land is so much more beautiful in small towns in France, Switzerland, Belgium...
So, then why dont you move to France for six months and see if you like there better than here. Then again, the cultures are not that different compared to east and west.....
Originally posted by BLASTOFF
Does anyone study another culture other from there own, or are you locked in just one culture,if you do which one is it, i myself study the oriential culture.

I live in oriental country for 30 years. What do you want to know?
Yes I'm studying the American culture. Being a Brit and having lived in California for the past 6 years, and commuted for 7 years before that, I feel I have learnt a great deal about Californians. Other Americans might be a different story.

But as to a choice - here in Silicon Valley - definitely. The best place in the world to live.

As for Europe - I felt at home in the Netherlands, and Switzerland had its moments. France - on the whole no - the French are too snobish. I could go on.

Everywhere has its pros and cons. Try them all.

After Europe I can barely enjoy Canada.

Perhaps that's because you're on the wrong side of Canada?
Anyways, I'm living with some French and German folk at the moment, and their very presence has convinced me that I would hate Europe.
I found, if you speak French the French are great.
And I was in the south of France, not Paris (though I was there a short period of times, like a month).
Isum/ thank you i would like to know anything at all you can tell me about the oriential culture, i study martial art all forms, also chi kung, i eat the oriential food( not all the time it drives my wife and kids mad) i would love to visit the orient and try chi kung there way, i would love to see the temples and one day i will, i want to learn to talk there language, to fully understand the ways.
A chap I know has been obsessed with his romanticised notions of Asian culture for almost two decades. He had all sorts of ideas about China and Japan and such based on movies and books and his imagination. He's been into various Asian unarmed combat styles for omre than 15 years. He lost a few of his illusions when he whipped a Shaolin fighter in a half-contact tournament. Then he went to China to stay with a girlfriend's family. He came back with tuberculosis. He said it was the filthiest, most disgusting place he's ever seen. People pissing and spitting everywhere, in public. Little kids crapping on the footpath, nobody cleaning up after them. People spitting food out all over the place. Generally terrible health and hygiene standards. He has now, thankfully, realised that all his ideas about those cultures were romantic imaginary flights of fancy based on movies and books. Now, I am not saying "oriental" cultures are bad or worse than my own. Only that I am amazed at the strange notions people have about other cultures sometimes. They are often shocked and disappointed when confronted with the truth.
Adam/ i would not call australia a nice place from what i have heard about it, a very good friend of mine went there some time back, and he stayed for three months, he went on an outback tour i think he called it, on that tour he saw a shooting, at a small place on the way, a chap ran out of a shop after he had robbed it, the police where waiting and bang he was dead,he went back to were he was staying and he saw a mugging, he also heard about other things that had happened while he was there,so a bit of spit and shit should not put anyone off, it might not be all over the place, just in one spot, the things that he told me about where all over the place.
Absolutely right. Wouldn't want to believe all the tourism advertisements about this place.
The bottom line is, if you are super rich, you can live anywhere on the planet and enjoy it. If you are poor, US and Canada is a better place due to healthcare. If you are in the middle to upper middle income bracket, again US and then perhaps Canada (Vancouver side) may be a good place to live.

I like my creature comfort in US but use the eastern philosophy in family and friend relationships - that works great for me. Sometime ago an Indian newspaper wrote:

"Heaven is when you have an American Salary, live in a British house, eat Chinese food and have an Indian Wife
Hell is when you have an American Wife; eat British Food; have a Chinese house and get an Indian Salary"

For me:
Salary: American definitely
House: Still American, depends where you live
Food: Choice - Chinese, Seafood, Indian, Thai ....
Spouse: A good relationship is essential ...
Isum/ thank you i would like to know anything at all you can tell me about the oriential culture, i study martial art all forms, also chi kung, i eat the oriential food( not all the time it drives my wife and kids mad) i would love to visit the orient and try chi kung there way, i would love to see the temples and one day i will, i want to learn to talk there language, to fully understand the ways.

Well... it can be days telling about anything. But let me start on similar interest to yours.

First, note that Oriental country I mentioned is Indonesia, not China. In general, it has very similar culture with Malay, also has similar languages, similar foods, religions, and martial arts.
(Btw, there over 300 local languages in Indonesia. I won't dare to learn all of those :D).

There are lots kind of martial arts there. Pencak Silat used to call it's traditional martial arts. As Kung Fu in China there also lots type of Pencak Silat. Most of those practice Tenaga Dalam (English = inner force), similar with chi kung, at advance level of training. I was also learnt 2 types of Pencak Silat, Karate, and Telepathy. Yes, telepathy. There are also lots of psycho skills can be learned there, but rarely exposed. Things you've put in parapsychology forum here are very common in Indonesian traditional culture. Long distance attack similar with Voodoo, wich called Tenung doesn't seems so strange to them. Tenung experts (also healer) used to be called as Dukun. Dayak's Tenung, at Kalimantan, they said they can move your penis above front door, if you mess up with Dukun's daughter :D

Temples... yeah. There are many at Java and Bali. The biggest is Borobudur, i bet you knew.

Unfortunately those things seems slowly dissapear because of modernisation. What a waste :(

But as to a choice - here in Silicon Valley - definitely. The best place in the world to live.


California is too big... and probably crowd and noisy and poluted...

I travel a good part of the Western Hemisphere...

The best places to live are...

Salzburg in Autria and
Nelson in Canada, where I'm living now... :D

Both cities are extremely beautiful. :)
They are calm... :)
A good air to breath... :)
Lots of Nature... :)
And have even the same technology big cities have...
