Yes. Report me.
I'm fine with being banned.
Please dont think of going ...your contributions are terrific and frankly the place would not be the same without you.
Al Gore on the one hand brought the issue before the public and that is great.
What he also did was to make a great deal of money and I read someplace that turnover was in the region of $45 million.
But what he has done which I see as unforgivable was to not practice what he preached by not following a private life where he demonstrated his belief with actions of conservative energy consumption and in so doing left himself open to aqusations of gross hypocracy and thus erroding the reasonable message he delivered.
His indulgence and capitalisation on the problem has given folk who resist acceptance of the problem reasonable grounds to call the issue bull dust.
He not only presented the problem but through his action gives folk reason to believe he was only in it for the money and thus it is he who throws doubt over the issue.
It unfortunately seems that the damage may have already been done and irrespective of any actions we now take we can not put the genie back in the bottle.
We are all doomed and on the threshold of becoming yet another species that became extinct from failing to adapt.
And given the future is now set all we can do is enjoy outselves...maybe that is the conclusion that Al Gore arrived at dictating his wastful approach to energy.