
I wish I was a moderator Buddy. You would be so banned for not sticking to the OP. You still have not established the initial wish of "Chaos1956"Ignore.

That's a one day ban from your own game. Lucky its not from the whole forum mister smarty pants.
I wish I was a moderator Buddy. You would be so banned for not sticking to the OP. You still have not established the initial wish of "Chaos1956"Ignore.

That's a one day ban from your own game. Lucky its not from the whole forum mister smarty pants.

fine.. get your wish of being ignored..only you were ignored so good, that you had completely missed the actual ignore..and as a consequence you go off into a rant about not seeing much so that your threats of banning has been heard..unfortunately the ban is for you for being 'off topic'..

i wish for i would have realized he had said 'ALL' of his posts..:bugeye:
Granted. Your head explodes from all the convoluted logic going on.

I wish people didn't assume I'm a guy all the time.
I granted that wish already before you had the chance to even think about ignoring me on page 14!!! :)

I am a moderator seeing as all my wishes have not been granted they have not been corrupted they are true by definition of me being ignored, and NMSquirrel is still banned and on the street.

We should ignore all of his posts for one day other wise I will ban you as well for not satisfying the OP.

I wish I was no longer ignored.
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Granted - you are turned into an embarassing ultra popular 4chan meme, and you can't leave your house without wearing a bag over your head. You spend the rest of your days in your room with the shades down begging for seclusion.

I wish I could get a full 8 hours of sleep tonight
Granted, but the unbreakable watchband is placed around your man parts and only contracts. You can't "get it off" LOL. The bright side is you always know what time it is when your naked. :eek:

I wish I knew what time it was right NOW.
the premise is simple..

user posts his/her wish, next user grants previous wish but corrupts it..
then adds his/her own wish..

like this...

I wish i had all the money in the world..

1. You failed to grant the wish when you quoted the wish.

2. When you failed to grant the wish you only corrupted the game. The OP specifically states you have to corrupt the previous persons wish.

3. your bills aren't paid and still out on the street LOL

*coughs and makes cricket noises*
OP IS HIM oh smart one....
Granted, but the unbreakable watchband is placed around your man parts and only contracts. You can't "get it off" LOL. The bright side is you always know what time it is when your naked. :eek:

I wish I knew what time it was right NOW.

Granted, its 11:04pm... But its not your time.....

I wish I didn't feel so bad about things lately..
Granted. You feel good about everything until you realize that you yourself corrupted your penniless future out on the street "While" being chased by the police in post number 2 in reference to the OP followed after the moderator has made his statements about not been ignored, has not had his other frivolous wishes granted as they include not only the ones on this thread but ALL OTHER POSTS on this forum. I should ban you for not trolling and not corrupting Chaos1956's posts, But this time I only issue a warning.
Moderator Note:
this is a warning to you all. Any more non trolling will instantly land you all a Ban as the wish contained all posts

I wish you all could see why this actually makes sense.LOL:crazy:
Wish granted.

Every member on SciForums is struck with a miraculous eureka moment, and agrees with your pro-trolling point. Unfortunately, It is at this precise moment that Plazma Inferno activates "Troll Slayer - version 3.5" (in an effort to improve the quality of discussions). Anyone caught trolling is immediately banned THEN decapitated.....and there is a 0 tolerance for trolling. Nobody ever trolls again out of fear for their lives.

I wish I had the power to make temporary clones of myself so I could send them on multitask missions (example - send one to work, one to a 2nd job, one to each task that I don't enjoy etc). Furthermore - i can make the clone evaporate at will when I don't need it any more
Wish granted.

Every member on SciForums is struck with a miraculous eureka moment, and agrees with your pro-trolling point. Unfortunately, It is at this precise moment that Plazma Inferno activates "Troll Slayer - version 3.5" (in an effort to improve the quality of discussions). Anyone caught trolling is immediately banned THEN decapitated.....and there is a 0 tolerance for trolling. Nobody ever trolls again out of fear for their lives.

I wish I had the power to make temporary clones of myself so I could send them on multitask missions (example - send one to work, one to a 2nd job, one to each task that I don't enjoy etc). Furthermore - i can make the clone evaporate at will when I don't need it any more

Granted, but they start sleeping with your significant other and are better in bed then you are!!

I wish my daughter would notice her stack of new clothes and not just the boots I got for her.. haha
Granted, but they start sleeping with your significant other and are better in bed then you are!!

I wish my daughter would notice her stack of new clothes and not just the boots I got for her.. haha

She notices the stack of new clothes, then puts them in the bottom of her drawer next to all the other stuff she never wears.

I wish I had mind control powers over sciforums members so I could make one of you go home and cook a large pot of chili for me tonight. Actually...... that would be my only power LOL. The only commands I can send have to involve cooking chili, but you are powerless to resist.
She notices the stack of new clothes, then puts them in the bottom of her drawer next to all the other stuff she never wears.

I wish I had mind control powers over sciforums members so I could make one of you go home and cook a large pot of chili for me tonight. Actually...... that would be my only power LOL. The only commands I can send have to involve cooking chili, but you are powerless to resist.

Granted..Only the one member you sent to your home, had no idea how to make chili..So they stuck 5 unopened, store bought cans of the stuff in your microwave..

I wish I had the eyesight of an eagle.
Granted. But you also become an eagle and get sucked up by a passing space ship as if 30,000 Volts of lightning hit you.

Mod Note:
"Troll Slayer - version 3.5" starts back from the OP and realizes domesticated violated the initial terms of the OP and he has been perma-banned for trolling.

ERROR: One million posts were deleted by "Troll Slayer" before the program realized that its own existence rested on a wish that did not Ignore Chaos1956

It seems there is no way out of this "Particular Causality Loop!!!"
I wish you would all find a way out of it...
Alright the only way to do it to count up the numbers of the periodic table. Make it plural for some reason. Then try to imagine the current amount represented in your head. "somewhat" like this.

1 Hydrogen

2 Heliums

3 Lithuims

I chose the last one to be a boring link, because I didn't want to take away all the funny links you might post to this. LOL

So do it. link something funny and ignore me completely, but someone first has to make an initial wish to start the game over. It's the only way out.:shh:
Granted. But you also become an eagle and get sucked up by a passing space ship as if 30,000 Volts of lightning hit you.

Mod Note:
"Troll Slayer - version 3.5" starts back from the OP and realizes domesticated violated the initial terms of the OP and he has been perma-banned for trolling.

ERROR: One million posts were deleted by "Troll Slayer" before the program realized that its own existence rested on a wish that did not Ignore Chaos1956

It seems there is no way out of this "Particular Causality Loop!!!"
I wish you would all find a way out of it...

Granted...but now you shit razor blades for life.

I wish I could journey across the Universe.
Granted...but now you shit razor blades for life.

I wish I could journey across the Universe.

Granted... but, once you leave Earths atmosphere, you suffocate..

However, your corpse has a problem free trip..

I wish I had another slice of pizza.
Granted... but, once you leave Earths atmosphere, you suffocate..

However, your corpse has a problem free trip..

I wish I had another slice of pizza.

granted! To bad its got anchovies allllll over it!!

I wish my bed was bigger...
granted! To bad its got anchovies allllll over it!!

I wish my bed was bigger...

Granted...It's the largest bed ever made....only it's a bed of nails.. enjoy..

I wish I wasn't an insomniac.