
granted, you're their punch bag.
..AND they've decided to make it all-males only..

i wish there would be more hours in the day:(
granted, you're their punch bag.
..AND they've decided to make it all-males only..

i wish there would be more hours in the day:(

Granted... There are now 6,000 hours in a day...And, you have been sentenced to 30 years in jail.

I wish I never had to work, in order to make money.
Granted... There are now 6,000 hours in a day...And, you have been sentenced to 30 years in jail.

I wish I never had to work, in order to make money.

Granted - but you have a horrible gambling addiction and 0 luck. You can't possess any currency whatsoever without going on a frenzied slot machine spree and emptying everything you have.

I wish divorce was as easy.
Granted. Divorce is easy, but she camps on your doorstep and cries and harasses you all the time.

I wish people didn't bug me about my low weight.
Granted. Divorce is easy, but she camps on your doorstep and cries and harasses you all the time.

I wish people didn't bug me about my low weight.

Granted..Due to a major thyroid condition, you gain 200 pounds..

I wish I could fly.
Granted. You decide to fly across the country but gas out and fall into a slurry pit.

I wish people wouldn't go on about how my brother is 'big and strong' and how I'm 'small and delicate'. Ya know, since it is kind of the other way around.
Granted. You decide to fly across the country but gas out and fall into a slurry pit.

I wish people wouldn't go on about how my brother is 'big and strong' and how I'm 'small and delicate'. Ya know, since it is kind of the other way around.

Granted... You are now the strongest woman in the world (You are now Bulgarian, and you have a hairlip). All men are intimidated by you (and the hairlip) and refuse to date you...You die alone an old spinster ..

I wish the neighbors dog would stfu.
Granted... You are now the strongest woman in the world (You are now Bulgarian, and you have a hairlip). All men are intimidated by you (and the hairlip) and refuse to date you...You die alone an old spinster ..

I wish the neighbors dog would stfu.

granted but first you have to do this....

I wish for work to pick up..
granted..your married..

i wish for my daughter to get a job.:D

Hey now! The BF cooks great!!

Granted, but its a job where she must stay home allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the time....

I wish for my dad to get a clue! (someone other then him answer please)
Granted, He get's a clue and finds out where you stash your kiddy porn.

He's appalled.

I wish I was pitching in the world series.
Granted, He get's a clue and finds out where you stash your kiddy porn.

He's appalled.

I wish I was pitching in the world series.


You're pitching in the word series of whiffle ball

I wish it was Sunday so I can watch the next episode of "The Walking Dead"

You're pitching in the word series of whiffle ball

I wish it was Sunday so I can watch the next episode of "The Walking Dead"

Granted..only there was a power outage, and it lasted till the show was over.

I wish I had a World Series ring.
Granted, of course you find it in the bottom of a Cracker Jax box made out of plastic

I wish I just returned safely from 6 months on the ISS
Granted, of course you find it in the bottom of a Cracker Jax box made out of plastic

I wish I just returned safely from 6 months on the ISS

granted..but when you get of the return trip, you loose your balance cause of your space legs,and fall right into a pool of piranha (don't ask how they got there)

I wish i was in bed..good night..
granted..but when you get of the return trip, you loose your balance cause of your space legs,and fall right into a pool of piranha (don't ask how they got there)

I wish i was in bed..good night..

Granted...But, you can't sleep all night.. You keep wondering if lights are off, oven is off, doors are locked etc...So, you sit in Sciforums all night.

I wish I was in Italy right now, eating a REAL pizza.
Granted. Someone put laxatives in that pizza.

I wish I didn't have grossly masculine hands. I've always liked androgyny but fuck, mine are just gross.