Cool Pics by a Sf member

Got me a new camera
Nikon P90.



enmos you RUUUUULE man..soooo freaking awsome!! i can see its freaking insides..and the wings...just WOW!!!

i've taken some pics too, not even close to't even smell like yours, i'll post them up, hope their good enough..

i've been thinking for some time now of buying an Olympus ultra zoom semi-pro 550..its 18X zoom was hard to resist..and it's price is about 300$'s lowest ISO was 80..very tempting too..though i'm not sure if it's any good in other stuff..what do you think??
other choices are the panasonic tz-15 and tz-10..slimmer than the Olympus..but less zoom..

lol :D
i am an expert at killing mosquitos and flies...flies are more tricky..but that's why more fun..
enmos you RUUUUULE man..soooo freaking awsome!! i can see its freaking insides..and the wings...just WOW!!!

i've taken some pics too, not even close to't even smell like yours, i'll post them up, hope their good enough..

i've been thinking for some time now of buying an Olympus ultra zoom semi-pro 550..its 18X zoom was hard to resist..and it's price is about 300$'s lowest ISO was 80..very tempting too..though i'm not sure if it's any good in other stuff..what do you think??
other choices are the panasonic tz-15 and tz-10..slimmer than the Olympus..but less zoom..

Thanks Scifes :)

Well, I've just bought the Nikon P90. It has 24x zoom, 12 MP, and macro from 1cm to infinity. And it cost me 350 euro. Oh, and lowest ISO is 64.
I'm not sure what the current exchange rate is, but I guess it's about 1.4 ?
If so, the Nikon will cost you about $490.
As long as you don't make any close ups of your private parts on post it on a christian forum I guess photography is almost an ok hobby.
I wish that your website would show the pictures at a higher resolution.

Also, you should totally be making money out of these. Posters, postcards, etc.