
Vice just had a great segment about ice melting in the antarctic, and it went up in YouTube today.
Excellent. thanks. Well worth the 45 minutes to watch it. I'm old and will die before full effects hit, but an intelligent young person may not want to watch - may prefer to remain ignorant of what will happen to his kids or at least his grand kids.
Excellent. thanks. Well worth the 45 minutes to watch it. I'm old and will die before full effects hit, but an intelligent young person may not want to watch - may prefer to remain ignorant of what will happen to his kids or at least his grand kids.

Step one in getting out of a hole is to stop digging. The things humans can accomplish when they are galvanized into action are truly amazing. Look at the mass production and logistics accomplished during WW-2. The missing element is the widespread understanding of the danger we face. I'd say climate change denialists now are similar to those who, in the 1930's, were of the opinion that Nazi Germany and imperial Japan posed no threat to the United States. Things changed then, maybe something similar will happen with this as well.
Step one in getting out of a hole is to stop digging. The things humans can accomplish when they are galvanized into action are truly amazing. Look at the mass production and logistics accomplished during WW-2. The missing element is the widespread understanding of the danger we face. I'd say climate change denialists now are similar to those who, in the 1930's, were of the opinion that Nazi Germany and imperial Japan posed no threat to the United States. Things changed then, maybe something similar will happen with this as well.
the video is unavailable for some reason .. do you have another link?
Say what?
what i meant by writing this:
And now that man has only access to satellite data as it's only source of credible info
was that if we stack to data sets, one from land based sources and one from satellite sources, the satellite set will be most likely considered more credible due to the issue of atmospheric distortions, especially if the owner of the satellites concerned is also ultimately the organization that delegates climate change funding.
Just to publish a priori..

The Category 5 cyclone Pam that has just devastated the nation of Vanuatu appears to have it's genesis over the joining of the Australasian and Pacific tectonic plates. and appears to be tracking Southward, initially along this joint. This is similar, in terms of genesis, to what happened with another extraordinary storm Cyclone Yasi (Cat 4) which tracked towards to Australian mainland in Jan 2011.

I suggested at the time of Cyclone Yasi, that it developed primarily due to tectonic tension and I am suggesting now, that cyclone Pam has also developed primarily due to tectonic tension. ( Note: I do not believe all cyclones are so demonstrative of geothermal activity/tension however these two cyclone are IMO)
After cyclone Yasi, we experienced two major earthquakes and a massive solar flare ( not earth directed) with in 60 days... Christchurch New Zealand and then off Fukushima >9 Japan.

Given the severity of Cyclone Pam (cat 5) and it's tracking behavior , I would predict a major earthquake >8 is imminent ( or a series of smaller earthquakes as the tectonic system relieves tension.) in the Pacific and surrounding areas. Off Japan is probably most likely. Due to the tectonic system that Japan sits on.
The possibility of a major solar CME event with in 60 days or so is also a concern.

I hope I am wrong... because this one gives all the indications of being bigger than that off Fukushima in 2011.

"Tropical Cyclone Pam could be one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the Pacific, according to the United Nations."

My position that geothermal conditions are driving climate change more so than that of anthropogenic causation will be further reinforced if my predictions prove correct.
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quantum said:
was that if we stack to data sets, one from land based sources and one from satellite sources, the satellite set will be most likely considered more credible due to the issue of atmospheric distortions, especially if the owner of the satellites concerned is also ultimately the organization that delegates climate change funding.
You posted that weirdness immediately after an entire video featuring universally credible and serious data acquisition, a major research effort upon which much climate alarmism is based, involving no satellite imagery whatsoever.

Just to drive the obvious home.

quantum said:
My position that geothermal conditions are driving climate change more so than that of anthropogenic causation will be further reinforced if my predictions prove correct
No, it won't. At a minimum you would have to provide a sensible derivation of your predictions from your assumptions, after dealing with the issue that they are poorly supported in the first place.

We are already dealing with a marginally increased likelihood of a major earthquake off the coast of Japan, after Fukushima's, based on such established facts as the historical pattern of such subsequent earthquakes off the coast of Japan.
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No, it won't. At a minimum you would have to provide a sensible derivation of your predictions from your assumptions, after dealing with the issue that they are poorly supported in the first place.

We are already dealing with a marginally increased likelihood of a major earthquake off the coast of Japan, after Fukushima's, based on such established facts as the historical pattern of such subsequent earthquakes off the coast of Japan.
The science of geothermal conditions/activity driving weather is really in it's infancy. IMO
I would consider the likelihood of a major seismic event in the Pacific region to be considerably more than marginally increased. ( I am looking at the causation of severe and extraordinary vortex type weather and not just historically premised probabilities)

To me global weather patterns (especially vortex type weather) , oceanic behavior holistically offer an incredible insight into geothermal conditions and gravitational variations and so on.

Of course if a >10 earthquake happened off Fukushima tomorrow and a major solar flare the next day occurs, it amounts to nothing regarding my prediction because it can always be discounted to being just chance or part of a "statistical trend" and a lucky (tragic) guess on my part.

Any ways we as a global community, probably wouldn't survive the outcome of another devastation at Fukushima Nuclear facility for long enough to worry about it. (bad enough as it already is)

In other words, I fully accept that it is impossible to satisfy the scientists of the hypothesis's veracity. ( in the time it takes to witness outcomes - ie. how many earth quakes would I have to successfully predict before science took my ideas of extraordinary weather causation seriously?) So I see no point in doing much else than sitting back, legs up and simply observe and let events yet to occur do the work for me.

I guess it is a bit like all those loonies over the years, standing on street corners with signs saying "The End is Near" and being proved correct. However if so there will be no one left to flatter their egos.
Does that mean their paranoid statements were the ramblings of a demented mind or does it mean they got it more correct than those who consider themselves to be in a better place intellectually?
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Your question notwithstanding, the end is near.
Maybe you and half the scientific world can join hands with the streetside looney and agree for a change... hee hee

Me... sorry I don't agree...

does that make me more looney or less looney? [chuckle] :tongue:
for example
relative to the moon, I am near the southeast indian ridge (though it is on the other side of this planet
relative to the sum of the lives of my ancestors, my end is near, as is my current corporeal beginning

relative to chicago, Iowa city is near, relative to Iowa City, North Liberty is near, relative to North liberty, The girl scout camp is near, relative to the girlscout camp, my neighbor's house is near, relative to my neighbor's house, my shop is near, relative to my shop, this computer is near, relative to this computer, my skin is near

Near seems to be a moving target
So what did you mean by "near"?
Al Gore at SXSW: We Need to ‘Punish Climate-Change Deniers’ ...

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