Actually no, its MOVING towards evidence based but its not there yet. As i have posted previously take the drugs in a cardiac arest. Even the Australian ressu council whos job it is to set the guidelines based on the best evidence say clearly on there site that there is no or little evidence for the drugs used in Arests yet they recomend there use
There's plenty of evidence that allopathic medicine is based on politically- or economically-based science. This isn't just the recurring nightmare of poorly tested drugs that get recalled after years of killing and maiming people. The industry has been caught red handed on numerous occasions ignoring unfavorable results during trials and denying responsibility when their drugs and treatments injure unsuspecting patients. This is not surprising considering that the testing is often paid for by the companies themselves. For their money, they expect to get the right results.
There's also the stats that show how the whole $billion cancer treatment industry fails to score as high as a placebo even under their lax accounting rules. As an example, the average life expectancy of a man undergoing conventional treatment for prostate cancer is 5 years whereas the average life expectancy for prostate cancer victims who refuse treatment is 9 years. The former spends his 5 years undergoing varying radiation and chemotherapy treatments whilst the latter enjoys a better quality of life in their remaining years.
All the other brands of allopathic medicine (referred to as alternative) have the same failing. They are all allopathic. They all believe that the sick body requires the application of some form of treatment, almost always a poison, whether it be the essence of a substance, a herbal concoction, a heavy dose of vitamins, a skillfully-inserted needle, the killing of a chicken, etc. They've all missed the point although some have come pretty damned close.
If you want to make exceedingly good use of your scientific skills, then focus your attention on the one health system that is based on the actual physiology of the human body, correctly interpreted and observable by even the simplest of humans. It's referred to as Natural Hygiene (or Life Science) and it's been around for about 120 years. It's main principle is that the only thing that has the intelligence and ability to heal the body is the body itself. Sure a surgeon can set a broken bone or sew up severed tissue but only the body can knit bone or tissue together.
All of the intelligence required to build a complete human in all its infinite complexity is contained in one fertilised ovum and included in that complexity is the ability to repair and maintain the organism. There is nothing that we can teach our bodies about how to keep us healthy and fit. All that we can do is provide it the optimum environment and fuel so that it can do its job.
Instead we vainly presume that we know best and try to poison our bodies back into health. You've got a headache after drinking a fairly common poison - alcohol? Ok, let's administer a poison that will "fix" your headache say aspirin or acetaminophen/paracetamol. Don't worry about the affect this will have on your liver and other organs. There's a danger that you might get measles? Ok, let's inject some foreign bacteria and several dangerous chemicals directly into your bloodstream forcing your body to divert energy from normal maintenance and health to prevent these intruders from damaging your internal tissues and organs. Yeah, that'll help build strong bodies.
Natural Hygiene is slowly gaining ground against the conventional medical industry despite the resources that the latter has thrown at it over the years. It threatens the very foundation of the medical industry because 1) it gets results and 2) because people who observe the requirements for health do not provide repeat business. The lucrative vaccination industry would die a death, the lucrative medical research industry would dry up, pharmaceutical companies would cease to exist including their supplement manufacturing kin.
When people find out that they have to take responsibility for their health and stop looking for instant fixes in pill form, many will resist and insist on continuing down the path of illness. Those who heed the message quickly find out that eating and living healthy makes perfect sense and brings with it so many "extras" such as "no disease."
Diabetics find themselves "cured" although in truth, they were never actually diabetic. Instead they were toxic due to their high-fat diet which prevented sugar from exiting their bloodstream for use by cells. Take away the cause and the body eventually rights itself. Doctors have known since the 1920's about the relation between diabetes and high-fat diets and numerous studies since then have confirmed it over and over again. That they choose to ignore it and just prescribe medicines speaks volumes!
I suppose that I've said enough for the moment and will add some references at the bottom. If you wish to speak to Natural Hygienists who can share first-hand experience on the benefits of healthy living or the science behind it, please join our face book group
Friends of Natural Hygiene as you're more than welcome. For more detailed reading, here's a link to
TC Fry's Life Science Course.
Yours truly,
(PS: Please note that this name has no relation to the TruthSeeker user and I was using it on other forums long before realising or caring that anyone was using the latter name. It took me a while to notice that I'd mispelled my jumbled version but hey ho.)
Related links:
[Link between High-Fat Diet and Type 2 Diabetes]
Link Between High-Fat Diet and Type 2 Diabetes Clarified ( (2011)
The Relation Between Diabetes and Obesity ( (2010)
Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes in High-Fat–Fed Mice Are Linked to High Glycotoxin Intake ( (2005)
High-fat, low-carbohydrate diet and the etiology of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: the San Luis Valley Diabetes Study. (PubMed) (1991)
[Validity of drug testing]
A Doctor's Drug Trials Turn Into Fraud (nytimes) (1999)
[Validity of conventional medicine]
The Great "HIV" Hoax by Patrick Rattigan ND