China, the worlds most evil country

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Please allow me to summarize your statistics at this point: hogwash. Nonsense. Ridiculous. Absurd. Prove your statements or be silent on the subject. From which government agency did you hear these statistics, and why did you refuse to question them internally?

But please carry on.

I'm pretty sure his numbers are correct, if not *underestimated*. I thought most people knew the that was how the situation was in Tibet prior to invasion. You should be able to find yourself countless sources on this with Google.
I consider them dubious to begin with, but also this: why was it also necessary to roll in tanks and soldiers to assure a better life for Tibetans? Having fixed the problem, presumably, why are they still there?
I have a personal question. Most time,Chinese media always positive and objective report western world. in fact, in young chinese eyeys(include me),western was friendly,Objective before. what about western media? they did any positive and Objective report about China and Chinese?

I'm glad that the West is not hated in the Chinese media.

China is generally not positively reported on in America. In fact, I can't think of one piece of praise given to China from Western media...ever...

Mostly I think this is because China has been used as a scapegoat for some American economic problems for years. And I think a lot of Americans are afraid, or angry, about being surpassed.
I consider them dubious to begin with, but also this: why was it also necessary to roll in tanks and soldiers to assure a better life for Tibetans? Having fixed the problem, presumably, why are they still there?

For enforcement.
That's the part that worries me.

No one likes a feudal state - and some of the links I've been finding suggests that indeed that was the nature of Tibet prior to 1950 - but enforcing with weapons after all this time is curious, and the issue of moving vast numbers of Han Chinese into Tibet strikes me as something that a state with a poor track record on human rights might well do. I would like to see more objective proof of the behaviour of the Chinese Army in Tibet, and of the reasons for the 1912 Declaration of Independence.
That's the part that worries me.

No one likes a feudal state - and some of the links I've been finding suggests that indeed that was the nature of Tibet prior to 1950 - but enforcing with weapons after all this time is curious, and the issue of moving vast numbers of Han Chinese into Tibet strikes me as something that a state with a poor track record on human rights might well do. I would like to see more objective proof of the behaviour of the Chinese Army in Tibet, and of the reasons for the 1912 Declaration of Independence.

Could it be that 9 of the 10 head waters of the fresh water supply are located on the Tibetan Plato?

Everyone just keeps bashing my country non stop lol but i also see a lot of very smart people here. Let us remind you that Tibetan's are treated 10x better then a Han Chinese. Gov jobs, free health care, allowed as many kids as they want etc. Heck if Han Chinese did this in my hometown of Tianjin there would not be a peaceful crackdown it would be a slaughter fest. Intestines sprayed all over the pavement. Tibetan's are treated too well and even the Dalai Lama knows that and wants them to be part of an ever more prosperous China.

And yes its true, many Chinese have positive feelings about the west. We are closer with the West then Islamic nations as we are heavy believers in science and technology and not so much resorting to religion meaning we are not extremists and neither is the West. Chinese also have a very pro west lifestyle. We dress same as Westerner's, hell most of us eat Western food like taco bell or McDonald's etc and our T.V shows are all like the same with Supergirl or Superboy like American Idol and dancing with the stars etc. But America needs to mind its own business and stop interferring all the time. Never in China's 5000year history from Yellow emperor to PRC have we had a democratic system. We are used to trusting a government to make all our problems dissappear and make us prosperous once again. It has worked well since the Qing Empire (Manchu ruled) and i am sure it will work well in the future.

Although we live basically same lifestyles as Westerner's in China but different political views. American's always think of us as evil and talk sh1t about us while our media normally say genuine stuff about the West. But we have something the Westerner's fear (just like Westerner's use Tibet) and that is the fact that we can puppet Islamic nations and in the future Africa and South America. Iran/Hezbollah/NK/Burma/Cuba/Venuezuela/ruskies and the Pakistani's are just the beginning.
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I'm not sure. How much Chinese history do I know without BS from undemocratic apologists?
undemocratic apologists? me? just coz i have different opinion? are you a democratic apologists?

Strangely enough, they seem to differ on that point. And they did change, in 1912.

It depends. Are you going to beat the hell out of the independent garden gnomes who live there to assert your claim?
Whatever you may think, Tibet gained its freedom in 1912.

Tibet gained its freedom? through british invasion of tibet?,hehe

Please allow me to summarize your statistics at this point: hogwash. Nonsense. Ridiculous. Absurd. Prove your statements or
be silent on the subject. From which government agency did you hear these statistics, and why did you refuse to question them

Unfortunately,my data came from western refrence,rather than from Chinese government agency.Fortunately, i read both Chinese and english refrence to find out the truth.

95 percent of the people lived in shocking, slave-like conditions, while an extremely repressive aristocracy "lived in
opulent splendor.infant mortality was 430 deaths per 1,000 births and average life expectancy was 35.5 years. Where only 2
percent of school-age children in the 1950s were in school, today the figure is 85.8 percent;

from "China, Tibet and U.S.-sponsored counterrevolution"

look yourself: (China, Tibet and U.S.-sponsored counterrevolution)
w (Tibet, The Truth)

Chris Nebe - "Mysterious China" :
The West is trying to demonize China. Why? To ensure an upper-handed position economically, politically, and socially.Too many harbor strong opinions about Tibet, yet know nothing more than the few slogans offered by the mass-media outlets.The media screams:"They killed innocent monks!" - but those "innocent" monks and other young hooligans killed innocent Chinese before a single shot was fired on them."The Chinese are oppressive" - do you consider freeing over 95% of Tibetans from slavery, building a state of the art infrastructure, and a new economy oppressive?"The Chinese suppress Tibetan Buddhism" - then why have the sinese spent a fortune restoring ancient monasteries and places of religious significance?China doesn't SPIN NEWS like we do. Their silence is too often mistaken as admission of guilt. Don't be another uninformed drone. Do everyone a favor and learn truths before forming opinions.Here's to Peace & Harmony! The 2008 Beijing Olympics deserve support!"

(Tibet, The Truth (A Political History) by Nebe Chris ,producer of "Mysterious China" )

I consider them dubious to begin with, but also this: why was it also necessary to roll in tanks and soldiers to assure a better life for Tibetans? Having fixed the problem, presumably, why are they still there?

okay, soldiers! if its happening in your country, in your city, what will your gov do?, in that day,13 Chinese citizen were killed, include child and women:

(Australian tourist Michael Smith filmed riot)

(what a peaceful protest)

(five innocent young girls died in Tibet Riot. )

for all of your words. i recommand you trip to tibet once, and talk with tibetan citizens on street. to listen what they say, to find out the truth by your eyes and you ear,ranther than talk hogwash. Nonsense. Ridiculous. Absurd,remotely.PLEASE...

if you dont want to go there, well.. watch this video. it has 6 parts, made by two americans from Californian(fortunately, not from Chinese government agency),before they want free tibet, but they changed mind after they came back from tibet. meight it can renew your thinking?

**Strong Recommand** Tibet Diary:
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I'm glad that the West is not hated in the Chinese media.

China is generally not positively reported on in America. In fact, I can't think of one piece of praise given to China from Western media...ever...

Mostly I think this is because China has been used as a scapegoat for some American economic problems for years. And I think a lot of Americans are afraid, or angry, about being surpassed.

That is not true. The only time i can remember China being in the news is when someone gets poisoned from products imported from China. Or the recent arms shipments but that is normal stuff to report on.

If you check out other channels you see Chinese history and stuff related to China like geography etc. and it is basically not political at all.
undemocratic apologists? me? just coz i have different opinion? are you a democratic apologists?

I dunno. What's wrong with free press?

Tibet gained its freedom? through british invasion of tibet?,hehe

Actually the 13th Dalai Lama was a good leader from all I've read.

okay, soldiers! if its happening in your country, in your city, what will your gov do?, in that day,13 Chinese citizen were killed, include child and women:

Beat monks to death with sticks, apparently.

So you're on side with the Tibetans, you love them, but they're scum who have violent protests. If your mission was humanitarian, why not just go home now?
I dunno. What's wrong with free press?
HOOO.. free press? with haughty,ignorant? speech is your privilege,me either. but please be level-headed before you free press.

Actually the 13th Dalai Lama was a good leader from all I've read. pretty sure, you did read all from your hypocrisy media, books fund by CIA.And still leave along with the truth.
You just picked up some information you intrested in, you believing, you liking.Rather than whole things.
Everything has both side,not all bad, not all good.but at least you should understand all.

Look! what did your good leader 13th lama do:
w All
(Master's slaves)

(his master put a heavy cap on his head in order to press his eyes out, then gouged out it)

(The human skins of small children were preserved in a museum in Tibet)

(a adornment made by Tibetan's brain boxes)

(a clarion made by bone of Tibetan's leg)

Beat monks to death with sticks, apparently.

Beat monks? Chinese soldier? can you show me a picture? you mean those??:

Come on!! They are not Chinese soldier! most pictrues used by western media are nepal police, rather than Chinese arm.IT IS FUNNY to fool someone like you.

Beat with sticks?? YES!! BUT WHO ATTACK WHOM! LOOK!!:

Tell me,what are soldiers doing?? they are just defencing,protecting them self. and try to stop Tibetan terrorist's attacking.

So you're on side with the Tibetans, you love them, but they're scum who have violent protests. If your mission was humanitarian, why not just go home now?

yes, sure. im on side with the Tibetans.I love them, coz they are Chinese too.
but im not on side with Tibetan terrorist. so dont mixed up Tibetan citizens and Tibetan terrorist, ok? every country has terrorist, but it dosent mean

entrie citizens are terrorist. also it dosent mean Tibetan citizens has the same aim with terrorist.

Tibetan citizens love and enjoy their life. They dont want to go back to a slave society with FUCKING FREE TIBET.
And who, precisely, is demanding that Tibet return to the feudal horrors you describe? Why can't they just have their freedom? Are you really so naive as to think that the choice lies between feudal slavery and Chinese slavery? How do you know Tibetans don't want their freedom? Have you asked them? Do you think the 40% Han Chinese population in Greater Tibet might make a difference in a vote, now that they've been moved in to settle the country?

Level headed, you certainly are not.

Best regards,

And who, precisely, is demanding that Tibet return to the feudal horrors you describe? Why can't they just have their freedom? Are you really so naive as to think that the choice lies between feudal slavery and Chinese slavery? How do you know Tibetans don't want their freedom? Have you asked them? Do you think the 40% Han Chinese population in Greater Tibet might make a difference in a vote, now that they've been moved in to settle the country?

Level headed, you certainly are not.

yes, i have been there. and i have asked them, the normal tibettan citizens. And really, im tired to talk this topic with you.As i said, please go there to look and listen yourself, to find out the truth

ww westerner's view of China )
please watch, and keep rember his last sentence. welcome to free press any thing about China,but before that, please come to China once.

and still recommand you watch Tibet Diary:

lets stop here.

Welcome everyone to China. Welcome to Olympics.
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I don't know if I would say China is the MOST evil country in the world, but I certainly am not fond of China. I think the whole Tibet protests thing is just a western fad, but the Taiwan issue is much more serious and should be a central point in this debate. The Chinese government continually uses economic and diplomatic pressure to isolate Taiwan. China has stated that if Taiwan ever formally declares independence, they will invade the island, and they have about 800 missiles lined up along their coast aimed at Taiwan just in case.
Also, about the whole Beijing Olympics deal, the Chinese government keeps saying that protesters are defying the Olympic spirit by involving politics in the games. But the Chinese government refuses to allow Taiwanese athletes to participate under the name "Taiwan" or "Republic of China." Their flag is never shown and their anthem is never played because of Chinese pressure. Hypocrites!
Interestingly enough the Taiwanese government (now again of the old kind-of-close-to-China Kuomingtang party) is trying to get cuddly with China again. Quite possibly due to the recent economic successes there. Also many of the younger Taiwanese people appear to be less afraid about getting close to China again (at least compared to their parents).
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