I dunno. What's wrong with free press?
HOOO.. free press? with haughty,ignorant? yeah..free speech is your privilege,me either. but please be level-headed before you free press.
Actually the 13th Dalai Lama was a good leader from all I've read.
Yeah..im pretty sure, you did read all from your hypocrisy media, books fund by CIA.And still leave along with the truth.
You just picked up some information you intrested in, you believing, you liking.Rather than whole things.
Everything has both side,not all bad, not all good.but at least you should understand all.
Look! what did your good leader 13th lama do:
w ww.han-people.com/bbs/images/upload/2008/04/11/210429.jpg All
(Master's slaves)
w ww.han-people.com/bbs/images/upload/2008/04/08/070232.jpg
(his master put a heavy cap on his head in order to press his eyes out, then gouged out it)
w ww.han-people.com/bbs/images/upload/2008/04/08/070500.jpg
(The human skins of small children were preserved in a museum in Tibet)
w ww.han-people.com/bbs/images/upload/2008/04/08/070756.jpg
(a adornment made by Tibetan's brain boxes)
w ww.han-people.com/bbs/images/upload/2008/04/08/071131.jpg
(a clarion made by bone of Tibetan's leg)
Beat monks to death with sticks, apparently.
Beat monks? Chinese soldier? can you show me a picture? you mean those??:
Come on!! They are not Chinese soldier! most pictrues used by western media are nepal police, rather than Chinese arm.IT IS FUNNY to fool someone like you.
Beat with sticks?? YES!! BUT WHO ATTACK WHOM! LOOK!!:
Tell me,what are soldiers doing?? they are just defencing,protecting them self. and try to stop Tibetan terrorist's attacking.
So you're on side with the Tibetans, you love them, but they're scum who have violent protests. If your mission was humanitarian, why not just go home now?
yes, sure. im on side with the Tibetans.I love them, coz they are Chinese too.
but im not on side with Tibetan terrorist. so dont mixed up Tibetan citizens and Tibetan terrorist, ok? every country has terrorist, but it dosent mean
entrie citizens are terrorist. also it dosent mean Tibetan citizens has the same aim with terrorist.
Tibetan citizens love and enjoy their life. They dont want to go back to a slave society with FUCKING FREE TIBET.