Causal mechanism for gravity

I do ignore the bulk of his writing after he get ''nasty''. He likes to think people ignoring him is a sign that he's always correct and that the other person has run-away as a result.:)
Who cares about Iggyed members thoughts? My tally is over 40 and I think in the years of using Iggy have only once used "Show ignored content"

I get the gist of discussion from replies

Still not make me curious enough to show ignored

I'm curious as to the initial trigger for your nasty obsessive stalking behavior. Want to unload how it all started?
On second thought, given you will have nothing constructive and on topic to share here, just butt out - imo an illegally sanctioned sock of sweetpea.

PS - your skewed commentary in #99 is as expected way off the mark. That SF mods even tolerate your type is a black mark against them as well.
It seems to me Foghorn has a point. I've been enjoying przyk's informative contributions on this thread. He clearly knows GR pretty well.

I don't see why you can't have a discussion with him about any perceived misunderstandings without introducing personal unpleasantness.
The mods allowing you to ruin threads with your hostility.
Black mark against them for that too.
In your deranged opinion maybe. At very best a product of inability to grasp the details of exchanges prior to your unwelcome intrusion. My responses you ostensibly found objectionable are both accurate and pertinent, but that will be beyond your capacity to grasp. Besides, I think you just enjoy being a pest.
It seems to me Foghorn has a point. I've been enjoying przyk's informative contributions on this thread. He clearly knows GR pretty well.

I don't see why you can't have a discussion with him about any perceived misunderstandings without introducing personal unpleasantness.
See my last post. I get used to being ganged up on here. Goes with the SF territory.
You and sock puppet foghorn could have just waited to see how przyk responded first, instead of jumping in with ill-informed opinions.
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See my last post. I get used to being ganged up on here. Goes with the SF territory.
You and sock puppet foghorn could have just waited to see how przyk responded first, instead of jumping in with ill-informed opinions.
My comments on your posting style have nothing to do with anybody's reply. And I am far from the first to make such observations. Look in the mirror.
The threads get ruined, they chase away the worth reading members. :)
I should say the ''nasty'' one like Q-reeus, that is.

Yes I understand that

My who cares perhaps should have been worded as the selfish version

I don't care what he thinks

Of course no need to even use Iggy. Just not give any reply to certain persons post

Iggy helps by automating the process

My comments on your posting style have nothing to do with anybody's reply. And I am far from the first to make such observations. Look in the mirror.
Most everyone perceives a virtuous soul staring back at them in the mirror. That would also include you with little doubt. Enough thread derailing moralizing for one day? No need to answer btw.
Of course no need to even use Iggy. Just not give any reply to certain persons post
My ignoring a certain person (Q-reeus), does not keep an interesting poster here, if that poster is receiving unwarranted hostility from Q-reeus.:)

My responses you ostensibly found objectionable are both accurate and pertinent, but that will be beyond your capacity to grasp.
Of course, you have to say that. You are never wrong with your insults, and it could never be just your ''deranged opinion'':
In your deranged opinion maybe.
Not a single constructive word dealing with gravitation, critical or otherwise, from any of the three hypocrites flaming me here. Not a surprise.
RJB has two very interesting threads going over at ''scienceforums net''.

Won't give links here, it may be considered bad form linking to another forum's threads.
No hostility being allow to spoil the setting of debate there.
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