There's really no catastrophising. Not from the scientific experts. The IPCC, for example, has consistently made conservative predictions, and new data has tended to show that things are worse than what whose conservative estimates predicted.Because they hope that all the catastrophizing will motivate people to embrace a radical social change program.
There's a very well funded movement to muddy the waters on climate change. Some of the same people that pulled the wool over people's eyes about the health risks of smoking cigarettes have moved on from working for Big Tobacco into working for Big Fossil Fuels instead.
No. Scientist have been warning about global heating since at least the 1970s.It isn't an accident that most of the global-warming hysteria didn't begin until after 1990, then the collapse of communism left many left-wing academics adrift in search of a new cause. So they switched from waving a red flag to waving a green one.
It sounds like you think climate change is a left-wing conspiracy theory. If that's what you think, I suggest it's time you started reading some less biased sources than whatever it is you're getting your information from right now.The ultimate goal is the same as it ever was: to destroy "capitalism".
That sounds like the line that only 0.04% of the atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide, so therefore we needn't worry about pumping all that extra CO$_2$ into the atmosphere.The evidence that I've seen indicates that since the industrial revolution in the 19th century, the world as a whole has experienced a net temperature increase of about 1.6 degrees C. That increase seems pretty small and doesn't seem to even remotely justify the "extinction level event" rhetoric that we so often hear.
That 1.6 degrees may sound like chicken feed to you, but it is causing glaciers across the world to melt that have not melted in hundreds of thousands of years. It is causing the next great extinction of species across the planet. It is causing the Great Barrier Reef to die. It is already starting to displace millions of people from their homes. It is causing an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events - something that will only get worse as the temperature continues to rise.
In 1750 (industrial revolution), carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 280 parts per million. Today it is more than 400 parts per million. That's in the space of only two and a half centuries, and the increase is almost entirely attributable to human activity.During the 19th century, Europe's "age of coal", temperatures seem to have remained pretty flat.
The temperature trend - despite some plateaus and the occasional decrease in some years - is only going in one direction - upwards. That will continue for some time, even if we give up all fossil fuels now.
Emissions standards haven't generally concerned carbon dioxide, to my knowledge.So what was happening since 1980 that might have driven the more rapid increase (in red on the graph above)? This was generally a period of deindustrialization in the Western world. Factories were closing everywhere and once thriving areas were turning into rust belts. (Britain once had world-class steel, shipbuilding, automobile and aircraft industries, believe it or not.) It was a time in which much stricter automobile emissions standards were introduced in the US and Europe.
Nonsense. Maybe you don't hear much about China in the United States, but China is a massive greenhouse emitter, with a population of a billion people who are starting to demand luxuries like electricity and motor vehicles. At least the Chinese leadership seems to recognise that global heating is a problem, and they are taking some steps to address the problem. Meanwhile, many Americans are more worried about Trump's latest controversial tweet, while they think about how to elect him for a second term.Yet most of the global warming activism never really addresses China.
So, if I understand you correctly, you're saying global heating is a communist conspiracy aimed at promoting China as the pre-eminent world power, at the expense of the United States. Is that the gist of it?It's all about turning back the industrial revolution in the US and Europe. (Basically leaving China the world's only industrialized power and handing world domination to them on a platter.)