Carrots sprouting roots in the fridge

I think I have all kinds of flowers that are actually veggies gone to seed. carrots, garlic (who knew!? Thanks Luci!) and onions.

and when I have carrots for supper, I cut the tops off, put them on a plate with water, and the kids watch them grow.
Orleander, havent you ever seen those bunches of carrots they sell (at least here) in the supermarkets?

They still have the leaves and stuff on them:p
Orleander, havent you ever seen those bunches of carrots they sell (at least here) in the supermarkets?

They still have the leaves and stuff on them:p

I know that. :) I grew up pulling them out of the ground. I've just never seen them go to seed before (we had them all harvested) and I'm too cheap to buy them in anything other than a 3 lb bag.
It interesting for the kids to see is all.
Yea im waiting for us to get some decent rain (so we can get off these stupid water restrictions GRRRRR) then im going to dig up half the back yard to plant a vegy garden:)

Thinking about getting some chooks too:)
Did you ever get to the root of the problem? :D

Yes Orleander, thanks for asking, It started out, I was the object of desiree, very a peeling, a real sweet potato but I got myself a pontiac and it went to my head, in starch contrast to my early years, I had indeed gone to seed. I was a real root rat, mad in the sack, Idaho and then I'd have another. I turned rotten became a dick tater and here I yam now, all washed up and ready for the chipper.
Yes Orleander, thanks for asking, It started out, I was the object of desiree, very a peeling, a real sweet potato but I got myself a pontiac and it went to my head, in starch contrast to my early years, I had indeed gone to seed. I was a real root rat, mad in the sack, Idaho and then I'd have another. I turned rotten became a dick tater and here I yam now, all washed up and ready for the chipper.


Thanks for that! I had a good laugh. :cool:
Orleander, You know how to slice a spud and gouge out his eyes at the same time!

Yes there were tots, but there was no sex.
Having a shitload of eyes and no hands does not exactly lead to successful foreplay.

I reproduced, yeah but not in the conventional way.
I was bereft, frustrated, I wanted to cash in my chips but suicide was not an option. I couldn't tie a fucking hangman's knot if my life depended on it ( ..err, poor choice of phrase), I tried to throw myself in the toaster but only got my jacket singhed.
I stuck my head in the oven which only seemed to improve my general aroma and I ended up getting a little soft in the middle.
No. I chucked my miserable skin on the compost heap in disgust and wouldn't you know, six months later, a decent harvest of new potatoes, mini mes everywhere.
They're not pretty but they are pratees.
oh, enmos is teaming up with shorty to troll on orleander in regular threads now too, cool
orleander: they're poisonous? How many would you have to eat to become ill?
enmos:Haha you eat them don't you ?
shorty:It would certainly explain some things
enmos: Maybe one can get a good trip out of it though.. hmm
shorty: I wonder if it can cause brain damage?

draqon:she is an American.
enmos:Yea, would that explain it.. ?? lol
draqon: it explains everything, if you ever been to would understand.

orleander: where do carrot seeds come from?
enmos: Oh lol.. Orleander I don't mean to single you out but.. come on..

this is one of the things i like about orleander, she never keeps herself from asking a question on fear of appearing silly

she did a good job ignoring you smartasses, though
thead would have gone south if it was with me

props to orleander
...she did a good job ignoring you smartasses, though
thead would have gone south if it was with me

props to orleander

Thank you for noticing. I made a promise to Plazma and I'm gonna work hard on keeping it. :D

and tablariddim, I make my carrots with butter and brown sugar. I completely ruin any nutritional value they have. :p I'm not fond of cooked carrots.

I also grow sweet potatoes and avacado seeds. Anyone else stick toothpicks in an avacado, stick it in a glass of water and watch it grow?
I'm actually surprised your carrots rooted in your refrigerator, I tend to find that storing carrots that way usually turns them rubbery rather than being crisp. Might be fine if you are the type that cooks carrots but for those of us that like them crisp it just won't do.

It's nearly bad as freezing certain fruits and vegetables considering that the water within the consumerables are frozen and breakdown the actual cells through ice crystal formation. Something to try, Freeze a carrot and thaw it out :)