I can see that any member of T is an infinite sequence of bits, but is it speaking of a finite set of infinitely long members or an infinite set of infinitely long members?
Each sequence is infinitely long.
The list is infinitely long.
Given the set N of natural/counting integers is infinite, it provides a means of ordering finite sets by size.
He visualizes transfinite sets as existing in a complete state, just as finite sets.
Cantor's idea of transfinite sets is similar in purpose, a means of ordering infinite sets by size. He uses the diagonal argument to show N is not sufficient to count the elements of a transfinite set, or make a 1 to 1 correspondence.
His method of swapping symbols on the diagonal d making it differ from each sequence in the list is true. His conclusion is false since he dismisses the possibility of duplication,
d being in the list, and not being detected.
Considering a finite sequence s of only 3 elements (0 or 1), there are 8 possible s.
There are 8! possible random lists. There would be duplication.
If any s is removed from the list and compared to the remaining s, it must differ from all those s. Thus being different does not mean not a member.