Can we change sea water to drinking water cost-effectively?

You save 20 gallons a day to flush your toilet and water your garden? We use 30-40 gallons per day in all of our water use and recycle that for use in the garden.

Shit! I've forgotten my Gallons, Pints conversion table to litres!
Shit! I've forgotten my Gallons, Pints conversion table to litres!
IMHO a badly underestimated factor in water use awareness in the US - faced with the prospect of converting 33 inches of rain into acre-feet, a percentage of that into cubic feet of aquifer recharge, and a calculation from that of how many head of cattle at 19 gallons @ day (in the heat) one can run on an irrigated vs non-irrigated 17 acre pasture with a drilled and dedicated well for the stock tank, the brain just gives up and turns to baseball.

So why can't anybody on my team pitch in Yankee Stadium?
I have no sympathy for California. 12 SONGS size NPPs could provide all their water needs thru distillation of sea water.