Can an animal sin?

All animals will go to hell, because they dont have the intelligence like ours to spend half of their lives praying to god for forgiveness for having sex and fighting!
Animals do not have the spirit of God inside them. They are not born again. The Holy Spirit has not come to dwell inside them. So they cannot choose to go to hell like man can.
Animals do not have the spirit of God inside them. They are not born again. The Holy Spirit has not come to dwell inside them. So they cannot choose to go to hell like man can.

they do, thats why they are alive.
Sin is whatever we call sin. Shouldn't we be asking "can animals do wrong?" Sin suggests animals will be punished for the things they do, which, I mean, we all know thats not the case.
Sin is whatever we call sin. Shouldn't we be asking "can animals do wrong?" Sin suggests animals will be punished for the things they do, which, I mean, we all know thats not the case.

Animals are absolved from sin because they don't know what it is.
Humans are absolved from sin because they know what it is.
Humans are absolved from sin because they know what it is.

How would we be absolved if we know that we are "sinning". I put that in quotes because it's hard for me to believe that by "sinning" or doing something wrong, I'll be judged after I die. Wouldn't that just leave us more accountable for the things we do?
Oh, thats what YOU call sin. Sin is just another label as far as I'm concerned.