Bush fires

Unfortunately, it probably comes down to fixing the problem of bad or absent parenting. Arson is one of those behaviours that indicates a deeply disturbed individual.

This reminds me of the so-called serial-killer triad. It turns out that most serial killers have a history of arson, bedwetting and hurting animals, prior to going on their killing sprees.
The number of fires is such a great concern. Sure the place is dry but fires don't start by themselves. Just so many.
Many fires do start by themselves. A while ago, one in California was apparently set by a fire-fighter craving attention. But there are always some mad/bad individuals who simply want to do harm. More of every day are flipping over. You remember the rat experiment? We are there.
The number of fires is such a great concern. Sure the place is dry but fires don't start by themselves. Just so many.
Right. They need an ignition source. But that could be a lightning strike, a bad catalytic converter, a dented spark arrester - even a decaying mass of leaves and wood.
Right. They need an ignition source. But that could be a lightning strike, a bad catalytic converter, a dented spark arrester - even a decaying mass of leaves and wood.

I think it is reasonably certain that many of the recent fires were started by humans.
Certainly there are various ways a fire starts but humans are responsible for most.
The percentage from other causes is small.
There are just so many fires is the point most all being started by humans, ...we are up to 300 homes gone and at least six people dead and certainly more.

Most folk are crying climate change which ignores the real problem. Climate change does not start a fire...and in any event if we can expect conditions to get worse should we not be asking what can be done to stop humans starting fires.

The response that we need to address climate change seems the popular answer for those on that side which ignores the immediate problem.

It is folly to shrug and say "climate change..what can you do?" And fail to address this growing problem of fires...most all started by humans...folk seem happy to shrug and forget ignition comes from humans.
Most folk are crying climate change which ignores the real problem. Climate change does not start a fire...and in any event if we can expect conditions to get worse should we not be asking what can be done to stop humans starting fires.
Right. It is just one factor. Most fires are started accidentally - by nature (lightning, decay) or non-intentional human cause (i.e. broken catalytic converter.) Those are going to be very difficult to impossible to control. A very small percentage are arson.
The response that we need to address climate change seems the popular answer for those on that side which ignores the immediate problem.
Climate change solutions won't make a difference for decades. So we will have to work on other preventions - like (paradoxically) more controlled burns.

Cause of Fires

While Australia is particularly fire-prone, natural fires account for only six percent of known causes of vegetation fires attended by fire services. Over 90 percent are the result of people's actions, and more often than not the result of deliberate ignitions;

I will link where this came from.

'Known' vegetation fire causes (percent)

Source: Combined Australian fire agencies [computer data file]
I don't believe it...I am in Sydney and there seems to be a fire to my East. I can't get any information but it's starting to get smokey.
We can rule out raptors, and lightning...
Last figures showed half are deliberately lit or suspicious suggesting such. Of the remaining half two thirds stuff that got out of control. Let's focus on the half that are deliberately lite or suspicious.

What can be done?

probably a 50/50 grey area where camping or cooking fires might look like intentional.
throwing cigarettes out the car window etc...

before locals switch to full-auto ...
the risk of loss to someone trying to put a fire out may be greater than the need to critically interrupt someone possibly trying to start one via carelessness... rocks ... sparks ... double fail that cant be fixed

We can rule out raptors, and lightning...

remember the fire chief saying spot fires igniting 12km down wind from fire fronts..
glass bottles in the sun
rubbish bags with cell phones and batteries in them
dodgy old leaky battery kids toys...
rust and chemical cleaners.. etc...

car batterys

highly reflective mirror surfaces and tinder dry fibrous materials (cotton hemp rope packing materials)

the list of potentials would probably scare the shit out of the average suburban new parent

light fittings with mirror reflectors
direct sunlight
lensing to say e.g packing paper or that super thin decorative warping paper(or saw dust)

renovation/trady/building/commercial rubbish
saw dust packing paper paper wood
mirrors, mirror reflector light fittings, glass....

Hospitality Fast Food

food waste heating to ignite


long enough away from foot traffic
say a good 2 to 4 hour window and/or people who think its somebody else's problem or spectator effect...

neighborhood patrols would be the best solution with cameras, so on the off chance they see someone looking out of place they will have evidential support for police should anything happen
and then its 10 years jail no parole(as long as no one is hurt)
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Many fires do start by themselves.
Sure but not many as a percentage of total ignitions.
A while ago, one in California was apparently set by a fire-fighter craving attention.
This behaviour is not isolated.
But there are always some mad/bad individuals who simply want to do harm.
Yes but it does appear there are more than in the past. We have had drought s since I can remember and fires but the current situation simply suggests that there are more fires ... The damage to lives and homes is not insignificant and needs a more than insignificant plan to get on top of the problem.
Thanks for your input.
probably a 50/50 grey area where camping or cooking fires might look like intentional.
throwing cigarettes out the car window etc...

before locals switch to full-auto ...
the risk of loss to someone trying to put a fire out may be greater than the need to critically interrupt someone possibly trying to start one via carelessness... rocks ... sparks ... double fail that cant be fixed
Which ever way one approaches the figures it is clear that the number of fires started by humans is unacceptable.
It just seems to me folk are not focusing on the problem.
If there was a terrorist attack resulting in these deaths and damage we would have marshal law etc. And the general response could focus upon the human element one could think rather than coming up with ways a fire can start...and the numbers show it is not natural fires that is the problem.
I still can't find out about the fire nearby..been too busy strangely..hope it is not a threat.