well, spidegoat, i dont WANt to trasncend the 'self' cause therer is no 'self' to transcend, what i feel i is like is a dynamic being of changing feelings and moods and emotions. and i don't take orders, even from a 'Buddha'...
...ok, that's true, there is no separate self to transcend, however many do have the idea of self which can cause them suffering. Transcending this self means to recognize it for what it is. This transformation does not conflict with being a dynamic being of changing moods and feelings. By "just what the Buddha ordered, I mean like "just what the doctor ordered", I'm agreeing with you, Buddha also wanted us to "see through it", I don't mean to suggest he demanded it as an order.
I would find that patronizing. the idea of others imagining themselves to be more 'advanced' than me, and not spillin the beans (tellin the truth)...i would feel patronized and pissed off.
...Well, the truth can't be told, but there are methods to help those seekers who are curious. These methods are indirect, like the koan, which, far from initially clarifying things, creates confusion, because intellectual answers are not an appropriate response. Not that there is anything wrong with being intellectual, that certainly has it's place. One requirement of learning anything is being humble, and admitting when you don't know something, the student of Zen is the one that approaches the master, so the idea that some are more advanced is inherent in this relationship. I didn't mean to suggest a connotation of superiority, like they are somehow better people. Fundamentally, we are all in the same boat. There is always the possibility of this relationship being abused, we should not follow others blindly.
hehe..i AM doing, i am challenging you.
I'm not sure what the challenge is exactly, but it's welcome.
that -in a sinister way-sounds like what our pharmacratic western paradigm demands--a 'stable balanced brain chemistry'...ie., the dictate what the 'norm' should be. I am afraid i have lately been looking more closely at this ocrelation. for example, in our culture if you are considered to be not-right, 'mentally ill', they will give you 'medication' that messes with brain chemistry and atrophies emotions. well, when i think of rows of stone-buddhas passin their lives away, of no threat to an oppressive system, i see a connection i am afraid. you saying that reminded me of this
Some people are certainly mentally ill, (some have been friends of mine) and need medication, it's the only effective remedy so far, and if we do find another, I'm sure it will have something to do with brain chemistry. I don’t want to live in a society that doesn’t consider schitzophrenia to be a problem.
The buddhas were a threat to oppressive systems, if you're not part of the problem, you are part of the solution. I also believe a possible solution to the inherent violence of humans is some kind of drug, like Huxley's Soma, or something natural, since enlightenment seems to be too much trouble for some people.
hmmmmm, yip. that's being HUMAN. being what you IS. but you see when belief systems like Buddhism come along, all of a sudden you must be 'guilty' to feel human and spean time and effort trying to become 'above-ordinary'. i am staying with the ordinary people, they dont make a fuss about it, and are real.
Buddhism's essence is not a belief system, you don't have to feel guilty for what you are, that is not the intention. Enlightenment is more ordinary than ordinary, it has to do with relinquishing control, allowing yourself to be ordinary. If you visit a foreign country, you still come back home eventually, but with a new perspective, that is what enlightenment is. On the surface, everything is the same, but you are changed. I think you realize the extent to which we are trapped in ideas, belief systems, basic premises; what seemed ordinary, from a new perspective, seems like a bad joke. I still pay taxes, but nations are silly experiments in mass delusion. We can play the game without being taken in by it, we need to see behind the curtain of our minds, cause there's no wizard, just some jokers pulling strings. I think you want me to define what enlightenment is so you can judge if it’s a worthy thing, but that can’t be done. If I could describe it so you could understand, you would be enlightened, too.
when i read you link this is verfied in the tenets of the belief which still insist in seeing reality as illusory.
The intent is to allow you to see for yourself wether many aspects of reality are indeed illusory, not simply to make you adopt this as a belief.
...thus as said from the premise they COULD -if so desired- regard what ever they might do, rape, incest, etc, as 'alright'...cause reality is all an illusion
NO, Buddhism is not nihilism. It is so much more important to get along with others when you see that between you and them there is no separation. It's the same thing Jesus was talking about when he said love your neighbor as yourself, because we really are one. The illusion is separateness, the reality is unity. But, since everything is filtered through our minds before we percieve it, everything we see of reality is not reality, it is our mind.
of course i am not insenstive, i can see the horrors of the conflict between humans in the world. i just dont think Buddhism has been or will be the answer. It has become rigid dogma like other belief systems
Buddhism as an idea is open to corruption, Buddhists are open to corruption, however the essence of Buddhism, the central realization is still vital and alive in the world. If all we know of Buddhism is the dogma, then we still know nothing about it.