Biological Energy Redistribution?


Valued Senior Member

This dynamic matter recently pop up by reading following quotes and appear to be quite important for better understanding:

Role of cooking in human evolutionEdit
Richard Wrangham, professor of biological anthropology at Harvard University,[47] proposes that cooked food played a pivotal role in human evolution. Evidence of a cooked diet, according to Wrangham, can be seen as far back as 1.8 million years ago in the anatomical adaptations ofHomo erectus. Reduction in the size of teeth and jaw in H. erectus indicate a softer diet, requiring less chewing time. This combined with a smaller gut and larger brain indicate to Wrangham that H. erectus was eating a higher quality diet than its predecessors.[48] To explain a decreased gut providing the amount of energy required for an increased brain size, Wrangham links his research on the digestive effects of cooked versus raw foods with the lower reproductive abilities of female raw foodists, and BMI in both sexes, to support his hypothesis that cooked starches provided the energy necessary to fuel evolution from H. erectus to H. sapiens.[49]
Also this one:
This similar link provided by exchemist

These links will also be relevant to this topic:
Energyy expenditure breakdown[15]
Skeletal Muscle18%
Other organs19%

AND some discussions with exchemist in this thread:

Can we get changes in organs size & quality esp Brain/Mental(Consciousness & intelligence) vs Physical due to energy redistribution from one body part/system to other part/system resulting in inherited or acquired changes in their performance & power?

Whether recent shifts of physical to mental causing odd creative and destructive introductions be due to this reason?

Best wishes.

This dynamic matter recently pop up by reading following quotes and appear to be quite important for better understanding:

Can we get changes in organs size & quality esp Brain/Mental(Consciousness & intelligence) vs Physical due to energy redistribution from one body part/system to other part/system resulting in inherited or acquired changes in their performance & power?

Whether recent shifts of physical to mental causing odd creative and destructive introductions be due to this reason?

Best wishes.
No, we can't.

What this theory is based on is the idea that evolution can respond, over many many generations, to an environmental change, in this case an increase in the ease and efficiency of nutrition.

This is not caused by "energy redistribution" between parts of the body. What happens is gradual alterations occur in the body proportions of a population, over generations, due to a change in the balance of activities that the organism needs to perform to sustain itself and reproduce. Those changes in body proportions result in a redistribution of energy consumption between parts of the body.

You seem to be in danger of confusing cause and effect.
No, we can't.

What this theory is based on is the idea that evolution can respond, over many many generations, to an environmental change, in this case an increase in the ease and efficiency of nutrition.

This is not caused by "energy redistribution" between parts of the body. What happens is gradual alterations occur in the body proportions of a population, over generations, due to a change in the balance of activities that the organism needs to perform to sustain itself and reproduce. Those changes in body proportions result in a redistribution of energy consumption between parts of the body.

You seem to be in danger of confusing cause and effect.
Welcome. What does it suggest in that link "To explain a decreased gut providing the amount of energy required for an increased brain size" ?
Yes, there can be an issue in it as told be exchemist. Whether hen first or egg first? Whether ease and efficiency of nutrition caused changes in organs due to energy redistribution OR natural environmental changes had necessitated changes in organs & energy redistribution? Former looks more logical.
Welcome. What does it suggest in that link "To explain a decreased gut providing the amount of energy required for an increased brain size" ?
It suggests that enough energy to support the needs of an increased brain size can only be obtained from a decreased gut if the food is cooked, and that, therefore, cooked food was a necessary precursor to both a reduced gut and in increased brain.
Yes, there can be an issue in it as told be exchemist. Whether hen first or egg first? Whether ease and efficiency of nutrition caused changes in organs due to energy redistribution OR natural environmental changes had necessitated changes in organs & energy redistribution? Former looks more logical.
No you are misunderstanding. The change in diet IS an environmental change, as far the evolution of the organism is concerned.

And I repeat, the change is not due to an internal energy redistribution. That would be an idiotic suggestion, as there is no mechanism to effect such a redistribution, obviously.
It suggests that enough energy to support the needs of an increased brain size can only be obtained from a decreased gut if the food is cooked, and that, therefore, cooked food was a necessary precursor to both a reduced gut and in increased brain.
Is it not the same understanding that decreased physical energy due to ease n efficient food option caused reduced gut and increased brain due to energy redistribution? Yes, cause n effects. Here cause is changed option and effect is changed organs and energy redistribution. Our modern changes should also indicate it. Since secondary natural, odd adaptations of unnatural nature should be possible.
Is it not the same understanding that decreased physical energy due to ease n efficient food option caused reduced gut and increased brain due to energy redistribution? Yes, cause n effects. Here cause is changed option and effect is changed organs and energy redistribution. Our modern changes should also indicate it. Since secondary natural, odd adaptations of unnatural nature should be possible.
Exactly. The energy redistribution is a consequence, not a cause, of the change in body proportions.

Your last two sentences do not appear to make sense, so I cannot comment on those.
Exactly. The energy redistribution is a consequence, not a cause, of the change in body proportions.

Your last two sentences do not appear to make sense, so I cannot comment on those.
Thanks. Is it true, environmental changes, natural or adopted, happen first and evolution or adaptations thereafter? If yes, why can't energy application changes in different activities be taken as environmental changes?
Thanks. Is it true, environmental changes, natural or adopted, happen first and evolution or adaptations thereafter? If yes, why can't energy application changes in different activities be taken as environmental changes?
You will need to explain to me how the "application" of "energy" can change. It seems a fairly meaningless idea.

Remember: energy is not "stuff". You can't have a bottle of "energy". Energy is just a property of a given physical system.
You will need to explain to me how the "application" of "energy" can change. It seems a fairly meaningless idea.

Remember: energy is not "stuff". You can't have a bottle of "energy". Energy is just a property of a given physical system.
Will application of energy not change by change in physical or mental activities? If we need less energy to absorb the nutrients due to ease in getting foods and due more efficient foods, cooked or processed, it mean energy need for it is less.
I think, main pop up issue here is, which is cause and which is consequence. Are these not just cascading and interdependent matter like eg. Energy caused matter and then matter mediated energy...?
I think, main pop up issue here is, which is cause and which is consequence. Are these not just cascading and interdependent matter like eg. Energy caused matter and then matter mediated energy...?
No. We've now established a clear cause-and-effect sequence:

Improved availability of nutrition -> difference balance of activity -> evolutionary trend to larger brain and smaller digestive tract -> change in energy consumption pattern by the organs of the body. This at least is the thesis advanced in the articles we have been discussing.

Waffling about energy-matter interconversion is utterly irrelevant to the subject at hand.
No. We've now established a clear cause-and-effect sequence:

Improved availability of nutrition -> difference balance of activity -> evolutionary trend to larger brain and smaller digestive tract -> change in energy consumption pattern by the organs of the body. This at least is the thesis advanced in the articles we have been discussing.
Yes I agree to it. In short, it can describe, change in environment can lead to change in activity which can cause evolutionary changes in anatomical and physiological systems and redistribution of energy consumption. Ok? However, we may also need to check, how energy is involved in first three changes.
Yes I agree to it. In short, it can describe, change in environment can lead to change in activity which can cause evolutionary changes in anatomical and physiological systems and redistribution of energy consumption. Ok? However, we may also need to check, how energy is involved in first three changes.
Yes OK to the first part.

But why do we need to "check" how energy is involved in these steps? Check what? In what way? To establish what?
Yes OK to the first part.

But why do we need to "check" how energy is involved in these steps? Check what? In what way? To establish what?
Yes, now I feel it is not required. Thanks. Now, whether such changes and redistribution of energy will be in our benefits or not,? I take these changes as secondary natural as happened due to change in environment.
Yes OK to the first part.

But why do we need to "check" how energy is involved in these steps? Check what? In what way? To establish what?
.... 2, sorry this matter to be taken first. Whether we progressively got and getting such changes and energy redistribution of energy from physical to mental?
Yes, now I feel it is not required. Thanks. Now, whether such changes and redistribution of energy will be in our benefits or not,? I take these changes as secondary natural as happened due to change in environment.
Depends what you mean by benefit.

In terms of ultimate evolutionary success of the organism, it is too early to say. Homo sapiens has not been around that long.

In terms of what we think we are, then I would not willingly trade my intellect for that of a small-brained ape. Would you?
Depends what you mean by benefit.

In terms of ultimate evolutionary success of the organism, it is too early to say. Homo sapiens has not been around that long.

In terms of what we think we are, then I would not willingly trade my intellect for that of a small-brained ape. Would you?
Yes not so. However, whether it is apparent recently, we are getting rogressively shifted more to mental side and less to physical side,?
Yes not so. However, whether it is apparent recently, we are getting rogressively shifted more to mental side and less to physical side,?
Possibly. It's true that the evolutionary advantage from being physically strong is far less obvious in modern societies. But it is not clear to me that the number of offspring depends on physical strength at all. So it may be neutral. Also it not clear that people with stronger mental powers have more children either.

So I doubt that we can presume there is evolutionary driver either way today.