This dynamic matter recently pop up by reading following quotes and appear to be quite important for better understanding:
Can we get changes in organs size & quality esp Brain/Mental(Consciousness & intelligence) vs Physical due to energy redistribution from one body part/system to other part/system resulting in inherited or acquired changes in their performance & power?
Whether recent shifts of physical to mental causing odd creative and destructive introductions be due to this reason?
Best wishes.

This dynamic matter recently pop up by reading following quotes and appear to be quite important for better understanding:
Role of cooking in human evolutionEdit
Richard Wrangham, professor of biological anthropology at Harvard University,[47] proposes that cooked food played a pivotal role in human evolution. Evidence of a cooked diet, according to Wrangham, can be seen as far back as 1.8 million years ago in the anatomical adaptations ofHomo erectus. Reduction in the size of teeth and jaw in H. erectus indicate a softer diet, requiring less chewing time. This combined with a smaller gut and larger brain indicate to Wrangham that H. erectus was eating a higher quality diet than its predecessors.[48] To explain a decreased gut providing the amount of energy required for an increased brain size, Wrangham links his research on the digestive effects of cooked versus raw foods with the lower reproductive abilities of female raw foodists, and BMI in both sexes, to support his hypothesis that cooked starches provided the energy necessary to fuel evolution from H. erectus to H. sapiens.[49]
Also this one: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Wrangham
This similar link provided by exchemist
These links will also be relevant to this topic:
Energyy expenditure breakdown[15]
Skeletal Muscle18%
Other organs19%
AND some discussions with exchemist in this thread:
Can we get changes in organs size & quality esp Brain/Mental(Consciousness & intelligence) vs Physical due to energy redistribution from one body part/system to other part/system resulting in inherited or acquired changes in their performance & power?
Whether recent shifts of physical to mental causing odd creative and destructive introductions be due to this reason?
Best wishes.