Paddoboy: Your ad hominem responses do not qualify as valid arguments. Your reference to my handful of past posts (from 10+ years ago) is just stalking. You have made over 25000 posts on this forum, by and large devoid of substance. Don't you have any ideas of your own? Go away.
Firstly, no to the last arrogant demand. Secondly, that's quite an emotional response, simply because I checked your past posts on other unsupported "alternative" aspect of the forum open to anyone. Your other emotional opinions are not worth much really.
I've read Sean Carrol's articles, watched his videos. He is a theoretical physicist and science communicator. He has an area of expertise and he sticks to it. No problem there.
Yes, a professional expert, who unlike you conducts himself according to the scientific method, and writes up proper scientific papers for proper review.
If you believe as you state, that the BB is wrong or invalid, try acting like a scientist, and follow the same procedure, instead of a remote science forum, open to any Tom, Dick or Harry, or even Harmonic to spout whatever they chose, and making emotional claims, based on "what ifs".
Claims are being made that energy is not conserved by general relativity on cosmological scales. The math apparently works. From what I've read however, the math is based on an initial assumption of an expanding universe. What if that assumption is false? What if the redshift, originally attributed to the doppler effect that radial velocity has on light, was actually caused by something else, e.g. lossy transmittance across billions of light years of space? Whether correct or not, this alternative explanation of redshift is more intuitive and does not require the universe to possess magical properties, such as conjuring up more empty space (nothing from nothing) to raft the galaxies away from one another, an infinitely dense point of origin for all visible matter & energy, a faster-than-light inflation phase, violation of conservation of energy, etc.
What if, what if, what if!! Is that all you have? Speculation?
You do know what the scientific method is don't you?
I think the Big Bang theory is likely just a modern creation myth, with a growing list of inconsistencies, and a growing list of ad hoc mathematics to resolve them - a theory doomed to be falsified in the long run.
Your opinion on a remote science forum is just that. And as you have already been told, the BB while having some problems is still by far the best model we have.
When you finally have a better, validated model, that tells us more then the BB, or falsifies the BB, then come back. In the meantime, go away.