Beware movavi's False and Misleading Advertising


Registered Senior Member
Gday all :)
Be warned about movavi's claimed 'Lifetime' licenses !

A few months back I bought movavi's Video Converter online :

which offers three price options :
  • Month-to-Month Subscription 9.95 AUD
  • Lifetime license 39.95 AUD
  • Business license 59.95 AUD

I was looking for a converter, so on 1st August 2016 I successfully purchased a 'Lifetime license' for movavi Video Converter, and my receipt reads like this (my bold) :

Thank you for your order! (Order no. xxxx208)
Your purchased products
1 x Movavi Video Converter - Lifetime License
Total price: AUD39.95

Note : there is NO mention that I only purchased Version 16.

Recently I upgraded to a new Windows version, and downloaded and installed the latest update of movavi Video Converter.

But alas !
My 'Lifetime license' key FAILED to activate the program because it was a Version 16 key, and the software was now Version 17.

So the 'Lifetime' lasted about a third of a year only, during which time I received NO updates at all.

This is a prima facie case of false and misleading advertising - movavi concealed critical information when I purchased :
  • That 'Lifetime licenses' only means the lifetime of one software VERSION - not the lifetime of the customer, or at least the product - as one might expect,
  • that the 'Lifetime' is probably a little less than a year, but could be as little as months or days even,
  • that movavi was on Version 16 (currently Version 17) after 12 years in business,
  • and that Version 16 was almost a year old and probably due for an update.
I contacted movavi about this on the 16th December 2016, but their agent Maria Kukhtinova from the Movavi Support Team dismissed my complaint with (my bold) :
" The license is permanent for the specific version of the program. When we release a new version, you are offered to purchase an upgrade or to refuse and keep using the version you own.
You purchase a license for a specific version of the software, for instance, 16. All the minor upgrades within 16th version are free (16.1, 16.2 etc.). All the major upgrades to the next versions (17, 18, etc) can only be purchased if you need them. This is the only type of licensing that is available. "

Frankly - this is an outrageous and dishonest rip-off - which appears to be deliberate policy by movavi.

I recommend customer's avoid movavi's 'Lifetime licenses' - which may not be either nasty or brutish, but certainly are short.

Quentin David Jones
Why not try to find an alternate download source for version 16? Even if you get it off a torrent, it wouldn't be pirating as you have already purchased the software.
Gday guys :)

Oh yes, I have Version 16 working fine still.

billvon said:
You got a lifetime key - not lifetime support.

Actually I bought a 'Lifetime license' key - which lasted four months with NO updates - NOT a lifetime at all.

It's an obvious case of false advertising.

Did your license key stop working after 4 months? I thought you said v16 was still working...I'm confused.
Gday MacGyver1968,

Yes, I still have a working key for Version 16 - which will presumably work for years ...

But now my key does NOT activate the current Version 17.

So I did NOT get a lifetime of movavi Video Converter like I purchased.
They concealed the version limitation from me.

That's pretty much how it works with all software, and has been that way for decades. You bought a license for v.16 that does not expire. They called it a "lifetime license" to differentiate it from the month to month license. You did get a lifetime of movavi video converter v.16, just like you purchased. It would be unreasonable to expect free upgrades to the newest version every time one comes out, because no other software company does that. If they did, they go out of business.

I'm sorry if you felt like you were deceived, but they didn't do anything differently than any other software company.
- NOT a lifetime at all.
I am on alert when terms are so open ended.
Challenge the customer service person to a duel and send them a photo of you biting the head off of a chicken and demand they fix the problem before you publish your video.
Gday MacGyver1968 and all :)

That's pretty much how it works with all software, and has been that way for decades. You bought a license for v.16 that does not expire. They called it a "lifetime license" to differentiate it from the month to month license. You did get a lifetime of movavi video converter v.16, just like you purchased. It would be unreasonable to expect free upgrades to the newest version every time one comes out, because no other software company does that. If they did, they go out of business.
I'm sorry if you felt like you were deceived, but they didn't do anything differently than any other software company.

They LIED.

They sold me a 'Lifetime license' to movavi Video Converter - NO mention of Version 16.
But I only got four months of one version - NOT what I paid for.

That is false and misleading advertising in my country, regardless of how common it may be - remember your Mum telling you "but everyone else was doing it too !" is no excuse :)

If you bought a 'Lifetime' warranty for your car - would you be happy if it ran out in a few months ?

Gday Xelasnave.1947 and all :)

I am on alert when terms are so open ended.
Challenge the customer service person to a duel and send them a photo of you biting the head off of a chicken and demand they fix the problem before you publish your video.

Ah, thanks Alex :)

I knew I could rely on you for a practical solution ;)

I knew I could rely on you for a practical solution
Very happy to help.
I have found the only way to have folk take you seriously is to present as insane.
At least send them a letter written in blood.
A ploy I have used is to write a letter to your local politician, but them send copies to every one in Parliament, all ministers, opposition members just everyone. So the relevant minister gets your letter plus day after day redirected letters from other ministers and you can bet your name gets a mention as folk pass each other in the hall or the men's room.

Hey - great idea :)
Especially with modern emails and forwarding and copying - did you hear the UK health service offices went down for a day due to ONE email being copied endlessly...

Hey - great idea :)
Especially with modern emails and forwarding and copying - did you hear the UK health service offices went down for a day due to ONE email being copied endlessly...

No but I would ask that question when you talk to the customer service person when you call to sort out details of the duel.
Gday MacGyver1968 and all :)

They LIED.

They sold me a 'Lifetime license' to movavi Video Converter - NO mention of Version 16.
But I only got four months of one version - NOT what I paid for.

That is false and misleading advertising in my country, regardless of how common it may be - remember your Mum telling you "but everyone else was doing it too !" is no excuse :)

If you bought a 'Lifetime' warranty for your car - would you be happy if it ran out in a few months ?


Kap, let me start by saying I'm not trying to be confrontational with you. (like I do with the woo's :) ) I'm just respectfully disagreeing with you.

The company didn't lie. You assumed that a "lifetime license" included unlimited free updates to new versions. IMHO, this is an unreasonable expectation, as no other software companies do this. They do not explicitly state that the lifetime license comes with free upgrades to the next version..this was something that you just assumed. I searched the movavi site looking for examples of this, but all I could find is that they off a 30% discount to previous version license holders to upgrade to the current version.

You mention a lifetime warranty for you car. If you buy a lifetime warranty for you's for that car only. The warranty only covers repairs on the model year you bought. Having a lifetime warranty on your car doesn't mean you get a new car every year when the new models come out.
Gday MacGyver1968 and all :)

They LIED.

They sold me a 'Lifetime license' to movavi Video Converter - NO mention of Version 16.
But I only got four months of one version - NOT what I paid for.

That is false and misleading advertising in my country, regardless of how common it may be - remember your Mum telling you "but everyone else was doing it too !" is no excuse :)

If you bought a 'Lifetime' warranty for your car - would you be happy if it ran out in a few months ?


I would say the company does a poor job of overselling in advertising which backfires on them. Also, its poor customer service to sell software that is updated in that short span of time requiring another purchase especially with that type of advertising. They should have either bumped the price initially or have updates at least after a year.

For instance, if i buy a mcafee license for antivirus, i know its good for a year including updates and support within that time.

I agree its a bit of a rip-off for software that is outdated in four months at that price but if you look at the month to month fee of 10 and the lifetime license is 40. You are really paying 10 per month of use.

Either way, thats way too expensive for a converter when there are even good free converters. Thats the real ripoff - the inflated price.
Same problems. Lifetime subscriptions mean nothing. Pop-ups to buy updates are endless. Program is ok but looking for a better simpler honest application to edit and convert
They sold me a 'Lifetime license' to movavi Video Converter
You have a lifetime license to Video Converter.

Now you would prefer a different product (specifically a different version of that product) and you will have to pay for it. This is not their fault; this is your fault for making assumptions.
If you bought a 'Lifetime' warranty for your car - would you be happy if it ran out in a few months ?
If you bought a car, got a lifetime warranty, then returned it a year later and said "I want THIS YEAR'S car and I have a lifetime warranty so you better give me a new car! It's almost the same car!" - would you expect them to honor it?