best cola

wat cola keeps you up all night coding or doing something else on your machine?

  • jolt

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • pepsi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • mt. dew

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • red bull

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • pills

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • beer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • a mix of common household products

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • other (please explain)

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters
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Registered Senior Member
which one of these keeps you up all night, if it is writing the koolest code or exploiting exosci's servers to gain root.
good idea

great idea dexter

i voted redbull its really that is available....

i also today that at the mountian [mt shasta] theyve got a red bull vadka mix.... its $5.00 :)
i'm the one who chose 'other'

I tend to prefer iced tea.

But up here in the backwoods we can't get the exotic stuff like RedBull or Bawls (hell, I can't even find Arizona Iced Tea, which is damned fine stuff).

<FONT SIZE="4">Well let me tell you now......</font size>

Popov Vodka mixed with diet Pepsi!!!!!!!! That's the ticket!!!!!!!!!!!

Never mix any alcohol with anything that has sugar into it! It will make you sick as a dog if you drink too much!

Don't eat candy when drinking alcohol, lest ye has a fascination with the porcelin God (RALPH) ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Like I said, if you gotta mix, don't use anything other than artificially sweetened drinks. Diet DR. Pepper is my next choice with Vodka.

Beware of orange juice! Personally I have ulcers & can't handle orange juice!

Beer sucks! I used to be a hell of a Beer drinker, but I gotta tell you, the bacteria, mold, ect......present in Beer will make anyone regret soon that he ever drank a beer!

Preferably & above all, I suggest that one grows (not purchase) his own cannabis. The debilitating effects are far less than alcohol! Further, that marijuana is NOT addictive (unlike alcohol) ! ! ! ! ! ! !

food for thought.........?????......or drink.........or smoke!!!
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heh, i ahve to agree, mary jane is very good, but my parents will only believe its insence for so long.....

my second choice is very loud music and these little chocolate things with alchohal in them, very good.

another thing that i ahve foudnt o be effective is popcicles, for those late summer nights...

Re: POLL: WHAT COLA????????

Originally posted by AUSSIEABORIGINAL
<FONT SIZE="4">Well let me tell you now......</font size>

Preferably & above all, I suggest that one grows (not purchase) his own cannabis. The debilitating effects are far less than alcohol! Further, that marijuana is NOT addictive (unlike alcohol) ! ! ! ! ! ! !

food for thought.........?????......or drink.........or smoke!!!

Now I may be going a git off of the high and right ,but I all ways have then need to point this out when ever some one says pot is not addictive.

There is a subset of people who can and will get addticted to pot. As most of us know 50% of the children of alcholics have an extreamly higher chance of becoming addicted to alchol. What most people don't know is that 50% of those children have an extreamly high chance of becoming addicted to pot.

This happens becuase pot is one of the few drugs in the same class as alchol. Now I personaly belive that it should be legal. When was the last time you saw someone smoke a joint then go shoot up a school yard?!? But felt the need to point out that common mistake.

Re: Re: Re: POLL: WHAT COLA????????

Originally posted by JEHOVAH

Well now......Six hundred, three score, and six..........

I have no needful feeling to insult your grammer, as I am as drunk as an Arkansas skunk! Not to insult your spelling!


Well my spelling is an insult to anyone who went to school! :)
Forget cola, what about milk. I am a huge milk fan. If you want to stay up all night then just put a bit of coffee or tea in it. And if you want to have a creamy texture to your cola, add milk approx 2:1 (cola:milk).

Milk has more energy and nutrients and does not affect the PH level in your body like Cola. That to me is better.

Thats my other, on the pole!
ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!LAVERNE & SHIRKEY!!!!

MILK AND PEPSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD HAVE MERCY, SQUIGGY, SAY IT ISN'T SO ! ! !



bARF ola////////////////////////////////////////
The caffine jolt off of Dew keeps me running, and running, and running,,,,,,,,,,
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