Backgrounds in moderation

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tiassa? do you plan on responding to post #87

how about the rest of you phd's? wanna articulate your rationale out here in the open?

we do have james's sentiments.....


are the rest of you mods similarly inclined? you shit on due process like james?
you piss on the presumption of innocence like james? you vomit on the right to legal counsel like james? you sneer at empathy and compassion like james?

is this how you mods want to end up? like james? the vigilante justice that he administers on an internet forum is pathologically projected and assumed to be an actual state of affairs in real life?


Maybe the regular members should be the jury that vote in a poll when an exclusion is proposed by the mods. Maybe this type of development is what Geoff is being heckled to suggest?

Moreover, a change to a more democratic forum where the mods are voted in and voted out of office by regular users and not themselves.

Maybe we need to have a vote or petition or poll on these structural changes?
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It would be interesting to see the mods' responses to my suggestions. Then we will find out whether this is a democracy or a dictatorship.
who do you have in mind?

Eh, I don't want to single anybody out at this juncture. Would probably generate more heat than light. Although, I've already mentioned myself as one possibility (depending on the context, of course), and noted that certain of the mods themselves are among the worst serial offenders.
It would be interesting to see the mods' responses to my suggestions. Then we will find out whether this is a democracy or a dictatorship.

I've made this same suggestion before, and the answer was very clearly "dictatorship."

I dunno - there would be a lot of problems with a straightforward member voting system. But I do think there should be more turn-over in moderation, one way or the other. Even if it's not to be an actual democracy, I think term limits and some mechanism for regularly bringing in fresh blood would help keep things moving in a positive direction. It's been quite some time since there was any real movement in those terms. It would break up some of these long-standing politicized stalemates, address the old "power corrupts" adage, etc. But there seems to be zero appetite to even consider anything like that - and much typical authoritarian response besides.
Try better questions. Or, at the very least, sincere ones.

And yet, I do. :shrug: I must conclude that it is the answers that are faulty. I would ask you - or any sincere member of SF - whether a simple organizational question was really worth a grande mal freakout.

Still fixable, really.
But I do think there should be more turn-over in moderation, one way or the other. Even if it's not to be an actual democracy, I think term limits and some mechanism for regularly bringing in fresh blood would help keep things moving in a positive direction.

I'd like to bat this idea for a while.

I initially like it. needs someone fairly adept in the chemistry subforum...for instance, it might go over my head if someone were putting up explosive-making instructions or chemical weapons-making directions.

Maths forum? similar?

Consider Quad's idea tentatively seconded.
Moderator note: Gustav has been banned from sciforums for 2 weeks for overriding a moderator edit, namely by reposting material that was previously deleted by a moderator (myself)

Given that Gustav was previously banned for posting this material in the first place, reposting it is a particularly stupid thing to do, if I may say so. By rights, Gustav is overdue for a permanent ban from sciforums according to his infraction point count. Again, I have decided in this instance to be extremely lenient, in the hope that Gustav will eventually learn what is and is not acceptable here.
Gustav asked, and even though he can't reply, I will answer.
perhaps you can directly inform the admin of this forum why this is the case? help him think.
Do elaborate. who would be interested? someone who thinks it is technically not ok? who? cameron?
I'm not a mod.

Not a Canadian either.
I mentioned earlier in the thread that I think I'm too compost mentis right now to mod.
I have good days.
Other days where I can't think straight and do the zombie shuffle.
Not good for a mod.

Edited to add:
I don't honestly know how this would boil out in Canada's free-speech laws. James almost certainly does not either...I don't think it's reasonable to expect mods to be legal experts.
Again, a delete and pm explaining the reasoning...had I been wearing the hat.

Do I think there would have been a real legal case? no.
Know what a SLAPP is?

Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Paticipation-a suit that gets dismissed, is frivolous, but whose defense can't be afforded by the sued.

This is what I meant by iffy, that post could be used as a pretext for a SLAPP.
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No confidence

James R said:

Given that Gustav was previously banned for posting this material in the first place, reposting it is a particularly stupid thing to do, if I may say so. By rights, Gustav is overdue for a permanent ban from sciforums according to his infraction point count. Again, I have decided in this instance to be extremely lenient, in the hope that Gustav will eventually learn what is and is not acceptable here.

Oh, give it up, James. If I applied your tight-assed standards of when to ban people, there would be nobody left.

No, seriously.

I'm sorry, man, but that's the truth. When someone gets under your skin, God help them because you're going to look for every damn excuse to send them on a trip. Fuck, man, if I tried to do that, you'd probably run crying to Plazma like you did in November, and you'd probably find yourself forced to lie in order to cover your ass, like you did in November.

So my recommendation is just admit that you don't give a damn about rational consideration, and just permaban the poor bastard.
I imagine that by now jamesr is telling tiassa on pm or in the mod forum how extremely innapropriate it was for him to question his authoritah over here, and demanding that his post gets taken down.
Oh, give it up, James. If I applied your tight-assed standards of when to ban people, there would be nobody left.

No, seriously.

I'm sorry, man, but that's the truth. When someone gets under your skin, God help them because you're going to look for every damn excuse to send them on a trip. Fuck, man, if I tried to do that, you'd probably run crying to Plazma like you did in November, and you'd probably find yourself forced to lie in order to cover your ass, like you did in November.

So my recommendation is just admit that you don't give a damn about rational consideration, and just permaban the poor bastard.

^^ This..

Chimpkin said:
Not a Canadian either.
I mentioned earlier in the thread that I think I'm too compost mentis right now to mod.
I have good days.
Other days where I can't think straight and do the zombie shuffle.
Not good for a mod.

I really like you chimpkin. But can I offer you some advice?

If you keep going on about being one or not wanting to be one.. well it shows a bit too much eagerness.

Gustav said:
wonder what happened to bashful bells
Unfortunately... you are banned..

I have been busy. When I last glanced at the thread, Tiassa had pretty much given you the answer I was going to anyway. When you get back, I can speak to you about it then. Okay?

universaldistress said:
Maybe the regular members should be the jury that vote in a poll when an exclusion is proposed by the mods. Maybe this type of development is what Geoff is being heckled to suggest?

Moreover, a change to a more democratic forum where the mods are voted in and voted out of office by regular users and not themselves.

Maybe we need to have a vote or petition or poll on these structural changes?
Many many moons ago, the moderators at the time had implemented a sort of voting system and to say the results were a complete disaster would be underestimating it.
Oh, give it up, James. If I applied your tight-assed standards of when to ban people, there would be nobody left.

As a moderator, you would be much better raising this in the Moderators forum. (Happy, Varda?) As you have chosen, inappropriately, to raise it here, I will reply.

I previously banned Gustav for posting inappropriate material on sciforums. Having returned from his ban, he then posts exactly the same material again.

Would it not be completely inconsistent and arbitrary to ban him the first time and not to ban him the second time for the same (repeated) offence?

Moreover, he has actually added to his offence by breaking another rule - overriding a moderator edit of his post (in this case deletion of the original material) by reposting the material. It has long been our policy, as you well know, that overriding a moderator action (by reposting or re-editing to restore deleted material, reposting a closed thread topic, etc.) is worthy of a ban.

Now, maybe you'd like to explain why you think these principles do not apply to Gustav, or not in this particular case.

It occurs to me that your beef is not actually with this second ban, but with my original ban of Gustav. In other words, I suspect that you think I unfairly banned him in the first place, and by banning him again I am merely compounding a previous injustice. If that is the case, then I refer you to discussions in the Moderators forum, where the moderator group discussed the original ban. You were there for that, weren't you? Maybe you didn't agree with me at the time. As I recall, the majority of moderators who contributed to that discussion thought that the ban was reasonable.

So, if I am "tight-assed" about this, I'm apparently not the only moderator with that disability.

I'm sorry, man, but that's the truth. When someone gets under your skin, God help them because you're going to look for every damn excuse to send them on a trip.

If I wanted to get rid of Gustav, I would be quite justified under the rules in banning him permanently. I have not done so.

In this case, I draw your attention once again to the fact that this current ban is for a repeat of exactly the same thing that got him banned last time. If the first ban was appropriate, there can really be no argument about this one. If the first ban was wrong, then perhaps you should have argued as much more forcefully when the moderators discussed the matter. Either way, you should have done so in the Moderators forum and no in the public forums. The only reason I can see for doing it here is that you're hoping to rally some kind of anti-James R cheer squad.

Fuck, man, if I tried to do that, you'd probably run crying to Plazma like you did in November, and you'd probably find yourself forced to lie in order to cover your ass, like you did in November.

Your accusations that I lied to cover my arse are unsupported, unwelcome, completely inappropriate and irrelevant besides. Yes, you have a bug up your arse that you've had for about a year now (has it been that long?). You don't like me. So what? Ancient history. Move on. And, in particular, don't air your dirty laundry in the public forums.

So my recommendation is just admit that you don't give a damn about rational consideration, and just permaban the poor bastard.

Refer above for rational considerations. You might like to consider them at some point.
You only have a case of defining that material as illegal under a specific context.
The text itself does not incite any illegal activity. It shows how a person who demostrated in favor of an opinion which is unpopular with the authorities how to avoid persecution.

In the context of a person protesting human violations in china, the text is perfectly acceptable (unless you are the chinese government).
Under the context of the london riots, not so much.

Under the context of this thread, in which the text wasn't even meant to be advise for anyone, but merely evidence, I can't understand how it can be taken to be inciting criminal activity.
If this was the case, any case of conspiracy being discussed in court would cause the attorneys to commit the same crime by merely quoting the offense.

Does that make any sense to you? Oh, right. You don't know what sense is.

The text itself does not incite any illegal activity. It shows how a person who demostrated in favor of an opinion which is unpopular with the authorities how to avoid persecution.

It advises criminals on how to (try to) avoid prosecution - i.e. how to avoid due legal process for their crimes. On that basis, I made a judgment call that sciforums need not host such material. I realise that some people disagree with me. If it had been posted in a year or two, when some time has elapsed since the London riots and consequent criminal prosecutions, perhaps my decision would have been different.

In the context of a person protesting human violations in china, the text is perfectly acceptable (unless you are the chinese government).
Under the context of the london riots, not so much.

Which goes to show that context is often very important.

Under the context of this thread, in which the text wasn't even meant to be advise for anyone, but merely evidence, I can't understand how it can be taken to be inciting criminal activity.

There was no need to re-examine the material itself in the context of Gustav's latest ban. It was a simple matter of applying the standard that was applied the first time around. Anything else would be inconsistent.

If this was the case, any case of conspiracy being discussed in court would cause the attorneys to commit the same crime by merely quoting the offense.

You can't prosecute somebody in a court without saying what their crime was, so I don't think that's a particularly good analogy. The fact is, of course, that courts do suppress certain evidence from the public. For example, if somebody is prosecuted for publishing a manual on how to make bombs, that manual will be presented in court, but it won't be published in the court record.

Does that make any sense to you? Oh, right. You don't know what sense is.

Thanks for the personal snipe, Varda. Please join the queue behind Tiassa.
I'm tired of answering for you

James R said:

As a moderator, you would be much better raising this in the Moderators forum. (Happy, Varda?) As you have chosen, inappropriately, to raise it here, I will reply.

Well, since the rest of us have to take heat in public, from the community, for you, I think it's both fair and appropriate that the public might witness this disagreement.

Hell, it wasn't too long ago that a member accused me of banning people for being Republicans. You know, because of their political views, in an attempt to suppress them. I actually found that laughable, considering how few people I suspend.

However, the accusation does remind me of a some incidents we've seen.

Like the time someone banned a member on the basis of an opponent's complaint; the authority in question had to sacrifice the English language in order to construe the appearance of a threat. Having received a certain amount of heat, the authority rescinded the three-day ban, and then, shortly after, contrived a stupid scheme to ban the member for thirty days.

Or the time someone banned a member on the bigoted complaint that a Muslim used a word that wouldn't be offensive if the member wasn't a Muslim.

Ringing a bell, James?

None of us are perfect. This is reality. But it is not an excuse.

There are a lot of conflicts moderators could resolve with members if they didn't have the additional weight of guilt by association; we are all tarnished by your idiotic interpretations of posts and rules, and your exploitation of your authority for personal ends. We all have to answer for you.

And, frankly, I'm fucking sick of it.

I previously banned Gustav for posting inappropriate material on sciforums. Having returned from his ban, he then posts exactly the same material again.

It's a convenient excuse for avoiding his inquiry. You know, he inquired as to what the problem was. He may not have agreed with my answer, but at least I answered him.

Would it not be completely inconsistent and arbitrary to ban him the first time and not to ban him the second time for the same (repeated) offence?

The first ban was just a pathetic excuse for you to take it out on a member you don't like. When Her Majesty sees fit to charge the original distributors of that flyer with subversion, collusion, or whatever other crime her prosecutors might decide, the question of the flyer's illegality becomes much more important.

Moreover, he has actually added to his offence by breaking another rule - overriding a moderator edit of his post (in this case deletion of the original material) by reposting the material.

By inquiring about what was wrong with it?

It has long been our policy, as you well know, that overriding a moderator action (by reposting or re-editing to restore deleted material, reposting a closed thread topic, etc.) is worthy of a ban.

I believe that is a deliberate and grotesque distortion of the policy. Had he simply reposted it for the sake of reposting it, then yes, you would have a point. But the precedent you have set with this means that an inquiry as to what the original problem was can be circumvented, since the material apparently cannot be reviewed at Sciforums after a moderator has deleted it according to his interpretation subject to a predisposition against the member.

Now, maybe you'd like to explain why you think these principles do not apply to Gustav, or not in this particular case.

Because he wanted to know what, specifically, was wrong with it.

I, at least, gave him an answer. But that's only as I see it. We have no real clue what your answer is, because you are either incapable or unwilling to answer the question.

It occurs to me that your beef is not actually with this second ban, but with my original ban of Gustav. In other words, I suspect that you think I unfairly banned him in the first place, and by banning him again I am merely compounding a previous injustice. If that is the case, then I refer you to discussions in the Moderators forum, where the moderator group discussed the original ban. You were there for that, weren't you? Maybe you didn't agree with me at the time. As I recall, the majority of moderators who contributed to that discussion thought that the ban was reasonable.

Oh, I actually agree with Chimpkin's assessment. You will also notice, however, that I let you have your way with that first suspension, and I have even explained to Gustav why that is. I've known since your little tantrum last year that there isn't really any point to arguing with you. You know, when you made your accusation, and then ignored the detailed assertions of fact—refusing to counterpoint them—and simply reiterating your inaccurate accusation. Remember how, once upon a time, we considered that intellectually dishonest?

It's quite clear that the only reason you care what anyone thinks of your moderation is a matter of self love. You can't possibly be wrong, can you, James? I've recognized that about your attitude since at least September, 2009, when you accused a member of anti-American bigotry; when it was pointed out to you that the member wasn't saying anything that couldn't be found in the American political discourse, you ducked that point by accusing bias.

You can't possibly be wrong, James. And the rest of us have to answer for it.

Oh, and if your recollection of the majority of moderators contributing to that discussion is correct, would you be so kind as to point me to it? There is no entry in the suspension log; indeed, the only mention of it I've found is one moderator questioning the suspension in the internal memoranda. You did not see fit to respond to that memo, at least in view of any of the rest of us. Neither do I see that support for your action in the thread where the violation occurred.

I mean, perhaps if that majority constitutes one out of one moderator who happened to comment in a post somewhere, I've simply missed it. But where else should I be looking? I even checked the warnings log. Where is this discussion that I apparently missed?

So, if I am "tight-assed" about this, I'm apparently not the only moderator with that disability.

Well, I will consider that point if you would so kindly point me to whatever discussion you were referring to. Really, I must be absolutely blind, since I don't see it in the expected places.

If I wanted to get rid of Gustav, I would be quite justified under the rules in banning him permanently. I have not done so.

I'm not sure you would be. Your perception and interpretation are questionable, to say the least.

In this case, I draw your attention once again to the fact that this current ban is for a repeat of exactly the same thing that got him banned last time.

And I reiterate the convenience of that excuse to dodge his inquiry.

If the first ban was appropriate, there can really be no argument about this one.

The first suspension was an overreaction, and that's stating it kindly. It might be more accurate to suggest that it was a calculated overreaction.

You're vicious when someone gets under your skin. We've seen it before. When you suspended S.A.M. for thirty days because you didn't like her opinion; when you lied about me; when you suspended EFoC on behalf of a bigoted standard of offense. You're looking for any excuse to get rid of Gustav. If we treat all of our members this way, we won't have any left.

If the first ban was wrong, then perhaps you should have argued as much more forcefully when the moderators discussed the matter.

Point me to the discussion, please.

Either way, you should have done so in the Moderators forum and no in the public forums. The only reason I can see for doing it here is that you're hoping to rally some kind of anti-James R cheer squad.

No, James. I'm fucking sick and tired of having to answer for you.

Your accusations that I lied to cover my arse are unsupported, unwelcome, completely inappropriate and irrelevant besides.

We will deal with that in the back room, since that is where the record is.

Meanwhile, it is time for you to resign. Period. I will hold you to account for the above statement.

Yes, you have a bug up your arse that you've had for about a year now (has it been that long?). You don't like me. So what? Ancient history. Move on. And, in particular, don't air your dirty laundry in the public forums.

And you've been off the rails for years.

Refer above for rational considerations. You might like to consider them at some point.

Your idea of rational consideration leaves much to be desired.
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