My great aunt is a holocaust survivor and still alive in Israel. She still bears the tattoo. I would sooner believe her first hand report than any elaborate engineering fantasy some pseudo-scientific douche of a neo-Nazi has created to undermine the history of those he hates.
My great aunt is a holocaust survivor and still alive in Israel. She still bears the tattoo. I would sooner believe her first hand report than any elaborate engineering fantasy some pseudo-scientific douche of a neo-Nazi has created to undermine the history of those he hates.
Loyalty is a two-edged sword. I remember being a Democrat in the Bay Area, when Reagan was president, and I was silent and worried about loosing my job. Republicans were next to Nazi in those days. I mean it
my great aunt is lori and she's tattooed from god all over, yeah i'd believe her over some scientist nutjob who sees less day light than a cave bat with theories he made up because he can't understand whatever doesn't fit in a test tube.
Please kill yourself.
Creation Museum came to mind for some reason..
The only difference is that the Creation Museum is full of chickencrap and the Holocaust Museum is full of evidence.
i don't know, i haven't been to it.That is of course an oxymoron, by definition:
"A museum is an institution that cares for a collection of artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, or historical importance and makes them available for viewing."
What exactly is scientific or historical in the Creation Museum?
so my point still escapes you? i thought you had more reason in you than these bubbling red hot emotions for your ancestors misfortune.
tell me, have you been to the creation museum?
cuz i think what's in that holocaust museum of yours is cockcrap as well.
one mueseum doesn't contain evidence and the other not because you say so, even if in reality one does and the other not, you need to provide for an argument more than "god says so", "the bible says so" or "my aunt says so", scriptures and tattoos are evidence of equal validity.
now as i said, regardless of how much of what is claimed about the holocaust is true and what is not, your chirp about your relatives word of mouth weighs nothing in an evidence scale, otherwise lori's first hand experience is as valid as your aunt.
this is all getyourfactsstraight101, you must love your aunt very much to be sill pressing the subject blindly.
...what others consider art i consider trash....
close enough.If you didn't notice, I didn't offer my aunt's account as something that would convince other people. I only said I would rather believe her than a bigot.
It's not my job to teach you history.
lol, how do you know what "art" i had in mind?Typical Nazi attitude towards art.