Atheis church congregation raising money

My answer is: dark matter.
It's a kind of matter, a particle, part of the material world. Not a place to hide your god.

There are probably some additional forces and particles that we don't know about and can't detect right now. I refuse to believe that reality is limited just to what we can observe right now: the standard model and general relativity.
Good, because no scientist says that.

What has it got to do with open mindedness to point and laugh at idiocy and to oppose bigotry? Saying Homosexuals are all Atheists IS idiotic. Most are as religious as anyone else. And condemning them for what they are is bigotry. If you don't like it pointed out, stop posting idiocy and bigotry. You expose your bigotry with almost every post.

You must be a very wise man and who does not agree with you is a bigot and an idiot . Do you know any other insults ? Would you identify IDIOCY, Tell me if I don't like you. Am I a bigot ?

Should we talk about human or penguins. ? I am sure you are not a penguin .


People are people, sometimes more flawed, sometimes less. There are no Ba'al type religions in our world today, but I would not argue that we are any better than they were then. The world has had long periods when homosexuality has been widely accepted in society, and other periods when it was not, we are currently coming out of the second type and moving toward the first, and thus is the rhythm of civilization's view of gays.


Let me ask you : are you a homosexual ? since you are so defensive .
I'm not. I'm not a woman either, but I stand up for their rights. I'm not an atheist but I stand up for their rights. I'm not a minority but I stand up for their rights. Etc.

You are the devils advocate , you have very good points I respect your position , I realize what I may say emotionly and some of you guys correct me and I quietly accept it.
You are the devils advocate , you have very good points I respect your position , I realize what I may say emotionly and some of you guys correct me and I quietly accept it.
It's good of you to admit that.
Another idea that the atheists might consider is to worship the Old Ones of the Cthuhlu mythos. They could read from the dreaded Necronomicon.


You must be a very wise man and who does not agree with you is a bigot and an idiot

No, people say idiotic things and when they lie about, deride, criticize anyone simply because of who they are, they are being a bigot.

Do you know any other insults ?

Lots, but I'm trying to accurately describe the behavior I have seen here. If you consider that insulting then stop behaving in that manner and I will not have such behavior to point out. You attack Atheists with lies and blame them for things they have nothing to do with. You conflate them with every evil on Earth. You do the same with gays. You say it's because of your religion, but I have shown you that the person that your religion is supposedly based on disagrees with everything you think Christianity is. As I suggested to Mazulu, go and study his message for yourself. The philosophy of Jesus is not perfect, but it is good and the core of it is "Do unto others as ye would have done unto you." and I can quote passage after passage where Jesus repeats this message over and over in various ways. Then ask yourself what kind of gun would Jesus pack, who would he condemn to die in a gas chamber, who does he condemn in his words(Answers None, no one, well Moneychangers in the Temple(televangelists, multimillionaire pastors, etc,). All this lying about, hatred and condemnation of the people you obviously don't think are good enough didn't come from anything Jesus taught.

Tell me if I don't like you. Am I a bigot ?

Me, heck no. I'm an A__hole, lots of people don't like me, I've learned to live with it. But they don't like me for the things I do or say, not because of the traits I had on the day I was born. Bigots hate people because of what they are, be it skin color, religion, sexual likes or attraction or being incapable of believing in the supernatural.

Let me ask you : are you a homosexual ? since you are so defensive .

No, at this point in my life I'm Asexual but I was married, had children, the usual. Homosexuals aren't people worth protecting from prejudice? I was in Greensboro fighting for black people's right to be free from bigotry, and I'm not black either. I support women's rights and yet I am not a woman. I support children's rights though it's been a long time(and a different era)since I was a child. When I was a child we had water fountains marked "Colored only", and I've been mad about these things ever since I first saw one. This is not defensive, it is offensive, I attack the sources of bigotry with glee because such attitudes need to be eradicated from society and we've made good progress since the 60s in becoming the nation the Constitution was meant to build.

And again you miss my point, that is ALL that Atheism is.
I think the problem here is that you are using atheism with a capital A; to refer to atheism as if it were some coherent system of thought, like a philosophy of its own. No matter how much you want it to be, that is simply not the case. That is not how atheism is defined.
Let me put it in simple terms: An atheist is simply anyone that doesn't believe in a god or gods. That's all there is to atheism, but that doesn't mean that that's all there is to an atheist.

They are theistic in that they worship an entity(the state). That is not Atheism.
Again, no. They are still atheists if they don't believe in a god, no matter how much veneration they heap upon the state.

Satanists have a complex system of beliefs and therefore their atheism is only technical, they are not Atheists
Their atheism isn't just technical. It's part of their identity. They don't believe in a god or gods, therefore they are atheists.

Theists think there is...The theistic mindset cannot conceive of a person not needing a god of one sort or another.
That's not true at all. I am a theist, polytheist specifically, and I don't have any problem with atheists. It's a completely rational viewpoint, which I respect. I do not view the gods as something that everyone has to pay homage to, or even believe in. That's just not part of my belief system. What you believe is based on what you experience; and what you experience is, obviously, totally subjective. I have no right to tell someone else what to think, or that their thinking is flawed, without knowing what experiences they have had.
It's completely unfair to generalise all theists based on the actions of a few fundamentalists.

I think the problem here is that you are using atheism with a capital A; to refer to atheism as if it were some coherent system of thought

It is coherent, but it's "system" is very simple. However, the ramifications may be more complicated. An atheistic(small a)religious system is not something an Atheist accepts as any more legitimate than worshiping any other god, the atheism is technical because there is no real difference between an atheistic and a theistic god, both are rejected by Atheists. The technicality(that the object being worshiped is not a supernatural one)does not change the religion in any appreciable way. An Atheist rejects it. Gods come in many forms, even mundane objects have been thought of as gods(the sun actually exists, you know), an Atheist rejects accepting the sun as a god, but recognizes that the sun is natural, not supernatural. So my interpretation of the meaning is correct, yours are not. I don't CARE if you don't think Satan is real, you have raised him up anyway and named your church after him. He is your god. You are not an Atheist except by a technicality. And it was the same with Communism. Communism is a religion, their god was the state, technically, the state is not a supernatural god so Communism is technically atheistic, But Communists are not Atheists, nothing they did was because they did not believe in a god, they had one of those. So the attack these two...theists have been having over several threads demonizing Atheists and blaming us for the sins of the religion of Communism is the important point and straightening you out on your technicality problem wasn't very important to that task.

Your opinion on the matter is noted, I disagree(for the above reasons).

An atheistic(small a)religious system is not something an Atheist accepts as any more legitimate than worshiping any other god
There is only the "small a" atheism. That is the mistake you are making. This "big A" Atheism does not exist; you are making it up.
What you're describing is properly described as irreligious Antitheism. If it could be categorised as anything specific.

no real difference between an atheistic and a theistic god
By definition, there is no 'atheistic god', since atheism is the lack of belief in any god or gods.

The technicality(that the object being worshipped is not a supernatural one)does not change the religion in any appreciable way.
Yes, it does. Something being the object of veneration does not make it a god. There isn't a dictionary or encyclopaedic definition of 'god' that leaves it at that.

Gods come in many forms, even mundane objects have been thought of as gods(the sun actually exists, you know)
Big difference: the sun wasn't conceived as an object by early solar-deity cults. It was conceived as the physical body of an actual spiritual being. It doesn't matter if you view the sun as an object, the people who worshipped it did not.

This "big A" Atheism does not exist; you are making it up.

"American Atheists fights to protect the absolute separation of religion from government and raise the profile of atheism in the public discourse.

Since 1963, American Atheists has been taking the principled and uncompromising position that our government should give no special treatment or preference to religious belief. "

There are more big A Atheists than there are Satanists of any sort.


Isaac Asimov, he signed my Mensa card in 1965. Life long Big A Atheist and Renaissance Man. And noted Bible Scholar as well. Our Atheist organization(along with our Mensa chapter)drove him to UT(he did not fly)for a lecture. He was the one who urged me to study the Bible, look to the original Greek sources(themselves translations of no longer available sources)and pointed out that modern Christianity often has little to do with what Jesus actually taught. He told me that there was wisdom contained in the Bible(I was a militant Atheist at the time), that Jesus's philosophy had merit for what it was, without the supernatural non-sense religionists tacked on. I highly recommend his Bible Commentaries

You know, error is not improved by repetition. You simply don't know snot about Atheism if you think we don't exist. Don't try that line on Sam Harris. And "irreligious Antitheism" is not a description of Atheists, I have no problem coexisting with theists. But I am against religious stupidity and bigotry being imposed by law, our government is Constitutionally supposed to be neutral in religious matters, neither promoting religious opinion nor restricting it's practice by those who wish to.

But I am against religious stupidity and bigotry being imposed by law, our government is Constitutionally supposed to be neutral in religious matters, neither promoting religious opinion nor restricting it's practice by those who wish to.
So am I. That's called secularism.