I don't want to go there, it's evil!
Satanists consider themselves atheists
Satanism developed in the context of the Christian faith, as an ideological backlash to certain tenets promoted in Christianity.
Satanas (or Satan) was defined in gnostic terms as the Serpent in the Garden of Eden who revealed the knowledge of the true God to Eve.
No, he's actually right for once. The Church of Satan, which composes the majority of people who self-describe as Satanists, does not believe that Satan is a real figure. They're, more or less, Crowleyite occultism + Ayn Rand, and they are explicitly atheistic. They use the symbolism of Satan as exactly that--a symbol. An emblem of their path in opposition to established Christian society. And sometimes perhaps a tool for focusing their consciousness in ritual, as most non-theistic occultists do. But they do not believe that the Christian God, or Satan for that matter, are any other than figments of the collective imagination.Satan is an entity in the Christian pantheon just like Loki is a part of the Norse pantheon. So, no, Satanists are not Atheist at all. The rest of your idiotic post is therefore irrelevant, pure vitriolic offensive verbal diarrhea.
No, it is the point. You are using the fact that LaVeyan Satanism is atheistic to lump all atheists into that category. Which is intended to demonize atheists and atheism, given your explicitly Christian viewpoints. And it shows a distinct lack of research or knowledge on your part.Whether or not I am demonizing them is beside the point.
What's wrong with sexy girls and orgies? For starters.If you take some atheists, put them in an atheist church, and some sexy girls, I think it's going to devolve into an orgy, drugs and then satanism, like a slippery slope.
What's wrong with sexy girls and orgies? They are animalistic. My point was that it's a slippery slope for atheists. First, they make a nice church of non-believers. Then, a bunch of sexy girls show up (like they do in all churches). Then, the members start feeling that vibe; but without a spiritual context, it turns into an orgy. Then a goat shows up... A month later, it's satanism. Just watch! You'll see.No, he's actually right for once. The Church of Satan, which composes the majority of people who self-describe as Satanists, does not believe that Satan is a real figure. They're, more or less, Crowleyite occultism + Ayn Rand, and they are explicitly atheistic. They use the symbolism of Satan as exactly that--a symbol. An emblem of their path in opposition to established Christian society. And sometimes perhaps a tool for focusing their consciousness in ritual, as most non-theistic occultists do. But they do not believe that the Christian God, or Satan for that matter, are any other than figments of the collective imagination.
Theistic Satanism, which does hold that Satan is a real being in the context of a Judeo-Christian pantheon, comprises a distinct minority among Satanists. A very small minority.
To simplify: he is correct that LaVeyan Satanism, the dominant form of Satanism, is atheistic. But he is incorrect in saying that all atheists are Satanists.
No, it is the point. You are using the fact that LaVeyan Satanism is atheistic to lump all atheists into that category. Which is intended to demonize atheists and atheism, given your explicitly Christian viewpoints. And it shows a distinct lack of research or knowledge on your part.
What's wrong with sexy girls and orgies? For starters.
What's wrong with drugs, if you use them responsibly?
And more to the point, do you know anything about the actual Church of Satan? Otherwise, you're just talking out your ass. They're more than just atheistic. There's a complex system of beliefs and practices that accompany it.
What's wrong with sexy girls and orgies? They are animalistic. My point was that it's a slippery slope for atheists. First, they make a nice church of non-believers. Then, a bunch of sexy girls show up (like they do in all churches). Then, the members start feeling that vibe; but without a spiritual context, it turns into an orgy. Then a goat shows up... A month later, it's satanism. Just watch! You'll see.
And? Sometimes it's fine to give into your animal urges. They are a part of you, because you are human and humans are animals. To deny those urges is to deny your full humanity.What's wrong with sexy girls and orgies? They are animalistic.
You think sex, even group sex, can't have a spiritual meaning or purpose? You'd be incredibly wrong.but without a spiritual context, it turns into an orgy.
Several leaps of logic that just do not add up. What do goats have to do with any of this? Why does wanton sexual activity with other people lead to bestiality? What does that have to do with Satanism? What do orgies, for that matter, have to do with Satanism?Then a goat shows up... A month later, it's satanism. Just watch! You'll see.
You are just calling the archaic revival a bad name. This is how religion used to be practiced and still is by many primitive tribes.What's wrong with sexy girls and orgies? They are animalistic. My point was that it's a slippery slope for atheists. First, they make a nice church of non-believers. Then, a bunch of sexy girls show up (like they do in all churches). Then, the members start feeling that vibe; but without a spiritual context, it turns into an orgy. Then a goat shows up... A month later, it's satanism. Just watch! You'll see.
And more to the point, do you know anything about the actual Church of Satan? Otherwise, you're just talking out your ass. They're more than just atheistic. There's a complex system of beliefs and practices that accompany it.
If there is a "complex system of beliefs" they are by definition not Atheists(with a capital A). All that makes an Atheist is the COMPLETE LACK of "a complex system of beliefs". I don't even believe that god(any of thousands)doesn't exist(I have no trouble admitting that I don't know, but then, neither does anyone else), I just don't believe any I've heard described, so far. There is one "sect" that is atheistic, but if your are worshiping Satan, you are not an Atheist, you're just a Theist who traded gods, getting rid of old , stiff and judgemental for hedonistic, corrupt but more fun(for a while, if sources are true). With the idiocy of the attacks from these threads on Atheists, I'm going to insist on being a stickler for accurate definitions and the only operative definition of an Atheist is one who LACKS A BELIEF in any god, period. Whatever the properties of the entity you have named your church after, Satan is still an entity, you are still worshiping and that isn't Atheism. That's why an Atheist Church is oxymoronic, the Unitarians will welcome these guys with open arms(a religious sect of Christianity where belief is optional and most don't). I can just see the first meeting "Hi, I don't believe in god", "Hi, me neither, see you next week." It's like non-stamp collectors having a hobby club.
Ted Haggard isn't invited.Wait till Satan shows up, with some skanitly clad women, some cocaine, and a goat! Mark my words! You'll see!
That's not what the definition of atheism is. Atheism is just the lack of belief in deity. Religion, spiritualism, and occultism are whole different ballgames--none of which necessarily require theism. Religion and theism are separate phenomena; they happen to intersect often, but this isn't a necessary and contingent facet of either. There are non-theistic religions (certain forms of Buddhism, Jainism, certain kinds of Western Occultism), and there are irreligious forms of theism (deism, pantheism).If there is a "complex system of beliefs" they are by definition not Atheists(with a capital A). All that makes an Atheist is the COMPLETE LACK of "a complex system of beliefs".
That's what you're not getting. Satanists do not literally believe Satan to be real, nor do they worship Satan. They use the figure, the icon of Satan as a tool for their own purposes.but if your are worshiping Satan, you are not an Atheist
They use the figure, the icon of Satan as a tool for their own purposes.
That's not what the definition of atheism is. Atheism is just the lack of belief in deity
And you would be wrong. Atheism as a thing in-itself is limited in scope to the question of whether or not a god or gods exist(s). It is not a general 'lack of belief', it is specifically the lack of belief in deity. As a philosophical or theological position, that is all it concerns. Individual atheists can attach to themselves all kinds of other beliefs and opinions. An atheist can describe themselves as an atheist regardless of any other beliefs or religious affiliations they might have, because that's what their position is. This really isn't that difficult to understand. Regardless of the source of their other beliefs, their theological position is still non-theistic; ergo, they are atheists.And my point was that the lack of belief is ALL an Atheist is...So if you have a "complex system of beliefs", you can not be described as an Atheist, you may be an Atheist, but the "complex system of beliefs" does not arise from Atheism, it comes from a different source
And you would be wrong. Atheism as a thing in-itself is limited in scope to the question of whether or not a god or gods exist(s). It is not a general 'lack of belief', it is specifically the lack of belief in deity. As a philosophical or theological position, that is all it concerns. Individual atheists can attach to themselves all kinds of other beliefs and opinions. An atheist can describe themselves as an atheist regardless of any other beliefs or religious affiliations they might have, because that's what their position is. This really isn't that difficult to understand. Regardless of the source of their other beliefs, their theological position is still non-theistic; ergo, they are atheists.
Certain forms of Buddhism, yes. The core teaching of Buddhism flat-out don't take position on the subject, leaving it to the individual. We can see a considerable variety of ideas on the matter. Early Buddhism was still largely framed in that North Indian context, and recognisably Hindu deities are mentioned in its early texts. Though on the whole it viewed deities as irrelevant to the Eightfold Path. You can believe in them, sure, but it doesn't matter in the end since the goal is to break the cycle of reincarnation.Exactly. Buddhists could be called atheists, really.
And you would be wrong. Atheism as a thing in-itself is limited in scope to the question of whether or not a god or gods exist(s). It is not a general 'lack of belief', it is specifically the lack of belief in deity.