An example of an inquisitive mind.
In the double slit experiment how can the particle manifest when its wave function is in interference with itself?
After all, only 1 particle becomes expressed on the plate, what happened to the other?
Is the particle that does manifest of less energy or mass than the original photon?
Is it possible for a particle to retain all its potential energy while dispersed in a self-interfering wave function?
One would expect a
harmonic wave function for the particle to become fully explicated on impact and wave collapse, no?
Such a scenario is presented by Bohm in his development of the "Pilot Wave" model, where a particle is always a particle embedded in a larger field wave function. It is that larger wave "guiding" the photon which enters both slits but the particle enters only one of the slits carried by that part of the Pilot Wave function and just as in the other scenario,
interfering with the other part of the Pilot Wave which entered the other slit and resulting in exactly the same interference pattern as in the original test. Result exactly as in the standard DS test, and in agreement with all other probability theories except the Copenhagen Interpretation.
The enormous implication is that if there is no real particle/wave duality but merely the exact and measurable position of the photon as a physical particle at all times, every theory based on the inherently conflicted duality theory can be replaced by very simple mathematics. Occam's Razor.