Asteroids coming our way

4Ld is close for a civilisation ender
would not wipe ALL humans out
but would wipe out a good 7 to 8 billion with little trouble over a year as everyone died of starvation
would be very violent & terrible as humans wiped themselves out in a war for food & water
civilisation ender

several scientists have said publicly that roughly speaking a 1 kilometer wide asteroid at average speed would create global nuclear winter
which in turn would wipe out billions in food shortages and weather conditions.

depending on where it landed it would have different effects
landing on land it would send out massive amounts of flaming rock over many kilometers where it would start massive wild fires

on sea it would create significant tsunamis which would simply wipe many citys off the map, including the fact most human civilization concentrates around waters edge.

what has occurred to me is the random chance of a 1LD object which strikes the moon could bounce pieces off at earth
that would be difficult to track
i expect none of the majority of wold leaders would release the information & they would run for their bunkers & watch it unfold on TV.

when in reality
do-able right now
is a global joint missile & satellite defense system combining china usa russia & private contractors to have a multi pronged defensive layering system on alert.

the people who make all those decisions think they will be safe in their bunkers so they dont care about anyone else.
they have no personal imperative to create the response to protect other peoples lives like they would their own.
This is how far away the asteroid is approx. to-scale with Earth and Moon. One pixel is approx. 1000 miles. (I've line-wrapped it but its really one long line.)

o--------- --------- --------- --------- .
Earth--------- --------- --------- -Moon

--------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- --------- --------- ---------.
-------- --------- --------- -------Flyby
This is how far away the asteroid is approx. to-scale with Earth and Moon. One pixel is approx. 1000 miles. (I've line-wrapped it but its really one long line.)

o--------- --------- --------- --------- .
Earth--------- --------- --------- -Moon

--------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- --------- --------- ---------.
-------- --------- --------- -------Flyby
My question about 2 Kilometres being a close call was in regard to how much Earth gravity would have on the asteroid at such distance?
That is ignoring all the permutations inherent within the rest of the planets in the solar system
Would any effect (can it be calculated) result in the asteroid having a nearer of further flyby in the future?
How far in the future?
2 million kilometres is a close call???
That's only about 5 times as far away as the Moon. Peanuts to space.

My question about 2 Kilometres being a close call was in regard to how much Earth gravity would have on the asteroid at such distance?
Is has an effect at all distances, but the force decreases as the inverse square of the distance (as per Newton's law of gravity).

Would any effect (can it be calculated) result in the asteroid having a nearer of further flyby in the future?
It can be calculated. No doubt whichever organisation(s) are in charge of tracking near-Earth have calculated it. The effect could be either: nearer or further next time around.

How far in the future?
It depends on the details of the orbit.
Is has an effect at all distances, but the force decreases as the inverse square of the distance (as per Newton's law of gravity).
I know that. But at its current distance will Earth gravity move it 2 cm or 2 km?

I know that. But at its current distance will Earth gravity move it 2 cm or 2 km?
It's more a matter of by what angle the orbit is diverted from the path it would have followed if the Earth hadn't been nearby. Orbital perturbations can be very small, but still add up to huge effects going into the future. A tiny push now might mean the difference between a near-miss and a collision with Earth a few hundred years down the track.
I know that. But at its current distance will Earth gravity move it 2 cm or 2 km?
It's more a matter of by what angle the orbit is diverted from the path it would have followed if the Earth hadn't been nearby. Orbital perturbations can be very small, but still add up to huge effects going into the future. A tiny push now might mean the difference between a near-miss and a collision with Earth a few hundred years down the track.
And note (Michael) that there's no reason to assume that the subsequent flyby is closer or a bigger danger, as opposed to a farther, smaller danger.
The possible future paths that are less hazardous far exceed the possible future paths that are more hazardous.
Expanded to add some items of interest which were crashed by Earth Minions on to the Moon surface

I think that humans deserve to be wiped out by something eventually. Also the sooner it happens the better.

Because lets face it: Humans are a shitty species and we love to make life miserable for one another and we are also extremely greedy and many humans also take great joy in seeing another human suffer hardships and misery in life so we deserve what's coming to us eventually.

Humans have lost their innocence a long time ago so we deserve to be wiped out eventually.
I think that humans deserve to be wiped out by something eventually. Also the sooner it happens the better.
Obligatory sh*tpost by pluto2 about how the entire human race is evil and should die:


Humans are a shitty species and we love to make life miserable for one another and we are also extremely greedy and many humans also take great joy in seeing another human suffer hardships and misery in life so we deserve what's coming to us eventually.
You are assuming all people are like you. They're not.