Aren't you scared?

Beer w/Straw

Transcendental Ignorance!
Valued Senior Member
All Hallow's Eve is coming.

Wouldn't atheists be scared of being haunted, and or, killed by the supernatural if God isn't there to protect them?

Is it possible some suicides are atheists that are driven mad by ghosts?

Could an atheist get excorcised if need be?

Wouldn't atheists be scared of being haunted, and or, killed by the supernatural if God isn't there to protect them?

As if the "supernatural" is somehow separate from God, or as if there really are forces in this universe that oppose God.

Is it possible some suicides are atheists that are driven mad by ghosts?

Could an atheist get excorcised if need be?

Yes and yes.
i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .i am not scared .
I'm prepaired for them....

Hunters are shown to possess a large amount of weaponry, as they need to be enough practical so they can easily adapt to the different situations they may face and the creatures they may encounter. Depending on the enemy, they use weapons and other items that weaken and kill them. All supernatural hunters have a common list of equipment that is useful in most of the cases they are in, such as:

■Handguns, long guns - One of the most useful weapons supernatural hunters have. By modifying their bullets, they can use them against many creatures (e.g. Silver bullets can be used against skinwalkers and werewolves, while shotgun cartridges can be loaded with salt.) They also can be used without any modification if only greater fire-power is needed, as when facing and destroying zombies). Includes rifles, shotguns and revolvers. Hunters may require snipers when dealing with monsters too dangerous to confront in short-range combat.
■Knives - As close range weapons, they can be useful when there is no possibility to use a gun, or use them to decapitate vampires for example. They can also use other cutting weapons, like axes, machetes and even swords.
■Salt - Supernatural Hunter have considerable amounts of salt, as it can be used for protection against demons, ghosts, hellhounds, etc, as most of them cannot pass a line made of salt. However, it can be also used to attack if shotgun shells are loaded with it.
■Silver - This works very well against werewolves and skinwalkers, so it is practical to have weapons (ike knives, for example) and bullets made of silver.
■Iron - Uses to harms ghosts, demons, and other supernatural entities.
■Holy water - It can be used against demons, as it is very harming and painful for them.
■Other - Other handful equipment includes tasers, lighters, oils, lanterns, binoculars, syringes, etc., that can be used anytime (e.g. oil and lighters can be used to burn corpses and bones, while syringes can be used to inject vampires with dead man's blood).
■Supernatural weaponry - This includes any conventional weapon that is often empowered with some supernatural affect. Also they are often are to find maybe even one of a kind, such as Ruby's demon-killing knife, or The Colt.
■Magic - This includes summoning spells for ghosts, demons and several other supernatural entities. However those like Sam and Dean despite on occasion, uses magic they don't consider themselves witches or any other kind of legitimate magic user.
■Seals and Sigils - These comprise a vital part of their defensive arsenal. It could range greatly in size, from Devil's Traps or Solomon Keys in the ceiling, to smaller ones like tattoos. They could be used on entire houses, or on cars, and even on boxes to contain cursed objects.
■Hexbags and Charms - Works similarly to seals and sigils. These are items imbued with defensive or concealing magic.
Highly resourceful, they frequently need improvised weapons and explosive devices; as they demonstrate knowledge in chemistry by constructing Molotov cocktails and improvised explosive devices, or in electronics and reverse engineering, just like creating an electromagnetic field detector from an old Wickerman.
I think you can be driven mad by the supernatural as op states, but people of strong enough mind cope with it.

I would not worry about halloween, we do not live in british isles of 2000 years ago, when people would of been scared of what the druids may of done to them. Back then trick or treat meant something. People do not understand 2000 years ago, that stuff was very serious, and the druids ruled britain probably with alot of fear over the masses.

All that stuff was based on truths and humans would of done horrendous things back then at this time.

The ptb do know what stonehenge was for, but they do not tell us.
But ghosts are real.

I just proved it!

What makes me laugh is that the american election is always just after halloween, and the amount of dead people whom vote is amazing in a first world election. How in a first world country, so many non voters(people that have died) can be in a system is bizarre. How is that fraud always so high in the american election?

I always found that funny, halloween i would suspect is usa's most treasured holiday.
What makes me laugh is that the american election is always just after halloween, and the amount of dead people whom vote is amazing in a first world election. How in a first world country, so many non voters(people that have died) can be in a system is bizarre. How is that fraud always so high in the american election?.

It's not. The US has one of the lowest instances of voter fraud in the world. Between 2002 and 2007, for example, approximately 300 million votes were cast in federal elections. Only 86 people were found to be voting fraudulently. That's .000026%.
Stop talking about the U.S. on whatever.

The whole world over ghosts are going to kill atheists because God can't protect them!
The whole world over ghosts are going to kill atheists because God can't protect them!
M*W: If something doesn't exist, then it can't scare you or kill you. All religions are man-made as are all gods. They are just fig newtons of the imagination. Atheists don't waste their time, or their minds, on such nonsense.

Name one atheist that was killed by a ghost. Scientific documentation, please.
Name one atheist that was killed by a ghost. Scientific documentation, please.

It hasn't been documented. No one had an inkling until now. It took my genius to figure it out and times wasting. I must spread the word and you all must do your part too. God would want it that way.

For humanity -spread the word!
Wouldn't atheists be scared of being haunted, and or, killed by the supernatural if God isn't there to protect them?
If they believe in ghosts, sure. There's nothing that necessarily implies that atheism is incompatible with belief in the supernatural. Atheism is merely the lack of a belief in deity.
And I would figure that spectres and spirits are things to be worried about pissing off. I'm polytheistic, and it's something that I try to keep myself aware of. I don't believe that the gods are unilaterally or unconditionally inclined to help and protect us.
Even the werewolf is from evil origins:

Stubbe was put on a torture wheel where he confessed sixteen murders including two pregnant women and thirteen children. The history behind his downfall was rather bizarre. He had started to practice sorcery when he was only 12 and was so obsessed with it that even tried to make a pact with the Devil. Wearing a magic girdle he started to attack his enemies, real or imaginary. After several months, he would take the guise of a wolf and continued with his evil acts with more brutality. In the wolf form he used to tear up victims’ throats and suck warm blood from veins. Gradually his thirst for blood grew and he roamed around fields in search of prey.

He must have contacted the devil!

And this site is totally scientific.