I have to research it some more.
You ignore the OP and the topic of the thread and now you claim that you don't really know what the thread was about so you just decided to change the topic, repeatedly?
My initial guess is that the current police force is incompetent, untrustworthy or both.
Not only do you show your lack of reading and comprehension, you also show a clear unwillingness to even read the article linked in the OP.
The reason the Republicans want to use the militia for "security" is because their rally was cancelled due to the possibility of unrest. The rally was cancelled after their last rally saw the right wing murderer who stabbed 3 people, killing 2, for defending two Muslim women he was abusing, attend their rallies, and made himself known and seen espousing their right wing ideology. This was linked in my earlier post.
As for competency, one of the militia groups being touted by the Republican Party to guard their rallies.. These are the same type of people who rushed to protect a gun store that refused to allow any Muslim Americans into their store. One of these so called militia members accidentally shot himself with his own weapon, while standing guard outside the store. So yeah, these are the types of people the Republicans want to use as "security" while they hold protests about their bigoted ideology? What could possibly go wrong?
The issue of competency aside, these kinds of actions have been seen before, historically. Here is what the head of the GOP in Portland had to say about his protest marches and rally's and why he wants to hire white supremacists to guard
these Republican gatherings:
“If we don’t tell our fellow citizens that there are these dark forces in the government, like the CIA and the shadow government, who are trying to take Trump down with lies, who is going to tell them?”
Spencer Sunshine, an associate researcher at Political Research Associates who last year co-authored a major report on the growth of the far-right Patriot Movement in Oregon, said: “The Oath Keepers have been acting as a de facto security team for white supremacists and neo-Nazis for the last month or two.
As I tried to explain (and perhaps I failed to), a law enforcement agency has been compromised when it chooses to operate outside of federal laws that were already on the books before the election. We elected people in the government to take care of the laws (and some of them are pretty bad).
Off topic, again.
You have zero evidence that the law enforcement agencies have been compromised.
Yes, and likewise the same people voted for their representatives to do the job of fixing the law. I find it unacceptable when one department usurps the authority of another vested in them by the voting public. Does that bother you? Maybe not.
Can you please explain and provide links about which laws are "broken", needing to be fixed?
Can you please explain and provide links, explaining how these laws are somehow connected to the GOP in Portland threatening to use right wing militia to protect their rally's?
Well I am trying to stay on subject but we have a few issues to clear up:
You have yet to actually address the actual subject matter of the thread. Aside from hand-waving and a pithy comment about police incompetence with no proof whatsoever, you don't even know what the thread is about. So I need to ask, what in the hell are you doing participating in a thread you a) do not understand; b) have no inclination of understanding; c) have no desire to actually discuss?
1) Where do you find unbiased input?
2) When we look at the same input (such as a video), how different is our perception of it? I apologize that I can't find a video without bias on the subject matter. I don't see anyone else trying. Hence all we can offer is our opinions. This is not good. Do you have a better suggestion?
Again, what the hell does this have to do with the thread?
I don't see the possibility of a two-sided conversation unless the previous issues are addressed in some fashion. If you just want to pat each other on the back, then I should leave. I don't think that was the intent of this forum. I might just leave anyway, and leave you feeling safe and protected. I'm o.k. with that and you're o.k. with that. We both win.
The only issues you seem intent on discussing are the ones you introduced. And there is more than one. You have refused to actually stay on topic and you have attempted to force this thread off topic repeatedly, despite repeated attempts to get you to stay on topic.
I'll be blunt, your personal issues will not be address in this thread and if you wish to discuss everything from Hillary, Obama and your furniture, alleged police incompetence in guarding rally's, media bias and all the rest of the ridiculous subjects you have tried to introduce into this thread, then start a different thread and stop forcing this one to go off topic and then trolling it when you don't get what you want.
It sounds risky. They better know what they are doing, and respect the rights of individuals at the same time. Security guards are kind of a joke, and police officers have a bad public relations problem with the african american community. Take the Charlotte riots for example. I come from there and I know the place well. A black police officer shot a black suspect with an illegal handgun, and the police chief is black. BLM came in and started a riot, and bullied white people. A black bystander shot and killed a black protester. Now as a reality check -- let's hear your version of the Keith Scott shooting, to make sure we're on the same page.
What does Keith Scott have to do with this thread?
Tell me, how well will white supremacist militia groups work with the African American community, for example? How well do you think these rally's will go, when the last rally they held saw one member leave said rally and murder two people because they dared to stand up for two young women the right wing murderer was abusing? You think it sounds "risky"?
If that is indeed the unbiased account of events, then I am indeed opposed to it. I usually start with Facebook because every fringe niche of humanity is in there and I'll get a taste of all views.
Facebook is your go to for information?
You'd be better off going outside, beating drums to spread the news.
So I put Trump and oath keepers in the search bar, but only find one entry which obviously favors oathkeepers. If you can look beyond that, you'll find a complete list of what they want to do. Some of it is pretty appalling IMHO, but it is the best list of 50 oathkeeper proposals I've seen. Now my question is this: Why haven't any liberals voiced their concern over it on Facebook? [snip]
Firstly, Facebook is the absolute worst place to go for any form of information.
Nothing you will read on these Facebook pages will give you an unbiased account or unbiased information. Facebook has had an issue for years, of literally false stories being posted as "news". And the websites for these organisations are not going to give you unbiased information.
Secondly, no I will not be clicking on that link you provided. Issues of legality and whatnot. Reading information on unbiased news sites, legal sites and studies is one thing. Accessing their Facebook pages is another thing altogether.
Thirdly, do candidates have a right to free speech? Yes. But free speech ends when it is used to incite violence. You can read up on a famous case in your country, which addresses this directly..
Brandenburg v. Ohio,
395U.S.444 (1969)..
Shouting down a speaker or making loud noises as they speak is not illegal. Inciting violence, is illegal, and when said words then lead to people dying, then I should not have to state the obvious, should I?
Wait a minute, you just made a paradigm shift in the intended question. This only apples to republican events you say.
This thread is about the GOP and their threats to militarise their events.
It's even in the title. Did you not even bother reading the title of this thread?
Now that demands a different response, like what happened in Chicago. The police officers just stood by and let gangsters shut down the Trump rally. I believe a candidate should have the right to speak. The riot was so bad that ambulances couldn't even get through. I'll show a video. The police were worthless. See for yourself, and recall there is someone in that ambulance that needs to see a doctor:
It demands a response that you address the actual thread and the thread topic and subject matter.
And no, that is not what actually happened at that Trump rally.